Ajedrez CURSOS DE AJEDREZ (Inglés y Español)

Tunak Tunak Tun

2 Jun 2006

Chessbase 13 el programa interfaz sobre el que cargamos los cursos.


Version 32 bits


Version 64 Bits


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El cargar un curso es tan sencillo como, una vez abierto el Chessbase 13


Pinchar el File, Open y luego nos vamos a donde tengamos la carpeta del curso chessbase, la abrimos y hacemos doble click sobre el archivo que tiene el formato especifico de chessbase.

Listado de cursos

Aagaard - Attacking Chess Volume 1+2\
Aagaard - Basic Positional Ideas\
Aagaard - Queen‘s Indian Defence - The easy way\
Aagaard - The Nimzoindian Defence - The easy way\
Anand - My Career Vol. 1\
Anand - My Career Vol. 2\
Ashley - Mating Patterns\
Ashley - The Secret to Chess\
Ashley - What Grandmasters Don’t See Vol. 1 - Protected Squares\
Ashley - What Grandmasters Don’t See Vol. 2 - Discovered Attack\
Ashley - What Grandmasters Don’t See Vol. 3 - Summary and Test\
Bojkov - A modern way to play the King's Indian\
Bojkov - Attacking with the Pirc\
Bojkov - Chess Highways\
Bojkov - Meet the English Opening [in 60 Minutes]\
Bojkov - Meeting the Alekhine - The classical way [in 60 Minutes]\
Bojkov - Meeting the Pirc Defence - The classical way! [in 60 Minutes]\
Bojkov - No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian [in 60 Minutes]\
Bojkov - The English Defence\
Bojkov - The true Value of Pieces\
Bojkov - Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov!\
Bojkov - Unorthodox against the French Winawer [in 60 Minutes]\
Bologan - 1.e4 - How to tame the Alekhine, Scandinavian and Pirc\
Bologan - A strategic weapon against 1.d4 - The Queen's Indian Defense
Bologan - Beating the Sicilian - Grandmaster Bologan's Repertoire Vol. 1\
Bologan - Beating the Sicilian - Grandmaster Bologan's Repertoire Vol. 2\
Bologan - Beating the Sicilian - Grandmaster Bologan's Repertoire Vol. 3\
Bologan - English 1.c4 c5 for Black\
Bologan - English 1.c4 e5 for Black\
Bologan - Fighting against the Caro-Kann with the Advance Variation\
Bologan - Fighting Philidor
Bologan - Fit for the French\
Bologan - Never too late for the Nimzo-Indian\
Bologan - The Caro-Kann\
Bologan - The Catalan - A complete repertoire for White!\
Bologan - The Chebanenko - still improved\
Bologan - The Fighting Philidor\
Bologan - The King's Indian\
Bologan - The Sicilian Rossolimo for White\
Bologan - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 1 - Berlin Wall and others\
Bologan - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 2 - Steinitz, Anti-Marshall, Open & Co\
Bologan - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 3 - Main Variations\
Chessbase Tutorials Vol. 1 - Offene Spiele - 1.e4 e5\
ChessBase Tutorials Vol. 2 - The Semi-Open Games\
ChessBase Tutorials Vol. 3 - Queen's Gambit and Queen's Pawn Game\
ChessBase Tutorials Vol. 4 - Indian Defences\
ChessBase Tutorials Vol. 5 - Flank Openings\
Chevannes - Chess for Novices Vol. 1\
Chevannes - Chess for Novices Vol. 2\
Collins - 1.e4 Repertoire\
Collins - Know the Terrain Vol. 1 - The Carlsbad\
Collins - Know the Terrain Vol. 2 - The Capablanca Structure\
Collins - Know the Terrain Vol. 3 - Central Majority\
Collins - Know the Terrain Vol. 4 - The Advance French Structure\
Collins - Know the Terrain Vol. 5 - The Philidor Structure\
Collins - Know the Terrain Vol. 6 - Isolated Queen's Pawn\
Collins - Learn from the Open Games\
Collins - Ruy Lopez - Attack with the Schliemann
Collins - Tactic Toolbox Ruy Lopez - Spanish Opening\
Collins - The Korchnoi Gambit against the French\
Collins - The Queen’s Gambit Accepted - A Repertoire for Black\
Danielsen - A clear program to fight the Panov Attack [in 60 Minutes]\
Danielsen - An effective way of meeting the 6.Ne5-Slav [in 60 Minutes]\
Danielsen - No need to fear the Slav Exchange Variation [in 60 Minutes]\
Danielsen - Pressing straight away - The London System 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 [in 60 Minutes]\
Danielsen - The Benko Gambit with g3 [in 60 Minutes]\
Danielsen - The Slav against the Reti [in 60 Minutes]\
Davies - 1...e6 - A Solid Repertoire against 1.d4 and 1.e4\
Davies - 1..d6 Universal\
Davies - 1.e4 for the creative Attacker\
Davies - A busy Person’s Opening System\
Davies - Attack with the Modern Italian\
Davies - Bamboozle your Opponents with 1.g3!\
Davies - Build a 1.d4 Repertoire\
Davies - Chess for Scoundrels\
Davies - Classical Steinitz French with 5.Nf3 [in 60 Minutes]\
Davies - French Defence Strategy\
Davies - How to Beat Younger Players\
Davies - King’s Indian Attack\
Davies - London System\
Davies - Original and aggressive: 1...b6 for practical players
Davies - Play the Exchange Variation against the Caro-Kann [in 60 Minutes]\
Davies - The Accelerated Dragon\
Davies - The closed Sicilian\
Davies - The Colle System\
Davies - The English Opening\
Davies - The f4 Sicilian\
Davies - The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack\
Davies - The Pirc Defence\
Davies - The Queen’s Gambit Declined Exchange Variation\
Davies - The Scotch Game\
Davies - The Tarrasch Defence\
Davies - The Vienna with 3.f4\
Davies - Torre Attack\
Davies - Tricks & Traps Vol. 1 - 1.e4 Openings\
Davies - Tricks & Traps Vol. 2 - 1.d4 Openings\
Davies - Tricks & Traps Vol. 3 - In the Flank Openings\
D'Costa - Chess Prodigies Uncovered - Sergey Karjakin\
D'Costa - Chess Prodigies Uncovered: Sergey Karjakin
D'Costa,Murphy - A Repertoire against the Sicilian\
D'Costa,Murphy - ABC of the English Opening\
D'Costa,Murphy - Queen's Gambit Declined\
D'Costa,Murphy - The Giuoco Piano\
Ftacnik - 1.d4 - a classical Repertoire for White\
Ftacnik - 1.Nf3 - a variable Repertoire for White\
Ftacnik - 1000x Checkmate\
Ftacnik - An ambitious Setup against the Benoni [in 60 Minutes]\
Ftacnik - Tactic Toolbox Scheveningen\
Ftacnik - The English Hedgehog Defence\
Ftacnik - The Gruenfeld Defense\
Ftacnik - The Grünfeld Main Line [in 60 Minutes]\
Ftacnik - The Scheveningen Sicilian\
Grivas - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol. 1 - Unexpected Tactics\
Grivas - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol. 2 - Mastering Strategy\
Grivas - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol. 3 - Rook Handling\
Grivas - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol. 4 - Endgame Magic\
Gustafsson - Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 1 - Der Marshall-Angriff\
Gustafsson - Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 2 - Open Games\
Hort - Facing the World Champions\
Huschenbeth - Tactic Toolbox Najdorf\
Kasimdzhanov - A World Champion’s Guide to the Petroff\
Kasimdzhanov - A World Champion's guide to the King's Indian
Kasimdzhanov - A World Champion's Guide to the King's Indian [2nd Edition]\
Kasimdzhanov - Albin’s Countergambit\
Kasimdzhanov - Anti-Moscow Gambit for Experts\
Kasimdzhanov - Attacking the King – for Experts\
Kasimdzhanov - Beat the Slav the classical Way [in 60 Minutes]\
Kasimdzhanov - Beating the French Vol. 1\
Kasimdzhanov - Beating the French Vol. 2\
Kasimdzhanov - Beating the French Vol. 3\
Kasimdzhanov - Endgames for Experts\
Kasimdzhanov - Meet the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2\
Kasimdzhanov - Power of Tactics - A World Champion's Guide for a Club Player\
Kasimdzhanov - Strategy – Step by Step\
Kasimdzhanov - The new McCutcheon\
Kasimdzhanov - The Path to tactical Strength\
Kasimdzhanov - Trends in modern Openings 2015
Kasimdzhanov - Trends in modern Openings\
Kasparov - How I became World Champion Vol.1 1973-1985\
Kasparov - How to play the Najdorf Vol. 1\
Kasparov - How to play the Najdorf Vol. 2\
Kasparov - How to play the Najdorf Vol. 3\
Kasparov - How to play the Queen's Gambit\
King - Chessbase Tutorials - Starting Chess\
King - New Ideas in the Najdorf [in 60 Minutes]\
King - Power Play 01 - Mattmuster\
King - Power Play 02 - Königsangriff!\
King - Power Play 03 - Bauernsturm\
King - Power Play 04 - Start Right\
King - Power Play 05 - Bauern\
King - Power Play 06 - Steine, Strukturen & Strategien\
King - Power Play 07 - Improve your Pieces\
King - Power Play 08 - Knights and Bishops\
King - Power Play 09 - Schwerfiguren gegen Leichtfiguren\
King - Power Play 10 - Richtig Rechnen\
King - Power Play 11 - Defence\
King - Power Play 12 - The Hedgehog\
King - Power Play 13 - Der Würgegriff\
King - Power Play 14 - Test Your Tactics\
King - Power Play 15 - Practical Pawn Endgames\
King - Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames\
King - Power Play 17 - Attack with 1.e4\
King - Power Play 18 - The Sicilian Najdorf – a Repertoire for Black\
King - Power Play 19 - Attack with 1.e4 - Part 2\
King - Power Play 20 - Test your attacking Chess\
King - Power Play 21 - A Repertoire for Black against the Anti-Sicilians\
King - Powerplay 22: A Repertoire for Black with the French Defence
Kortchnoi - My Life for Chess Vol. 1+2\
Kramnik - My Path to the Top\
Krasenkow - Tactic Toolbox Grünfeld\
Krasenkow - The Triangle Setup - A complete Defense against 1.d4\
Kritz - Being Safe with the Berlin Defence [in 60 Minutes]\
Kritz - Countering with the Chebanenko Slav [in 60 Minutes]\
Kritz - Play it safe, play the Petroff\
Kritz - Safe and active with the Dutch Stonewall [in 60 Minutes]\
L'Ami - The modern Two Knights
Lilov - Attacking a King which has castled short\
Lilov - Castled long – Attacking the King\
Lilov - Flank Attacks\
Lilov - Gambit Opening Repertoire\
Lilov - How to fight the Queen's Pawn Openings [in 60 Minutes]\
Lilov - Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player\
Lilov - Secret Weapon four Knights Game\
Lilov - Tactics - from Basics to Brilliance Vol. 1\
Lilov - Tactics - from Basics to Brilliance Vol. 2\
Lilov - Tactics - from Basics to Brilliance Vol. 3\
Lilov - Tactics - from Basics to Brilliance Vol. 4\
Lilov - Tactics - from Basics to Brilliance Vol. 5 - Tactics in the Endgame\
Lilov - The Austrian Attack against the Pirc Defence
Lilov - The Botvinnik System in the English Opening [in 60 Minutes]\
Lilov - The Dutch Stonewall\
Lilov - The Queen's Gambit Accepted\
Lilov - The Sicilian Kan Variation\
Lilov - Unorthodox Chess Openings\
Marin - Anti-Bajonete-Attack in the King's Indian
Marin - Leningrad Dutch\
Marin - Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 1 - Positional lines\
Marin - Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 2 - Attacking lines\
Marin - Power Strategy 1 - From the Opening to the Middlegame\
Marin - Power Strategy 2 - The Middlegame - Static Positions\
Marin - Tactic Toolbox Benoni\
Marin - Winning against King's Indian - With the main line\
Marin - Winning against the Grünfeld\
Martin - A dangerous Anti-Sicilian: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3!
Martin - A waiting Game in the Queen's Indian 7..Na6 [in 60 Minutes]\
Martin - Beating the French according to Kupreichik
Martin - Enter 1.f4, Bird's Opening!\
Martin - First Steps in Attack\
Martin - First Steps in Chess Strategy\
Martin - First Steps in Chess Technique\
Martin - First Steps in Endgames\
Martin - First Steps in Gambits and Sacrifices\
Martin - First Steps in Opening Play\
Martin - First Steps in Pawn Structures\
Martin - First Steps in Positional Play\
Martin - First Steps to Defence\
Martin - O’Kelly Sicilian\
Martin - Open Ruy Lopez\
Martin - Play 6.Bg5 in the Sämisch Variation [in 60 Minutes]\
Martin - Spanish Exchange Variation\
Martin - Systems against Queen’s Pawn Openings\
Martin - The ABC of Alekhine [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The ABC of Chess Openings [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The ABC of the Anti-Dutch\
Martin - The ABC of the Benko Gambit
Martin - The ABC of the Benko Gambit [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The ABC of the Bogo Indian\
Martin - The ABC of the Caro Kann\
Martin - The ABC of the Classical Dutch\
Martin - The ABC of the Czech Benoni\
Martin - The ABC of the Evans Gambit\
Martin - The ABC of the King‘s Indian [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The ABC of the Leningrad Dutch\
Martin - The ABC of the Modern Benoni\
Martin - The ABC of the Modern Slav [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The ABC of the Ruy Lopez [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The ABC of the Sicilian Dragon\
Martin - The ABC of the Vienna\
Martin - The Basics of Winning Chess 2.0
Martin - The Basics of winning Chess\
Martin - The Budapest Gambit\
Martin - The Queen's Gambit Declined\
Martin - The Scandinavian - The easy Way [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The Trompowsky - The easy Way [2nd Edition]\
Martin - The Two Knights - A tricky Repertoire for White [in 60 Minutes]\
Martin - The wicked Veresov Attack\
Master Class Vol. 1 - Bobby Fischer\
Master Class Vol. 2 - Mihail Tal\
Master Class Vol. 3 - Alexander Alekhine\
Master Class Vol. 4 - José Raúl Capablanca\
Master Class Vol. 5 - Emanuel Lasker\
Mikhalchishin - 1.e4 e5 - An active Repertoire for Black\
Mikhalchishin - Arkhangelsk
Mikhalchishin - Bishop Against Knight [in 60 Minutes]\
Mikhalchishin - Decision Making in Chess\
Mikhalchishin - Fighting the Grünfeld with g3 [in 60 Minutes]\
Mikhalchishin - Play the King's Indian Defence with g3 [in 60 Minutes]\
Mikhalchishin - Power of Exchange\
Mikhalchishin - Power of Planning\
Mikhalchishin - Strategy University Vol. 1 - The Central Approach\
Mikhalchishin - Strategy University Vol. 2 - Prevention and Preparation in Chess\
Mikhalchishin - Strategy University Vol. 3 - Positional Pawn Sacrifice\
Mikhalchishin - Strategy University Vol. 4 - The Technique of realising the Win\
Mikhalchishin - Strategy University Vol. 5 - Winning Methods of great Players\
Mikhalchishin - The King in the Center [in 60 Minutes]\
Mikhalchishin - The secret Weapons of the Champions\
Mikhalchishin - Winning Structures\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 01 – Grundlagen für Einsteiger\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 02 – Turmendspiele\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 03 - Schwerfigurenendspiele\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 04 - Strategische Endspiele\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 05 - Endspielprinzipien Aktivität & Initiative\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 06 - Endspielprinzipien Dominanz & Prophylaxe\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 07 - Endgame Principles Weaknesses & Fortresses\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 08 - Praktische Turmendspiele\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 09 - Rook and Minor Piece\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 10 - Rook and two Minor Pieces\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 11 - Rook against Bishop\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 12 - Rook vs Knight\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 13 - Double Rook Endings\
Mueller - Chess Endgames 14 - The golden Guidelines of Endgame Play\
Mueller,Becker - Ask the Pieces\
Mueller,Meyer - The Magic of Chess Tactics Vol. 1\
Mueller,Meyer - The Magic of Chess Tactics Vol. 2\
Negi - The Modern Scotch Opening\
Nielsen - The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1 - Main Line with 9.Bc4\
Nielsen - The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2 - All Lines except 9.Bc4\
Pähtz - How to play the Sicilian Defence!\
Pert - Solid and safe against the wild Indians - Play the Fianchetto\
Pert - The French Defence for the Tournament Player\
Pert - The solid Slav Defence\
Pert - Typical mistakes by 1600-1900 players
Ramirez - Attacking with the Benko Gambit Vol. 1\
Ramirez - Attacking with the Benko Gambit Vol. 2\
Ramirez - The Ragozin Defense\
Ramirez - The Reti, a flexible attacking Opening\
Ramirez - The Sicilian Tajmanov-Scheveningen\
Ris - A Black Repertoire against the Two Knights\
Ris - A World Champion's Repertoire against the Queen's Gambit Declined\
Ris - Attacking the Semi-Slav with g3 [in 60 Minutes]\
Ris - Crushing Isolated Queen’s Pawn Tactics\
Ris - Fighting for the Initiative with the Fajarowicz Gambit [in 60 Minutes]\
Ris - Tactic Toolbox Meran Variation\
Ris - Tactic Toolbox Semi-Slav with 5.Bg5\
Sachdev - Improve your Chess with Tania Sachdev\
Sachdev - Improve your Tactics\
Seirawan - My Best Games\
Shirov - And Action! - How to crown positional Play by Tactics\
Shirov - Beating the Berlin Defense\
Shirov - Endgame Fireworks\
Shirov - Fascinated by the French Winawer [in 60 Minutes]\
Shirov - Guide to the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez\
Shirov - My best games in the Grünfeld\
Shirov - My best games in the King’s Indian\
Shirov - My best games in the Najdorf\
Shirov - My best games in the Nimzo-Indian\
Shirov - My best games in the Petroff Defence\
Shirov - My best games in the Sicilian\
Shirov - My best games in the Slav and Semi-Slav\
Shirov - My best games in the Spanish Vol. 1\
Shirov - My best games in the Spanish Vol. 2\
Shirov - My best games in the Spanish Vol. 3\
Shirov - My best games in the Sveshnikov\
Shirov - My best games with Black\
Shirov - Sicilian Najdorf 6.Bg5\
Shirov - The Advance Caro-Kann [2nd Edition]\
Shirov - The Philidor Defence\
Shirov - The Sicilian with 3.Bb5\
Shirov - The Slav and Semi-Slav revisited\
Short - Greatest Hits Vol. 1\
Short - Greatest Hits Vol. 2\
Tiviakov - Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez\
Tiviakov - How to combat rare Lines as Black\
Tiviakov - No fear of 1.d4! Vol. 1 - Catalan and Queen's Indian\
Tiviakov - No fear of 1.d4! Vol. 2 - Nimzo-Indian\
Tiviakov - Scandinavian with 3…Qd6\
Tiviakov - Sicilian Defense with 2.c3 - Alapin Variation\
Tiviakov - The French Defence. 3.Nd2 - a complete Repertoire for White\
Tiviakov - The Maroczy System\
Trent - Smith-Morra Gambit\
Trent - The modern Grand Prix Attack\
Trent - Two Knight‘s Defence\
Trent - Winning with the Fantasy Variation [in 60 Minutes]\
van Wely - An Anti-Sicilian Repertoire [in 60 Minutes]\
van Wely - Fighting against the King's Indian [in 60 Minutes]\
van Wely - Play the Sicilian Najdorf [in 60 Minutes]\
van Wely - The Botvinnik and Moscow Varation\
van Wely - The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian\
Wells - Strategy and Tactics\
Williams - A dynamic weapon against the QGD - 5.Bf4
Williams - King's Gambit Vol. 1\
Williams - King's Gambit Vol. 2\
Williams - Most amazing Moves\
Williams - The English Opening Vol.1\
Williams - The English Opening Vol.2\
Ziegler - Modern Benoni for Advanced Players\
Ziegler - The Art of the Exchange Sacrifice\
Ziegler - The French Defence\


Y los 55 siguientes divididos en partes de 300 megas.

Estan en formato SVDL, que quiere decir que les han quitado la imagen para que en lugar de ocupar los 4 gigas y pico normales solo ocupen apenas 30 megas. La imagen es completamente prescindible ya que es el careto del profesor; lo demas: audio, posiciones y puzzles esta todo ok.

A partir del curso catalogado como numero 90 hay que vereis que los rar vienen con un archivo .prot dentro de otro winrar o en el mismo directorio raiz. SIN ESE ARCHIVO .PROT NO SE OS ACTIVARA EL CURSO, asi que tendreis meterlo dentro de dos carpetas copiandolo para posteriormente cargar el curso dentro del chessbase 13.

Las dos carpetas donde tiene que ir el prot son




Para poder acceder ya sabemos todos, escribimos en la barra de inicio %appdata% y cuando se nos abra el directorio podemos acceder desde ahi a las dos direcciones donde estan los directorios steams.

Si os faltara algun curso o para ver los nuevos aqui os dejo la direccion de chessindia donde los cuelgan. Casi obligado registrarse en esa pagina. Recordad mirad el hilo especifico de cursos en formato SDVL

Chessbase Trainers - Chess India Community - The Ultimate Chess Experience
Y concretamente este hilo especifico donde suelen colgar las novedades


Para estar enterado de las novedades que se sacan consultad la tienda de Chessbase y luego os vais a Chessindia para saber si los han colgado.




Cursos desde el 1 al 152

Enlace CREMA donde estan los 152 videos colgados online


Enlace al subforo de chessindia donde se añaden todos los cursos




Cursos del 1-115


Enlace al subforo de chessindia donde se van añadiendo todos los cursos




Cursos 1-65 en Castellano

Imperio Ajedrez 01 - 65 - Demonoid


Lista reproduccion Youtube




Leontxo soltando las mismas frases de siempre.


Alojado en la listas de reproduccion de este panchiuser del youtube
Si teneis o conoceis de alguno mas id poniendolos por aqui y los incorporo a la primera replica.
El de foxy esta arreglado con la coleccion completa online :121:121:121:121

El de Roman aunque tenga dos semillas a mi se me bajo.

De todas formas he puesto los enlaces al foro de chessindia asi que si hay algun problema alli puedes buscar el que mas te interese o una coleccion completa.

Yo recomiendo directamente los de chessbase. Conforme los tengais bajados ya os dire los mas utiles para empezar.
Entendido el asunto, sólo era un comentario técnico y así sin comprobar mucho (no dio tiempo material para la descarga).

Cuando acabe una comanda larga que tengo pendiente, si acaso voy subiendo al puro MEGA lo descargado.

Insisto en mis dieses.
l<arma y skakeo.
El Definitivo Curso de las Sicilianas Clasicas


SDVL: www.solidfiles.com/d/e42c74798f/
PassWord: AK Files

PROT: www.solidfiles.com/d/1d0231a945/
PassWord: AK Files

Tunak, ¿Tú no conocerás un programa en el que pueda enfrentar a dos IAs?
Nueces rebuznó:
Tunak, ¿Tú no conocerás un programa en el que pueda enfrentar a dos IAs?
Abre sendas pestañas con diferentes IA y en una pones lo que mueva la otra
Creo que dijo que había motores que se podían conectar a un mismo interfaz de hecho es lo que hacen para echar los campeonatos entre robocs.
abogado alcoholico rebuznó:
Sorry, you don't have permission for that!

Pero explica cual es el problema, porque con ese yo no he tenido ninguno.

Nueces rebuznó:
Tunak, ¿Tú no conocerás un programa en el que pueda enfrentar a dos IAs?

Cualquier GUI te permite que puedas cargar un dos modulos como jugadores, la pregunta es sobre cual lo quieres hacer. Para un analisis mas refinado bajate el Fritz, el libro de aperturas de chessbase y el Komodo o el Stockfish.
ilovegintonic rebuznó:
Abre sendas pestañas con diferentes IA y en una pones lo que mueva la otra

Buf, podría valer para una partida, pero la idea es que jueguen una serie para hacer una estadística. Como se supone que son IAs que aleatoriamente no escogen siempre el mejor movimiento, deben dar lugar a distintas soluciones desde un punto dado.

Tunak Tunak Tun rebuznó:
Cualquier GUI te permite que puedas cargar un dos modulos como jugadores, la pregunta es sobre cual lo quieres hacer. Para un analisis mas refinado bajate el Fritz, el libro de aperturas de chessbase y el Komodo o el Stockfish.


Ajam, y así, para tontos, no tendrás nada más sencillo, ¿un chessmaster 3000 o algo así, que con tocar tres botones se ponga la cosa en marcha?
Eddie Felson rebuznó:
El link al chessbase 32 bits y al 64 bits es el mismo.

Arreglado. De todas formas de aqui a un par de semanas sale la nueva remesa de software de Chessbase: Fritz y Chessbase 14.

Por si alguno quiere ir muy rapido de antebraso os digo que no los voy a colgar aqui hasta que se puedan cargar los cursos sobre la interfaz, ¿esto que quiere decir? Pues que desde hace dos versiones aunque se pueden abrir bases de datos, hasta que no crackean bien el programa los cursos no se pueden cargar aunque se haga lo de meter el archivo .prot en la carpeta.

Personalmente hasta que eso no seas asi yo no voy a cambiar del chessbase 13 al 14 y tampoco lo voy a colgar por aqui no sea que alguien lo instale sin leer mucho y luego no pueda cargar lo que tiene.

Avisados estais.
A 7.99€ el ejemplar.

La última que compré me costó 4€, imaginad si hace tiempo.

Training / 60 Minutes

Fighting the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation with Qe7 in 60 Minutes
By Robert Ris

The odd-looking move 5….Qe7 is an ideal surprise weapon against the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez. It was introduced in the 70s by Smyslov and in the last years it has been fine-tuned by top GMs such as Svidler, Sokolov and Ivanchuk. 5…Qe7 is an ambitious attempt to fight for the initiative and leads to sharper play than most lines in the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez. In certain lines Black will even castle queenside and play for a kingside attack!

Download Link: www.solidfiles.com/d/dd5e258736/
Última edición:
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