Viajes Papúa Nueva Guinea

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venga, no llores: "El Rey de las Monas"
10 Jun 2016
Socio, no vayas ni loco: Port Moresby lleva 10 años en el top 5 de ciudades más peligrosas del mundo, en los poblados ( y el extrarradio de la capital) se sigue practicando el canibalismo y en cuanto se enteren de que hay un europeo viviendo solo en una casa aparta de cualquier sitio bucólico van a robarle , cortarle el cuello, follarse el cadáver y pegarle fuego a la casa.
Me suena muy exagerado eso que dices. He leído bastante sobre aquello y quiero ir sí o sí, no te preocupes por mí que sabré moverme, no iría en ese plan de vivir allí ni a ver tribus apartadas. Tengo un buen consejero que conoce el terreno. Luego hay heraldos del LOL que comparten sus experiencias de gran jolgorio como este, échale un ojo:
Entre muchos otros lugares recónditos, ya debí comentar que tengo pendiente pasar una temporada perdido en Papúa Nueva Guinea. El tiempo de viajar sin parar no pude ir porque desde mi campamento base en Madrid se pierden dos días en llegar y otros dos en regresar, pero cuando se normalice todo y pueda hacer una escapada de al menos un mes seguro que me da el avenate y pago encantado los 1000 troskis que rondarán los vuelos. Comparto alguna de las bizarradas leídas de algún que otro loco viajero que se aventuró hasta allí:

Spent a few years there and loved the place. It's a fascinating country, one of the last frontiers so to speak and with lots of potential. It's beautiful, remote and wild. Very nice people, fascinating culture, and incredibly hospitable when they are not hacking away at their neighbors with those ubiquitous machetes :down:

It's just a pity PNG is not an easy country to travel around. Poor infrastructure, a bit dangerous in parts, not set up for tourism really at all which is a real, real pity. With a some effort it can be very rewarding all round eg some of the best diving in the world, much of it untouched.

Many of the girls are slim, busty and have that walking lilt which really turns you on (think of black African girls). If you take more than one girl be aware of the jealousy factor and make sure the girls know each other well. Without being derogatory they are faily straight forward and easily pleased... They fuck like crazy, too.

...reminds me of the time I shagged a seventeen year old mixed beauty in the womens' toilets. And we got caught! her mother, also a beauty who had wanted me to shag her in the hibiscus bushes outside earlier on :lol::lol::lol: I had had an ongoing liason with the mother. She was uncontrollably irate almost bringing the whole club to a standstill. Her husband, an Aussie ex-kiap, arrived about 10 minutes later and heard nothing of the affair. Never-the-less I hightailed it out of there pretty fast.
Oh dear....the moral bankruptcy of those days.

Found a delicious 30 year old Papuan, slim with gorgeous attributes. Feeling greedy I told her I needed to take 3 girls with me, especially one or two much younger. She obliged with her 20 year old just as gorgeous niece :shock: and her niece supplied a non-Papuan much darker skinned friend. All it cost was a few 20 kina notes for the security guys and some clothing shopping for the girls (along with a few other things like restaurant meals etc), suitably sexy for a holiday trip.

The girls were excellent throughout and had no inhibitions about a threesome, even if they were aunty and niece.

In fact, as I guessed it might, jealousy was quickly becoming an important issue. The girls started physically fighting on the plane trip to Wewak (aunty and niece against the Manus girl). The police were waiting at the other end and after smoothing things over I knew I had to (sadly, as she was indeed a very sweet, willing, sexy innocent fuck) send the Manus girl back. All very comical.

I tended to favour the niece a bit in my attentions. Occasionally she would whisper in my ear 'aunty wants a fuck' or 'aunty wants some doggy' etc reminding me of my duties and obligations :121::121::121:

After returning to Port Moresby, I was keen to make contact with the Manus girl as I had found that something about her really turned me on (hence the jealousy I suppose) her pointy tits and big hard nipples, shiny dark soft skin, shape of hips, the way she walked with gorgeous butt, tight pussy etc. I managed to find her and she turned up the second day with a friend. I bought them the sexiest bikinis I could find and went spent a couple of days on Ella Beach, the most popular beach in Moresby. Lots of fun was had frolicing in the water, bikinis falling off, lying sandwich under a towel etc. Local expats on the beach (mums with kids etc) gave very disapproving looks and eventually one expat male came and suggested our behaviour was entirley inappropriate for a family venue The girls knew of a semi deserted beach out of town, so we went there, and later frolicked in streams and waterfalls up the mountains. Much fun was had by all.

One rich girl wanted me to go out and quickly shag her in her chauffeur driven Mercedes. Needless to say my protectors jealously guarded me from all contenders

I once got talking to a local expat plantation owner in a bar at a hotel in Kaweng (a very small town on New Ireland) , and told him what I wanted. Next morning we drove in a 4x4 on a seemingly deserted coastal road for about half an hour. Just a small Bush hut village here and there. We stopped in the middle of nowhere and he whistled into some bushes on the roadside. Soon a couple of young girls appeared just wearing bikini loin cloths and nothing else. :pringui::121turbo::121turbo::121turbo::121turbo::121turbo:
That was the start of a wonderful few days, needless to say.

Oh and, almost forgot, visiting offshore islands and villages can be a rewarding experience, another lifestyle again. But beware of piracy on the high seas. Most villagers travel to and from the mainland and other islands in their own banana style boats. However, whole families have disappeared entirely along with their boats, or boatloads of 16 or so people, especially after dark. Understandably a lot of villagers are sometimes scared shitless. So make sure the islands you go to are a well worn track, or their is some sort of defensive capacity on the boat.

PNG is not a cheap or easy place to travel around, but the girls certainly don't ask for much, just some attention and a few basics of life, and they will respond magnificently. Including your most outrageous fantasies:115:
@hitsfromthebong ¿cómo llevas el inglés? Si hace falta se traduce en exclusiva para ti.

Cuéntate más y mejor, quién te ha hablado de eso o dónde lo has leído. Si son las típicas noticias de medios random sobre canibalismo, es algo muy aislado que podría ocurrir en muchos otros sitios, el acabar descuajaringao.
Última edición:
Otro heraldo desde Papúa:
Un libro que acabo de empezar, gracias a una casual referencia que me hizo @LeChuck sobre el autor en otro hilo: "El turista desnudo", de un tal Lawrence Osborne. Una especie de sinopsis sacada de internet podría ser esta:

"Osborne se plantea un objetivo: localizar el lugar más inaccesible de la tierra, allí donde los turoperadores no tienen oficinas de atención al cliente, y llegar a la vieja usanza, es decir, dándose tiempo y teniendo toda clase de sorpresas por el camino. Ese destino es Papúa, y su viaje, como uno se puede imaginar, fue un delirio."

Muy identificado, por mi afán en escapar de la civilización al viajar "huyendo de donde pisa el hermano blanco", como alguno apuntó aquí, y por el destino final de Papúa, como recién referí. El comienzo engancha. A ver si lo acabo:

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@Kramer, yo tengo unos amigos que son kikos y se fueron en plan misionero allí, vivieron dos o tres años. Le puedo preguntar.

Lo que sí es cierto es que hay determinadas partes donde no les dejaban ir por aquello del canibalismo hoy en día.
@Kramer, yo tengo unos amigos que son kikos y se fueron en plan misionero allí, vivieron dos o tres años. Le puedo preguntar.

Lo que sí es cierto es que hay determinadas partes donde no les dejaban ir por aquello del canibalismo hoy en día.

¿Te han respondido?
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