Cocina La dieta del metabolismo acelerado


25 Mar 2007

Se lee mejor en el enlace, pero lo copio en SPOILER por si luego se pierde. Está en inglés, eso sí. Es una dieta que propone romperle la cintura al metabolismo lento, para ello se divide en tres fases cada semana, con un mínimo de 4 semanas para la dieta, los dos primeros días se centra en los carbohidratos con proteína moderada y evita la grasa, los dos siguientes es carne y verdura y cero grasa, y los tres últimos se centra en grasas saludables como el aguacate, aceite de oliva, salmón, frutos secos etc. Con proteínas moderadas y reducción de carbohidratos.

El esquema es 3 comidas con 2 refrigerios intercalados, comer al menos cada 3 o 4 horas, beber mucho(un tercio de tu peso en decilitros, solo agua), desayunar siempre en la primera media hora al despertarse, hacer al menos un día de cardio en la primera fase, al menos un día de pesas en la segunda y al menos un dia de yoga o masaje o ejercicios de respiración en la tercera. Comida preferentemente orgánica y carne sin nitratos.

Los alimentos prohibidos son el maíz, los lácteos, el trigo(excepto el germinado), la soja, el alcohol, azúcar, cafeína, zumos o frutas desecadas, edulcorantes artificiales y alimentos dietéticos.

Esta es la página de la autora de la dieta, hay vídeos y se puede n hacer consultas telefónicas pagando.


Many people follow low-calorie diets, which make your body move to starvation mode and stubbornly hold on to weight. This diet claims to kick you out of that habit. In all the phases, you’re avoiding foods that cause irritation or inflammation in the GI tract and can slow your bowels and create insulin resistance. Phase 1, Unwind, gently persuades your metabolism that it is no longer in an emergency situation – it’s okay to actually digest the food you are eating rather than storing it. Fat and protein are harder to digest than carbohydrates like grains and fruit, so by keeping these low, the body is soothed and encouraged. Phase 2, Unlock, allows for the mobilization of stored energy in the form of fat, so that you can burn it as fuel. Phase 3, Unleash, is when you start burning the fat you unlocked in Phase 2, as well as the fat you’re eating

The Fast Metabolism Diet diet plan – food list

The initial diet takes 28 days / 4 weeks. Every week, you follow 3 phases, and there are general guidelines on portion sizes and foods to avoid in all phases, as well as phase-specific guidelines

Phase 1 – days 1 and 2 of each week. Portion sizes, what to eat, and foods to avoid
Phase 2 – days 3 and 4 of each week. Portion sizes, what to eat, and foods to avoid
Phase 3 – days 5, 6, and 7 of each week. Portion sizes, what to eat, and foods to avoid
There are guidelines for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets, and for a lifetime maintenance diet.

Fast Metabolism Diet all phases – general rules

The author recommends starting on a Monday so you are in phase 3 for the weekend, when the food choices are a little more liberal. Other start days may work better for you depending on your schedule. The foods listed here as foods to eat on each phase are taken from the diet book and the iPhone app.

Portion size – overall guidelines
If you have a lot of weight to lose, it’s going to take more food (not less) to keep your metabolism roaring
First determine your goal weight
In the original printings of the book, the portion guideline was “For every additional 20 pounds you want to lose, add half a portion” (p.104). That meant that if you wanted to lose 41-60 pounds you should double the portions, and if you wanted to lose 61-80 pounds you should have 2½ x the portions – if you had a lot of weight that would mean that you would have to eat an incredible amount of food. In the latest printings, that advice changed, so if you have higher amounts of weight to lose you don’t have to eat so much. Note that the edition of the book didn’t change – it’s still first edition, but now has different advice.
How to adjust portion sizes for different levels of weight loss:

Up to 20 pounds to lose – basic portion size x 1 (see below for portion sizes for each phase)
21-40 pounds to lose – basic portion x 1½
41 or more pounds to lose – basic portion x 1½, veggies portion x2 (note that salad greens and veggies are unlimited; at a minimum double the suggested portion)
As you lose weight, lower the portion sizes to match the current amount of weight you still want to lose. E.g. if you’ve got 45 pounds to lose, use the basic portion x 1½ and the veggies portion x2 until you get to 40 pounds over your target weight, then drop to the basic portion x 1½ until you’re 20 pounds over your target weight, at which point you drop to the basic portion size. See each phase (below) for phase-specific portion sizes. For example – in phase 1 the basic portion size for grains is 1 cup. That’s for if you’ve got 20 pounds or less to lose. If you’ve got more than 20 pounds to lose, have 1½ cups.

Fast Metabolism Diet foods to avoid for all phases
Avoid wheat and foods containing it – e.g. bread, crackers, rolls, cereals, cakes, cookies, etc.
Wheat in a sprouted form is the exception
Avoid corn in all forms – e.g. corn tortillas, corn chips, corn cereals, cornstarch, grits, hominy, polenta, sweet corn, popcorn, processed foods containing corn, etc.
Avoid dairy in all forms – e.g. milk, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, yogurt, Greek yogurt, whey
The worst form of dairy is fat-free, which aggressively slows fat metabolism
Avoid soy in all forms – e.g. tofu, miso, tempeh, meat substitutes, processed foods containing soy, etc.
Two exceptions: tamari and Bragg Liquid Aminos
Refined sugar
Avoid all types of refined sugar
Just 2 teaspoons of refined sugar can inhibit your weight loss for 3-4 days
Avoid caffeine, including decaffeinated coffee
If you absolutely cannot see giving up coffee right now, your best bet is organic decaffeinated coffee – just note that this stresses your adrenals
Avoid alcohol
Dried fruit and fruit juices
Avoid dried fruit
Avoid fruit juices
Artificial sweeteners
Avoid artificial sweeteners
If you must use a sweetener, use natural ones like Truvia, Stevia, or Xylitol
Fat-free “diet” foods
If it’s fake, take a break
Avoid foods that say “Diet Something” or “Zero-Calorie Something” or “Fat-Free Something.” No frozen diet dinners, no packaged junk food, no prepackaged 100-calorie snacks
Possible restriction – animal proteins fed on corn and soy
It’s not stated in the book, but there are some hints on the website that it may be better to avoid farmed meats and fish, which could be fed corn and soy
Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1 food list – Unwind stress and calm the adrenals

This is a high-glycemic, moderate-protein, low-fat phase. High in carbohydrate-rich foods, high in natural sugars, high in B and C vitamins

Portion sizes | What to eat | Foods to avoid

Portion sizes in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1
These are the portion sizes for losing 20 pounds or less. For every additional 20 pounds you want to lose, add a half portion. See “Portion Size – Overall Guidelines” for multipliers if you have more to lose.

Vegetables – unlimited phase-appropriate veggies
Protein – 4 ounces of meat, 6 ounces of fish, or ½ cup cooked legumes in all phases
Eggs – 3 egg whites
Grains – 1 cup cooked grains, or 1 ounce (about 28-30 grams) or about ¼ cup of crackers or pretzels. Portion size isn’t listed in the book for sprouted grain products for this phase, but the phase 1 recipes show 1 slice sprouted-grain bread or 1 sprouted-grain tortilla per serving
Fruit – 1 piece or 1 cup of phase-appropriate fruit
Fat – none added to food or cooking
These portions are per meal (where listed for a meal), not for the whole day
Foods to eat in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1
Eat 3 carb-rich, moderate-protein, low-fat meals, and 2 fruit snacks. Eat 5 times a day, every 3-4 hours
Make sure you eat enough complex carbohydrates each day
Breakfast: grain and fruit – within 30 minutes of waking
Snack: fruit – 3 hours later
Lunch: grain, protein, fruit, vegetable – 3 hours later
Snack: fruit
Dinner: grain, protein, vegetable
Choose organic where possible
Vegetables and salad greens
Fresh, canned, or frozen
Arrowroot, arugula, bamboo shoots, beans (green beans, yellow beans, wax beans, french beans, haricots vert, string beans), bean sprouts, beets (fresh okay, canned/jarred check for sugar), beet greens, broccoli florets, butternut squash, cabbage (all types), carrots, celery (including tops), chicory, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic scapes, green chiles, green onions/scallions, jicama, kale, leeks, lettuce (any except iceberg, so you can eat e.g. bibb lettuce, frisée, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce), mixed greens, mushrooms (all types), onions (all types – e.g. red onions, white onions, yellow onions, vidalia onions), parsnips, peas (green peas, snap peas, snowpeas), peppers (all kinds – e.g. anaheim peppers, banana peppers, bell peppers, cherry peppers, chipotle peppers, habanero peppers, Italian peppers, jalapeno peppers, pepperoncini, poblano peppers), pumpkin, radishes, rutabaga, spinach, spirulina, sprouts, sweet potatoes/yams, tomatoes (including cherry tomatoes, plum tomatoes, roma tomatoes and canned tomatoes), turnips, winter squash (all types), yellow squash, zucchini/summer squash
Fresh or frozen
Apples, apricots, asian pears, berries (blackberries, blueberries, mulberries, raspberries), cantaloupe, cherries/black cherries, figs, grapefruit, guava, honeydew melon, kiwis, kumquats, lemons, limes, loganberries, mangos, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapples, pomegranates, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon
Animal protein
Lean meat: beef (beef filet, lean ground beef, beef strip steak), buffalo meat (ground), pork (tenderloin)
Lean poultry: chicken (skinless, boneless white meat chicken breast), game (partridge, pheasant), guinea fowl, turkey (breast meat, lean ground turkey, smoked turkey)
Processed meats: corned beef, deli meats (nitrate-free: turkey, chicken, roast beef), sausages (nitrate-free: turkey, chicken), turkey bacon (nitrate-free)
Lean fish: haddock (fillet), halibut (fillet, steak), pollock (fillet), sardines (packed in water), sole (fillet), tuna (solid white, packed in water)
Eggs – white only
Vegetable protein / legumes
Beans (dried or canned: adzuki, black beans, butter beans, fava beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, lima beans, navy beans, pinto beans, white beans), black-eyed peas, chickpeas/garbanzo beans, fava beans (fresh or canned), lentils/chana dal
Broth, herbs, spices, and condiments
Arrowroot, baking powder, baking soda, brewer’s yeast, broth (beef broth, chicken broth, vegetable broth; free of additives and preservatives if possible), cream of tartar, dijon mustard (sugar-free only), dill pickles (sugar-free only), horseradish (prepared), ketchup (no sugar added, no corn syrup), mustard (prepared or dry), liquid smoke, natural seasonings (Bragg Liquid Aminos, coconut amino acids, tamari), pickles (no sugar added), salsa, raw cacao powder, tamari, tomato sauce (sugar-free, corn-free only) tomato paste, vanilla extract, peppermint extract, vinegar (any type, e.g. apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, coconut vinegar, malt vinegar, red wine vinegar, white vinegar)
Herbs – fresh or dried – all types, e.g. basil, bay leaves, chives, cilantro, dill, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme
Garlic (fresh or dried), ginger (fresh or dried)
Spices and seasonings: black pepper, white pepper, caraway seeds, cardamom, celery seed, chili powder, cinnamon, chophouse seasoning, coriander, crushed red pepper flakes, cumin, curry powder, fennel, ginger, ginger paste, ketchup (sugar-free/corn syrup-free only), mustard seed, nutmeg, paprika, onion salt, sea salt, Simply Organic seasoning
Sweeteners – if you must use them
Stevia (powdered or liquid) (Truvia is listed as okay in one part of the book), xylitol (birch xylitol or hardwood only)
Grains and starch
Amaranth, barley, black barley, brown rice (rice, brown rice cereal, brown rice crackers, brown rice flour, brown rice pasta, brown rice tortillas), buckwheat, kamut (grain, bagels), millet, oats/oatmeal (steel-cut), quinoa, quinoa fusilli, spelt (grain, spelt pasta, spelt pretzels, spelt tortillas), sprouted grain (sugar-free, corn-free only – sprouted grain bagels, sprouted grain breads e.g. Ezekiel bread, sprouted grain English muffins, sprouted grain tortillas), teff, triticale, wild rice. Check they meet the guidelines above.
Nut flours
Brown rice cheese, brown rice milk, rice milk (plain)
Arrowroot, tapioca, tapioca flour
Healthy fats
None for this phase
Water. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day
Noncaffeinated herbal teas
Pero beverage
Foods to avoid or limit in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1
General foods to avoid, see above
You shouldn’t eat foods that aren’t on the list of what you can eat for this phase, above
Very sugary / very high GI fruits
Avoid high-sugar fruits like bananas and grapes
Avoid all fats, including healthy fats
Avoid avocados and olives
Avoid nuts and seeds
Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2 food list – Unlock stored fat and build muscle

This is a very high-protein, high-vegetable, low-carbohydrate, low-fat phase. High in foods that support liver function (onion family, leafy greens, lemons), high in lean proteins, rich in alkalizing green, low-glycemic vegetables, high in carnitine-producing foods

Portion sizes | What to eat | Foods to avoid

Portion sizes in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2
These are the portion sizes for losing 20 pounds or less. For every additional 20 pounds you want to lose, add a half portion. See “Portion Size – Overall Guidelines” for multipliers if you have more to lose.

Vegetables – unlimited phase-appropriate veggies
Protein – 4 ounces of meat, 6 ounces of fish, or ½ cup cooked legumes in all phases. If you are eating deli meat as a snack, one portion is 2 ounces, or about 3-4 thin slices from the deli counter.
Eggs – 3 egg whites
Grains – none
Fruit – 1 piece or 1 cup of phase-appropriate fruit
Fat – none added to food or cooking
These portions are per meal (where listed for a meal), not for the whole day
Foods to eat in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2
Eat 3 high-protein, low-carb, low-fat meals, and 2 protein snacks. Eat 5 times a day, every 3-4 hours
Make sure you eat enough lean protein and green vegetables each day
Breakfast: protein and veggie – within 30 minutes of waking
Snack: protein – 2-3 hours later
Lunch: protein, vegetable – 3 hours later
Snack: protein
Dinner: protein, vegetable
Choose organic where possible
Vegetables and salad greens
Eat a LOT of vegetables – especially low-glycemic, alkalizing vegetables like the green ones
Fresh, canned, or frozen
Arrowroot, arugula, asparagus, beans (green beans, yellow beans, wax beans, french beans, haricots vert, string beans), broccoli florets, cabbage (all types), celery (including tops), collard greens, cucumbers, endive, fennel, garlic scapes, green onions/scallions, jicama, kale, leeks, lettuce (any except iceberg – e.g. bibb lettuce, frisée, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce), mixed greens, mushrooms (all types), mustard greens, onions (all types – e.g. red onions, white onions, yellow onions, vidalia onions), peppers (any kind – e.g. anaheim peppers, banana peppers, bell peppers, cherry peppers, chipotle pepper, green chiles, habanero peppers, Italian peppers, jalapeño peppers, pepperoncini, poblano peppers), radishes, rhubarb, shallots, spinach, spirulina, swiss chard, watercress
Lemons, limes (juice and zest)
Animal protein
Lean meat: beef (all lean cuts: beef filet, beef tenderloin, beef strip, sirloin steak, shell steak, London broil, beef round steak, beef rump roast, skirt steak, beef stew meat, lean ground beef), buffalo meat (steaks, stew meat, ground buffalo), game (venison, ostrich, elk), lamb (lean cuts, ground lamb, lamb leg, lamb loin chops, lamb shank), pork (loin roast, tenderloin)
Lean poultry: chicken (skinless, boneless white meat, chicken breast), turkey (turkey breast steaks, lean ground turkey, smoked turkey), ostrich
Processed meats: corned beef, deli meats (nitrate-free: turkey, chicken, roast beef), jerky (nitrate-free: beef jerky, buffalo jerky, turkey jerky, elk jerky, ostrich jerky), turkey bacon (nitrate-free)
Lean fish: cod/scrod (fillet), dory (fillet), flounder (fillet), halibut (fillet, steak), smoked salmon (nitrate-free), sardines (packed in water), sole (fillet), tuna (packed in water)
Shellfish: oysters (packed in water)
Eggs – white only
Vegetable protein / legumes
None in this phase
Broth, herbs, spices, and condiments
Arrowroot, baking powder, baking soda, brewer’s yeast, broth (beef broth, chicken broth, vegetable broth; free of additives and preservatives if possible), cream of tartar, horseradish (prepared), liquid smoke, mustard (prepared or dry, all types), natural seasonings (Bragg Liquid Aminos, coconut amino acids, tamari), pickles (no sugar added), raw cacao powder, vanilla extract, peppermint extract, Tabasco, tamari, vinegar (any type except rice vinegar – e.g. e.g. apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, coconut vinegar, malt vinegar, red wine vinegar, white vinegar)
Herbs – fresh or dried – all types, e.g. basil, bay leaves, chives, cilantro, dill, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme
Garlic (fresh or powdered), ginger (fresh or dried)
Spices and seasonings: black and white peppers, caraway seed, cardamom, cayenne, celery seed, chili powder, chili paste, cinnamon, coriander, crushed red pepper flakes, cumin, curry powder, fennel, nutmeg, onion salt, sea salt, Simply Organic seasoning
Sweeteners – if you must use them
Stevia (powdered or liquid) (Truvia is listed as okay in one part of the book), xylitol (birch or hardwood only)
Grains and starch
None in this phase
Healthy fats
None for this phase
Water. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day
Non-caffeinated herbal teas
Pero beverage
Foods to avoid or limit in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2
General foods to avoid, see above
You shouldn’t eat foods that aren’t on the list of what you can eat for this phase, above
Vegetable protein / legumes
Starchy vegetables
These are listed in phase 1 but not in phase 2: bamboo shoots, beets, carrots, eggplant, parsnips, peas (green, snap peas, snowpeas), pumpkin, rutabaga, sprouts, sweet potatoes/yams, tomatoes, turnips, winter squash, zucchini/summer squash. Presumably potatoes are out as well
All types except lemons and limes
Broth, herbs, spices, and condiments
Ketchup, salsa, tomato paste
Avoid all fats, including healthy fats
Avoid avocados and olives
Avoid nuts and seeds
Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3 food list – Unleash the burn – hormones, heart, and heat

This is the high healthy-fat, moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, low-glycemic fruit phase. High in healthy fats, higher-fat proteins in moderate amounts, lower-glycemic fruits, lower-glycemic vegetables, moderate amounts of unrefined carbohydrates, thyroid-stimulating foods, foods rich in inositol and choline

Portion sizes | What to eat | Foods to avoid

Portion sizes in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3
These are the portion sizes for losing 20 pounds or less. For every additional 20 pounds you want to lose, add a half portion. See “Portion Size – Overall Guidelines” for multipliers if you have more to lose.

Vegetables – unlimited phase-appropriate veggies
Protein – 4 ounces of meat, 6 ounces of fish, or ½ cup cooked legumes in all phases. If you are eating deli meat as a snack, one portion is 2 ounces, or about 3-4 thin slices from the deli counter.
Eggs – 1 whole egg
Grains – ½ cup cooked grains or ½ ounce (about 15 grams) of crackers or pretzels – smaller portions than phase 1. Portion size isn’t listed in the book for sprouted grain products for this phase, but the phase 1 recipes show 1 slice sprouted-grain bread or 1 sprouted-grain tortilla per serving – strangely the portion size appears to be the same as phase 1
Fruit – 1 piece or 1 cup of phase-appropriate fruit
Fat – ½ avocado, ¼ cup raw nuts, ¼ cup hummus or guacamole, 2 tablespoons raw nut or seed butter, 2-4 tablespoons salad dressing
These portions are per meal (where listed for a meal), not for the whole day
Foods to eat in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3
Eat 3 meals, and 2 snacks. Eat 5 times a day, every 3-4 hours
Make sure you eat enough healthy fats each day. Fat/protein appears to mean higher-fat protein or fat plus protein
Breakfast: fruit, fat/protein, grain, and veggie – within 30 minutes of waking. Don’t neglect the vegetable serving
Snack: veggie, fat/protein – 2-3 hours later
Lunch: fat/protein, vegetable, fruit – 3 hours later
Snack: vegetable, fat/protein
Dinner: fat/protein, vegetable, grain/starch (one place in the book says that grain/starch is optional, another says that it is required, and the app says that it is required for dinner in phase 3)
Choose organic where possible
Vegetables and salad greens
Fresh, canned, or frozen
Arrowroot, artichokes/artichoke hearts, arugula, asparagus, avocados, bean sprouts, beans (green beans, yellow beans, wax beans, french beans, haricots vert, string beans), beets(fresh okay, canned/jarred check for sugar), beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, cabbage (all types), carrots, cauliflower florets, celery, chicory (curly endive), collard greens, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, fennel, garlic scapes, green chiles, green onions/scallions, hearts of palm, jicama, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce (any except iceberg), mixed greens, mushrooms (any type), okra, olives (any type), onions (all types), peppers (only bell peppers, Italian peppers/pepperoncini, poblano peppers), radishes, rhubarb, seaweed, shallots, spinach, spirulina, sprouts/bean sprouts, sweet potatoes/yams, tomatoes (fresh and canned), watercress, winter squash (all types), zucchini/summer squash
Fresh or frozen
Blackberries, blueberries, cherries/black cherries, cranberries (fresh or frozen, unsweetened), grapefruit, lemons, limes, peaches, plums, prickly pears, raspberries, rhubarb
Coconut, coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut water
Animal protein
Meat: beef (beef filet, beef steaks, beef tenderloin, lean ground beef, London broil, round steak, shell steak, sirloin steak, skirt steak), buffalo meat and ground buffalo, lamb (ground lamb, lamb leg, lamb loin chops, lamb shank), liver, pork (chops, loin roast), rabbit
Poultry: chicken (skinless, boneless dark or white meat, chicken breast, ground chicken), game (pheasant), turkey (including ground turkey)
Processed meats: corned beef, deli meats (nitrate-free: turkey, chicken, roast beef), sausages (nitrate-free: turkey, chicken), turkey bacon (nitrate-free)
Fish, including fatty fish: halibut (fillet), herring, salmon (fresh, frozen, or nitrate-free smoked), sardines (packed in water or olive oil), sea bass (fillet), skate, trout, tuna (packed in water or oil)
Shellfish: calamari, clams, crab (lump meat), lobster meat, oysters (water-packed or fresh), smoked oysters (packed in olive oil), scallops, shrimp
Eggs – whole
Vegetable protein / legumes, nuts, and seeds
Beans (dried or canned: adzuki beans, black beans, butter beans, cannellini beans, fava beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, lima beans, navy beans, pinto beans, white beans), black-eyed peas, chickpeas/garbanzo beans, lentils/chana dal
Almond milk (unsweetened), almond cheese, almond flour, cashew milk, hemp milk (unsweetened), vegan cheddar cheese
Grains and starch
Barley (black or white), oats/oatmeal (steel-cut, old-fashioned), quinoa, quinoa fusilli, sprouted grain (sugar-free, corn-free only, bagels, breads, English muffin, tortillas), black rice, wild rice
Nut flours
Brown rice cheese, brown rice milk, rice milk (plain)
Arrowroot, tapioca, tapioca flour
Broth, herbs, spices, and condiments
Arrowroot, baking powder, baking soda, brewer’s yeast, broth (beef broth, chicken broth, vegetable broth; free of additives and preservatives if possible), carob chips (unsweetened only), cream of tartar, horseradish (prepared), ketchup (no sugar added, no corn syrup), liquid smoke, mustard (prepared or dry, including Dijon mustard), natural seasonings (Bragg Liquid Aminos, coconut amino acids, tamari), pickles (no sugar added), raw cacao powder, salsa, tamari, tomato paste, tomato sauce (no sugar added, corn-free), vanilla extract, peppermint extract, vinegar (any type except rice)
Herbs – fresh or dried – all types, e.g. basil, bay leaves, chives, cilantro, dill, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme
Garlic (fresh or dried), ginger (fresh or dried)
Spices and seasonings: black and white peppers, caraway seed, cardamom, celery seed, chili powder, cinnamon, coriander, crushed red pepper flakes, cumin, curry powder, fennel, garlic powder, nutmeg, onion powder, onion salt, paprika, sea salt, Simply Organic seasoning
Sweeteners – if you must use them
Stevia (powdered or liquid) (Truvia is listed as okay in one part of the book), xylitol (birch or hardwood only)
Healthy fats
Eat these liberally
Olives (black and green)
Nuts (raw): almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts
Coconut milk, unsweetened coconut, unsweetened coconut cream, unsweetened coconut milk
Unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened cashew milk, unsweetened hemp milk
Seeds (raw): chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Nut/seed butters and pastes (raw and unsweetened only) e.g. almond butter, cashew butter, coconut butter, hazelnut butter, tahini, walnut butter
Oils: coconut oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, sesame oil, toasted sesame oil (Asian)
Mayonnaise (safflower)
Water. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. Drink a LOT of water during this phase
Non-caffeinated herbal teas
Pero beverage
Foods to avoid or limit in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3
General foods to avoid, see above
Carbs should be limited to the foods and serving sizes above
You shouldn’t eat foods that aren’t on the list of what you can eat for this phase, above
Avoid roasted nuts; peanuts
Guidelines for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free

Phases 1 and 3 – substitute legumes or phase-specific fish for meat in any recipe
Phase 2 – eat eggs and fish. If you are unwilling to eat these, follow the guidelines for vegans, below
Phases 1 and 3 – substitute legumes for meat in any recipe
Phase 2 – for vegans, the no-soy rule can be broken. Replace any meat with any of the following (but no other soy products): organic non-GMO tofu, organic non-GMO soy tempeh, organic non-GMO edamame. Cook the tofu without fat and grill or bake it yourself, rather than buying pre-baked tofu, which is more processed.
Your weight loss might slow down somewhat, but you can still eat low-carb for those two phase 2 days if you stick to these three options. But you should still avoid soy in phases 1 and 3
Avoid sprouted-grain bread and products containing spelt, barley, kamut, farro, durum, bulgur, rye, triticale, or semolina; also conventional oatmeal
If a recipe contains a gluten grain, you can replace it with a gluten-free grain such as brown rice or quinoa. Other gluten-free grains include amaranth, buckwheat, millet, teff, and wild rice
Lifetime / maintenance diet

If you still have weight to lose after 28 days on the diet, the author suggests repeating the 28-day cycle – or do as many weeks as it takes to reach the weight you want to be. Even if you are just a few pounds away from your ideal weight, even fewer than 5 pounds away, keep going until you reach it. Some people do the 28 days every quarter, or once or twice a year, to keep their metabolism trained. Once you’ve reached your healthy weight, follow these rules:

Carry on avoiding fake foods. If you don’t know what every ingredient on a food is, put it down. In particular, watch out for fake sugars and fake fats – they are huge metabolism killers and not real food. Also avoid “enriched” breads and pastas
Keep avoiding caffeine, gluten, corn, soy, sugar, alcohol, and processed foods most of the time – only have an occasional splurge on special occasions
Stay organic, especially with dairy, chicken, eggs, and beef
Always eat within 30 minutes of waking
Always eat at least 30 minutes before exercising
Continue to eat 3 meals, 2 snacks a day
Eat seasonally
Make holidays special
If you have treats, make them yourself
Plan your week’s meals and snacks ahead of time
Keep cooking and freezing food, and always have a stash of snacks
Continue drinking half your body weight in fluid ounces every day
If you’re going to splurge:

Big dinner: Eat 10-15 grams of protein every 2 hours throughout the day, and get really excited about the event
Sugar binge: Eat natural sugars all day, have fruit at breakfast and fruit with lunch (no juice), change all your snacks to protein-only, have good fats for dinner, and enjoy yourself
Boozing: One drink a week is okay. Organic, sulfite-free wine seems to have the least effect on liver function; if you really want a cocktail, go for the top-shelf liquors; always drink 8 ounces of water for every drink in addition to your regular water consumption; don’t drink alone; don’t have alcohol in the morning
Health benefits claimed in The Fast Metabolism Diet

The diet in this book claims to reduce the risks for: arthritis, celiac disease, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, hormonal issues, infertility, overweight/obesity, thyroid disorders

As always, this is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical diagnosis or treatment for a medical condition. Consult your doctor before starting a new diet. This page describes what the authors of the diet recommend – Chewfo is describing the diet only, not endorsing it.
Arriba Pie