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Forgive ruso simpático, he is russian you know

Hey I don't host men myself, but my grandfather loves men, especially turkish ones like you, so you can stay at his place if you want.
patterson12ref rebuznó:
Forgive ruso simpático, he is russian you know

Hey I don't host men myself, but my grandfather loves men, especially turkish ones like you, so you can stay at his place if you want.
hi, thanks, it is ok for me,if he accept me as a guest for 1-2 day.and if he speaks english a bit it will be great.

@ Ruso sempatico , ебать себя

P.S. i am straigth not gay.
Hi luvmore, I will travel to Barcelona one week before you as you can see in the other thread (well, if you don't speak spanisk you will not, hehe). I'll search for information to you in Barcelona while stay there and post here, ok?
Armin Tamzarian rebuznó:
Hi luvmore, I will travel to Barcelona one week before you as you can see in the other thread (well, if you don't speak spanisk you will not, hehe). I'll search for information to you in Barcelona while stay there and post here, ok?

hey ok, thanks it is nice of you. :)

Ruso simpatico rebuznó:

By the way, if i let you stay in my house, then... what will i win??
well dear pragmatist friend ,you will not lost anything if i stay at your place but you will win one more friend in istanbul ;)
Is it true that Turkish women can speak only when allowed by their husband, cook supper for their husband while he watches TV, and get up and change channel when so requested? It's hard to find Spanish women like that these days.
More important, would you do that for me? In that case you can stay at my place.

Hey I spoke to my grandaddy and he is happy with you sleeping with him. He is straight gay I hope it's ok.
lovmore rebuznó:

hey ok, thanks it is nice of you. :)

well dear pragmatist friend ,you will not lost anything if i stay at your place but you will win one more friend in istanbul ;)

But in istanbul there are only kebabs and gays, and you dont look like a kebab. Then, i am not sure to allow a gay enter in my house because i am an ancient stalinist russian. Only kebabs can enter to my house.
patterson12ref rebuznó:
More important, would you do that for me? In that case you can stay at my place.

Hey I spoke to my grandaddy and he is happy with you sleeping with him. He is straight gay I hope it's ok.
yes, you are welcome to istanbul, to stay at my house for free. no problem for me,if he has extra couch for me.
Turkish women are just same as spanish women.
Ruso simpatico rebuznó:
But in istanbul there are only kebabs and gays, and you dont look like a kebab. Then, i am not sure to allow a gay enter in my house because i am an ancient stalinist russian. Only kebabs can enter to my house.
do not worry i will not stay at your house.
patterson12ref rebuznó:
if you think all of the spanish women whore then yes all of the turkish women whore too :D women is same in everywhere :D
pastanaga rebuznó:
That's why you are bi-curious, isn't it? It's what brought us all here.
it is not.i am not bi-curious. i am only curious about women not gay.
Ruso please, be kind with our new friend, he has came here with good intentions and you are writing some nasty things. :99
Armin Tamzarian rebuznó:
Ruso please, be kind with our new friend, he has came here with good intentions and you are writing some nasty things. :99

I am sorry... My behaivour is so erratic, because i am skizoo... i will be a good boy. For great justice.
If i let you stay in my place for a few days, will i have free kebabs for dinner every night? If so, you are welcome.
Joder, en este subforo hace falta ser turco o maricon para que te respondan a un post.

Miradme lo de Madrid coño ya, que busco hostal :lol:
This thread smells like cum in hairy ass very badly :lol:
hijos de vuestra puta madre....

me duele el estómago de reirme con los tags...

Lol & Roll
Joder que resacón que debo llevar, no me he enterao de ná de esta última página? Tendré que ir al ojólogo a que me gradue los cristaleS?
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