Why is the porn forum full of threads written in English?

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RangoNovato de mierda
15 Nov 2005
Disculpen la ignorancia, pero tenía entendido que en esta casa éramos xenófobos, homófobos, coprófagos y puteros. Por eso me llamó la atención que tras un largo periodo de ausencia, me encuentre el foro porno lleno al 50% de hilos en inglés y el otro 50% escrito en panchito. Los posts están muy bien resueltos y tal, pero me apena ver invadida nuestra casa por colonos de ultramar.

Quizá es esto a lo que se refería Thorpe cuando soltó aquello de que iba a vender el putalocura a los americanos.

No se sí esté es el sitio adecuado para preguntarlo, pero es que en el foro porno no creo que me hubiese respondido nadie ESPAÑOL.

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Tengo vida mas allá del foro y del WOW

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Normalmente son bellísimas personas de origen extranjero que abren hilos poniendo vídeos de dudosa moralidad para ganar algo de dinero por descarga. Ya que los vídeos suelen estar alojados en servidores de descarga directa que o bien pagan directamente dinero por las descargas o bien "regalan" cuentas premium por descargas. Estas cuentas premium se acaban vendiendo por dinero.
No tenía ni reputa idea de que esto funcionase así. Como dije, soy un ignorante.

Bueno, siempre nos quedará el General... Gracias por la aclaración y chapad el hilo cuando queráis.

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Actually I think that we should write only in English in this thread, so we could annoy zerdo.
I'm really grateful and glad when I think about the porn forum, thanks to it I have improved my sexual perfomance a lot and now I can fuck for a period of time as long as the duration of a hemidemisemiquaver.
Ma perché parlare solo inglese quando si può anche praticare gli insegnamenti di Waldo Geraldo Faldo che, come dice lui, è molto facile e divertente. Colonizzazione per tuttifrutti.
another thread speaking in english not, by god i ask you, male goats.
pai-mei rebuznó:
I'm really grateful and glad when I think about the porn forum, thanks to it I have improved my sexual perfomance a lot and now I can fuck for a period of time as long as the duration of a hemidemisemiquaver.

And not only your sexual performance, or mine, or whoever, my albino friend. The porn forum has refined our taste massively. Our debauchery is so refined that we only can get a proper boner when we see, in the same scene, at least, incest, lesbianism and a hint of pedophilia. Some other stuff, as watersports, is appreciated. Among us, some like to add chicks with dicks and corpses - it's not my taste, but I can understand that when you reach certain limits, nothing is enough anymore, and the more the merrier.
ilovegintonic rebuznó:
And not only your sexual performance, or mine, or whoever, my albine friend. The porn forum has refined our taste massively. Our debauchery is so refined that we only can get a proper boner when we see, in the same scene, incest, lesbianism and a hint of pedophilia. Some other stuff, as watersports, is appreciated. Among us, some like to add chicks with dicks and corpses - it's not my taste, but I can understand that when you reach certain limits, nothing is enough anymore, and the more the merrier.

If if, between between.
Given our proficency in foreign languages, COE should have sent any of us to Buenos Aires instead of Ann Bottle.
Capitán Hediondo rebuznó:
He's not an albino, he is one part chinese and three parts peruvian, or else.

Not not, he is from uruguay, like his proper name indicates "oktober aceves".
Benito rebuznó:
another thread speaking in english not, by god i ask you, male goats.

By the nails of Christ, But what's wrong with your mouth?
mundele rebuznó:
By the nails of Christ, But what's wrong with your mouth?

with my mouth nothing, i write whith the fingers(normally).
I assure you that it has reached a point where I hear what is written here.
mundele rebuznó:
I assure you that it has reached a point where I hear what is written here.

But you hear me with your own voice, like happens to me with choppedtadelo.
mundele rebuznó:
I assure you that it has reached a point where I hear what is written here.

How often do you visit the porn forum?
I'm sure that you can neither fuck nor enjoy the gorgeous body of a little girl anymore, since you lost your manhood in that heinous accident with a bunch of deranged shemales.
Serves you right for being such a hideous, stubborn and obnoxious douchebag to me all these years.
Your groin is uglier than cachondo mental's countenance, and your "male tools" are utterly and completely useless right now.

I'm getting goosebumps right now thinking about your merciless fate at my hands...soon.
By the time I'm done with you, you won't be able to talk, breathe or think properly, let alone rape little children with your toes the way you used to.
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