Why is the porn forum full of threads written in English?

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turmion2 rebuznó:
doncs, jo escriuré en catalá.

I'm fucking fed up of catalonians wrapped in their flag whether or not it's appropiate, and here it's not, so don't you fucking dare.
pai-mei rebuznó:
How often do you visit the porn forum?
I'm sure that you can neither fuck nor enjoy the gorgeous body of a little girl anymore, since you lost your manhood in that heinous accident with a bunch of deranged shemales.
Serves you right for being such a hideous, stubborn and obnoxious douchebag to me all these years.
Your groin is uglier than cachondo mental's countenance, and your "male tools" are utterly and completely useless right now.

I'm getting goosebumps right now thinking about your merciless fate at my hands...soon.
By the time I'm done with you, you won't be able to talk, breathe or think properly, let alone rape little children with your toes the way you used to.

Does it make you happy to think that I do not grasp a damn what you write?

Fucking owl ...
mundele rebuznó:
Does it make you happy to think that I do not grasp a damn what you write?

Fucking owl ...

Hombre si lo he escrito es pa que lo leas y porque pienso que "me se" entiende.
Siempre seras mi arrugado hummingbird.

Enviado desde mi patata móvil usando tapa lol
turmion2 rebuznó:
doncs, jo escriuré en catalá.

If that what i say, they invent it as they speak it. Escriure he sais, i split and unskin myself.
turmion2 rebuznó:
doncs, jo escriuré en catalá.

Said the Big Kahuna. I am fed up with all that bullshit, why don't you stick your flag up your arse so that we can see the pole come out of your mouth. You can put your boots in the oven but that ain't gonna make them biscuits.
If the priests would eat stones from the river, they wouldn´t be that fat that fucking guys.

And that is all that matters.

In the mean time, which is the time to pee.

If, If, between, between.
Are in english because the english people are dirty, sleazy and sinners...up the catalonians!
in de jafternun, or in der pipol go, or in de makitrokifoki an chek de raim an yu nou wat aim sein moderfaker
Yesterday my neighbour was teaching me chemistry in english 'cause she's turkish. I understood all she said to me, LOGSE can't be so bad. Y la EGB ni te cuento, if even Benito can write in english.
Black Adder rebuznó:
You are a fucking retard.

The correct way to say what you want to say is "retarded". You'll find easier to just say "moron". But I got your point.

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zerdo rebuznó:
The correct way to say what you want to say is "retarded". You'll find easier to just say "moron". But I got your point.

Not in my house, lousy piece of stinky shit who doesn't even squat.
All of you are here because 4chan doesn´t allow posting to shitskinned catalonians like you
katzero rebuznó:
All of you are here because 4chan doesn´t allow posting to shitskinned catalonians like you

Your nostrils are full of cocaine, filthy douchebag.

Enviado desde mi patata móvil usando tapa lol
The first person who wrote a joke about Ana Botella's relaxing cup. BAN FOREVANEVA.
zerdo rebuznó:
The correct way to say what you want to say is "retarded". You'll find easier to just say "moron". But I got your point.

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English is till the language of business, what is the biggest and most profitable on internet? PORN!!!!
Def rebuznó:
Eso no es ná. Aquí tienes un ever-lurker más sibilino...

A ver, no foreo más porque al contrario que vosotros, yo tengo una vida tristec y no tengo nada o casi nada que aportar. Así que no foreo por el respeto que os tengo. Pero bueno, si es más valorado postear pa no decir nada, pues posteo hoygan.

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Black Adder rebuznó:
You are a fucking retard.

And extremely gay.

zerdo rebuznó:
The correct way to say what you want to say is "retarded". You'll find easier to just say "moron". But I got your point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Extremely gay, yes.
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