Un negro samurai, o algo así con poco LOL y mucho NWO. Preguntadle al Morzillas


RangoMuerto por dentro
2 Jun 2009
Antes de que cierren el hilo -supongo, igual solo lo hacen con los que resubo yo- hay que decir que en este caso el negro está justificado:

Si y no, en ningún momento fue samurai

Yasuke was a makua guy from Mozambique named Issufo. He was brought to Japan with some missionaries. Nobunaga thought he was covered in shit and had his servants try to scrub the black off. When he realized it was the dude's skin he started to find it interesting. He was considerably larger than your average jap at the time (Being 6'2" vs. Japs at 5'6") and likely stronger (given the praise he received in two separate accounts). Nobunaga took him in with the duty of "weapon bearer", giving him a small piece of property, a ceremonial short katana and he functionally acted as a retainer. He did partake in the Battle of Tenmokuzan but that was really about it. He wasn't really know for any combat prowess or samurai status.

How the japs viewed him is present though after the incident at Honno-ji. Nobunaga was forced to commit seppuku, Yasuke went to fight with Nobunaga's nephew but was eventually captured and Mitsuhide Akechi when asked about Yasuke, told them to take him to the Christians because blacks are animals and thus its wrong to punish them with the punishment fitting a human (ie. death).
No hay foreros negros va a haber samurais negros...
No hay foreros negros va a haber samurais negros...

pues salvo por las plantas de manos y los pies podrían ir sin ropa por las sombras, mimetizandose. Lo único que no sonrian ni se tropiecen con su mastodontico kanabo. Habría que avisarles.
pues salvo por las plantas de manos y los pies podrían ir sin ropa por las sombras, mimetizandose. Lo único que no sonrian ni se tropiecen con su mastodontico kanabo. Habría que avisarles.

Y si en vez de samurais hablasemos de ninjas pues mejor
Eso ya se hizo.

Última edición:
Arriba Pie