Putalocura vuelta a la vida?

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Aborto de Forero
3 Jun 2016
Hola chicos, yo no hablo español y traductor Google es bastante inútil con toda la jerga y calumnias pasando aquí. ¿Puede alguien aquí responder a una simple pregunta? ¿El sitio web Putalocura volver a la vida en cualquier momento en el futuro previsible? ¿Hay una alternativa para el increíble del bukkake que eran el punto culminante de ese sitio web?
Hola chicos, yo no hablo español y traductor Google es bastante inútil con toda la jerga y calumnias pasando aquí. ¿Puede alguien aquí responder a una simple pregunta? ¿El sitio web Putalocura volver a la vida en cualquier momento en el futuro previsible? ¿Hay una alternativa para el increíble del bukkake que eran el punto culminante de ese sitio web?

Viendo que eres judio, te pregunto...

cuanto me pueden dar por un p8 lite. Va un poco como el culo, pero me cansé de que esa puita mierda me vaya a pedales. Supongo que llevaras lo de prestar y tasar en la sangre.
Mar de galilea, santo sepulcro, muro de las lamentaciones, judíos con gorrito y tirabuzones, bar refaeli, bombas a palestina
Se abrirá un fondo de donaciones en breve para poder actualizar la página en enero del 2017.

Permanezcan atentos a sus correos electrónicos.
This time folks I won't make you the courtesy to translate first in Spanish.
I mean what are the odds?
I go to a porn forum to ask for a porn question, and what are the answers I get? About Jews, Israel, and such...
I mean guys are you totally brain dead? or is this site infested with muslim "shit for brains" scumbags already?
Oooh Europe, you are so doomed...
Keep on that path and soon we will tell your stories in the past tense
This time folks I won't make you the courtesy to translate first in Spanish.
I mean what are the odds?
I go to a porn forum to ask for a porn question, and what are the answers I get? About Jews, Israel, and such...
I mean guys are you totally brain dead? or is this site infested with muslim "shit for brains" scumbags already?
Oooh Europe, you are so doomed...
Keep on that path and soon we will tell your stories in the past tense

We'd like to get to know you better, that's all. After all you're some sort of novelty here.

Why don't you tell us more about you, your views on the muslim question, the future of Europe, the Kalergi plan and the protocol of the elders of Zyon? In general we don't like muslim shit, and some of us don't like jews either. You might cast some light on these issues.
We'd like to get to know you better, that's all. After all you're some sort of novelty here.

Why don't you tell us more about you, your views on the muslim question, the future of Europe, the Kalergi plan and the protocol of the elders of Zyon? In general we don't like muslim shit, and some of us don't like jews either. You might cast some light on these issues.


And it might help if, but only if, you decide to use that thing between your ears

Over and out
This time folks I won't make you the courtesy to translate first in Spanish.
I mean what are the odds?
I go to a porn forum to ask for a porn question, and what are the answers I get? About Jews, Israel, and such...
I mean guys are you totally brain dead? or is this site infested with muslim "shit for brains" scumbags already?
Oooh Europe, you are so doomed...
Keep on that path and soon we will tell your stories in the past tense


And it might help if, but only if, you decide to use that thing between your ears

Over and out

I don't give a fuck about what Google has to say about that. I'm kindly asking for YOUR opinion, YOUR point of view and YOUR thoughts on the matter.
This time folks I won't make you the courtesy to translate first in Spanish.
I mean what are the odds?
I go to a porn forum to ask for a porn question, and what are the answers I get? About Jews, Israel, and such...
I mean guys are you totally brain dead? or is this site infested with muslim "shit for brains" scumbags already?
Oooh Europe, you are so doomed...
Keep on that path and soon we will tell your stories in the past tense

When did we die and why?
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I never participate In this fórum but, I think about this post Will Be good to practice English.

Hey dude, madafaka.
bien circuncidada, para que despues se queje de aqui le tenemos tirria a los judios:lol:
Y hasta aquí la tontería.

Abrid hilos nuevos, cabrones, que estoy harto de ver los mismos hilos todo el rato.
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