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21 Feb 2007
Alerta: ladrillaco en inglés. Gente ijnorante o con déficit de atención pueden pasar del tema directamente.

Otro de mis hilos que no dan pie a respuesta, pero he creído oportuno colgar esta "guía práctica para yankis sobre espagnolos" en el subforo viajes. Just for laughs.

The People

Personal pride and individualism are highly valued, as are character and breeding. Modesty is valued over assertiveness. Flaunting superiority, intelligence and ability is not appreciated. People strive to project affluence and social position. Personal appearance, image and human relationships are very important.

Body Language

  • Never touch, hug or back slap a Spaniard you do not know well, unless a friendly Spaniard touches you first.
  • Generally, Spaniards stand very close when talking.
  • Spaniards speak a lot with their hands. Never mimic them.
Corporate Culture

  • Spaniards do not take punctuality for business meetings seriously, but expect that you will be on time; call with an explanation if you are delayed.
  • Spain is not a meeting culture. Meetings are to communicate instructions or to save time.
  • Spaniards will want to spend time getting to know you and establishing chemistry before doing business. Personal qualities are valued over technical ability, professionalism or competence.
  • Typically, Spanish is the language of business, but most large companies conduct business in English and Spanish. You cannot expect English to be widely spoken. Check ahead to determine if an interpreter is needed.
  • Spaniards' lack of trust in institutions produces a constant atmosphere of crisis and emergency.
  • Spaniards like making decisions on their own. Do not impose a decision in direct language. It could be humiliating to your associates.
  • The organizational chart is social, not functional. The third or fourth level down may be more powerful than those at the top.
Dining and Entertainment

  • It is acceptable and common to be late by 30 minutes in southern Spain and 15 minutes in northern Spain for social meetings. Never be late for a bullfight.
  • Lunches/dinners are a vital part of business used to establish a relationship, to see if the chemistry is correct and to develop trust.
  • Attempt to give a toast in Spanish. Be brief when toasting. It is acceptable for women to give toasts.
  • Tip everyone for everything.
  • No bread and butter plate is used. Bread is set directly on the table. Restaurants generally charge for bread by the piece.
  • Spaniards don't waste food. It is better to decline food rather than leave it on your plate.

  • Appearance is extremely important to Spaniards. They dress elegantly, even for casual occasions.
  • Dress conservatively. Avoid bright or flashy colors.
  • Shoes are the most important element of dress. Shabby looking shoes can ruin a very nice outfit.
  • For business, men should wear jackets and ties, even in warm weather. If the senior person takes his/her jacket off during a meeting, you may do so, too.
  • Women should wear dresses, blouses and skirts.
Helpful Hints

  • Expect to be interrupted when speaking.
  • Be patient. Nothing is done in a hurry. Spanish trademarks are procrastination and delay.
Especially for Women

  • Foreign women are accepted in the business community. Establish credentials and ability immediately.
  • Traditionally, a macho and chauvinistic behavior toward women has persisted, known as machismo. This has changed drastically over the last few years.
  • Be aware of eye contact. Returning a man's gaze may be interpreted as flirting or a show of interest.
  • Do not dine alone in a restaurant or bar at night. However, it is acceptable to do so at lunch.
  • It is acceptable for a visiting businesswoman to invite a businessman to dinner. However, realize it is very difficult for women to pay for a man's meal. Spanish men expect to pay. Speak to the maitre d' or waiter in advance if you wish to pay.
Fuente: Spain - Cultural Etiquette - e Diplomat
Loleante marquisssta, simplemente loleante, y en muchas cosas, cierta por desgracia.
Demasiado típico me parece a mi el texto (o al menos lo que he entendido que debe de ser el 80%), supongo que cuesta librarse de los tópicos.
Spade rebuznó:
The People

Personal pride and individualism are highly valued ... Modesty is valued over assertiveness. Flaunting superiority, intelligence and ability is not appreciated. People strive to project affluence and social position. Personal appearance, image and human relationships are very important.

- Así es, el válido será un lissssto y el mediocre uno más de la familia. Americanos del Norte, háganse los rednecks to success here.

Body Language
Never touch, hug or back slap a Spaniard you do not know well, unless a friendly Spaniard touches you first.

¿No han visto los minutos 0´58 a 1´40 estos yankees?


Spaniards will want to spend time getting to know you and establishing chemistry before doing business. Personal qualities are valued over technical ability, professionalism or competence.

- Ephectivamente, es más importante que sea simpaticote y que diga "la autobús", que que tenga un nivel técnico nunca visto por estos lares.

Typically, Spanish is the language of business, but most large companies conduct business in English and Spanish. You cannot expect English to be widely spoken. Check ahead to determine if an interpreter is needed.

- Mejor que quede predeterminada por defecto la necesidad de intérprete.

Spaniards like making decisions on their own. Do not impose a decision in direct language. It could be humiliating to your associates.

- Eso, que el mongolo español se piense que la decisión es suya.

Aquí también nos vale la psicología inversa, y haremos lo que no queríamos como si fuésemos unos manfloros:


Dining and Entertainment

It is acceptable and common to be late by 30 minutes in southern Spain and 15 minutes in northern Spain for social meetings.

It is acceptable and common to be late by 90 to 120 minutes in southern Spain and 45 to 60 minutes in northern Spain for social meetings. FIXED.

No bread and butter plate is used. Bread is set directly on the table.

- Como debe de ser, qué mariconada es esa de la mantequilla; si acaso, azeite de oliva.

Spaniards don't waste food. It is better to decline food rather than leave it on your plate.

- Este consejo es una putada que se lo transmitan, es mejor que no lo sepan y que se vean obligados a tragarse el quinto plato de fabada.


Appearance is extremely important to Spaniards. They dress elegantly, even for casual occasions.

- España es conocida en el mundo por la elegancia innata de sus habitantes:



No olvidemos los complementos:




Dress conservatively. Avoid bright or flashy colors.
Shoes are the most important element of dress. Shabby looking shoes can ruin a very nice outfit.



Ready to win.

Helpful Hints

Expect to be interrupted when speaking. Be patient. Nothing is done in a hurry. Spanish trademarks are procrastination and delay.

- Yes, we´re latin (like the gardener that is fuckin´your lovely wife Gwen in Santa Monica)

Especially for Women

Traditionally, a macho and chauvinistic behavior toward women has persisted, known as machismo. This has changed drastically over the last few years.

Be aware of eye contact. Returning a man's gaze may be interpreted as flirting or a show of interest.

Do not dine alone in a restaurant or bar at night. However, it is acceptable to do so at lunch.

- Cojonudo, ya no semos machistas y aceptamos que una muger pueda ser colega de un hombre, pero si cena sola en un ristorante, sigue siendo una loser buscapenes y si nos mantiene la mirada es que quiere morder la almohada.

- Con razón las spaniards son todas unas avezadas lorealistas.
Erick rebuznó:
Demasiado típico me parece a mi el texto (o al menos lo que he entendido que debe de ser el 80%), supongo que cuesta librarse de los tópicos.
Desgraciadamente 100% cierto excepto tal vez lo de la vestimenta. Comparado con otras latitudes somos excesivamente informales o vestimos como el culo. En otros paises llevar barba de 3 o 4 dias es de mendigos, en España es la norma, de hecho a los españoles en el extranjero los identifico asi.
Never touch, hug or back slap a Spaniard you do not know well, unless a friendly Spaniard touches you first.

¿¿''?? no sabía que fuese tan prohibitivo tocar ¿acaso los extrovertidos anglosajones se tocan más que nosotros?

Spaniards speak a lot with their hands. Never mimic them.

¿Esto qué quiere decir, que no nos arremeden en nuestros manoteos o que no nos manoteen?

Spaniards do not take punctuality for business meetings seriously, but expect that you will be on time;


It is acceptable and common to be late by 30 minutes in southern Spain and 15 minutes in northern Spain for social meetings.


Never be late for a bullfight.

¿qué tienen de especial las corridas?¿a un partido de futbol sí puedes llegar tarde?

Tip everyone for everything.

¿WTF? esto es lo que me ha movido a contestar, españa es el país menos propinero que conozco, yo no le doy propina a nadie, y cuando pretendo dejar un 5% en un restaurante me echan la bronca, tiene gracia que en un país en el que te !exigen! el 15% tache de propinero al único que conozco en que las propinas fueron abolidas por disposición real desde hace siglos. Aunque no me extrañaría que las razas indignas estén reintroduciendo la costumbre, he visto hasta como se ponen carteles o camisetas que digan "gracias por su propina" o cosas más agresivas para condicionar a la gente aun trabajando en empresas que lo prohíben.

Appearance is extremely important to Spaniards. They dress elegantly, even for casual occasions.

como casi cualquier país sureño y étnico que se precie

Expect to be interrupted when speaking.


Be patient. Nothing is done in a hurry. Spanish trademarks are procrastination and delay.

Hombre, esto es verdad, pero en el cómputo global mundial tampoco es que destaquemos por eso.

It is acceptable for a visiting businesswoman to invite a businessman to dinner. However, realize it is very difficult for women to pay for a man's meal. Spanish men expect to pay.


Somos el auténtico machus pagafánticus. ¡No acepte imitaciones!
Personal pride and individualism are highly valued, as are character and breeding. Modesty is valued over assertiveness. Flaunting superiority, intelligence and ability is not appreciated. People strive to project affluence and social position. Personal appearance, image and human relationships are very important.
Aquí están dando en el clavo, porque mira que he estado en trabajos y es la nota dominante en todos ellos, el motivo de nuestra actual decadencia.

El valorar la capacidad de relacionarse socialmente del individuo por encima de su compentencia en el trabajo. Verdaderamente triste encontrarse a tanto geta e inútil haciendo corrillo, escaqueándose y tirando balones fuera que para colmo tienen el poder (ya que se juntan los de la misma condición) para valorar y juzgar la labor de otros mucho más competentes y que soportan además la presión en el trabajo ya que está absurdamente repartido. Son muy propensos, además, a alabar la tradicional picaresca española mal entendida.

Son, en fin, el puto cáncer de España. Desde políticos a incompetentes coordinadores en trabajos de mierda.
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