[Disco] Noel Gallagher - High Flying Birds

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¿puede parecer irrespetuoso el que vaya con la camiseta de Oasis? :lol:

Ya se me hace raro que a estas alturas no tenga todavía nada de merchandising, con lo que le gusta a Noel mirar por sus libras.

Clark Gable rebuznó:
Pues yo ya tengo las entradas :115:115:115:115


s Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds the album fans have been waiting for? After a preview listen to most of the cuts, we'd say so - definitely not maybe! © Simone Cecchetti/Corbis

Noel Gallagher strolled out onto the rooftop of New York's swanky Mondrian Soho Hotel last evening (25 August), exuding the sangfroid cool of a guy without a care in the world.

The singer-songwriter and guitarist, casual chic in jeans and a fitted plaid shirt, his hair closely cropped, was in the Big Apple to say hello to an intimate gathering of label execs and journalists who had just heard a six-song preview of his upcoming solo album, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds.

'Much-anticipated' solo album, that is. In a pre-playback speech, Mercury Records President David Massey, who during his time at Epic Records signed Oasis to the US, alluded to the fact that a Noel Gallagher disc was something that fans had clamored for since the band's debut in the early '90s. "But Noel was quite clear that there would would never be a solo album from him as long as there was Oasis," Massey said.

A few minutes later, with glasses clinked and good cheers exchanged all around, we were treated to a generous helping of the ten tracks that make up Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds. What follows are MusicRadar's general impressions of the songs - and it should be stressed that what we heard was in a group setting, with several chatty Cathy's nearby.

1. Everybody's On The Run

A rousing opener. Epic in nature, recalling the grandeur of George Harrison's All Things Must Pass, with soaring background vocals and heart-tugging strings that blend for a massive dramatic sweep. Throughout, Noel sings like a desperate, impassioned soul, weaving melodies that swirl around one's head but stick like glue. The bridge has a classic rock feel and a symphonic intensity. Acoustic guitars overwhelm and lead into the last resounding chorus. Before it's over, however, the music drifts away, leaving Noel, alone on a hilltop, beautiful and tragic, calling out the title hook. Wow, that's one smashing number!

2. Dream On

No, it's not a cover of the Aerosmith gem, but it's just as striking in its own way. A jaunty, pounding beat underpins briskly strummed acoustics, making Dream On feel like something of a more aggressive She's Electric, but Noel, in a more throaty vocal, brings a new kind of charm to the proceedings. Brass dominates the middle section, with a trumpet solo that transports one to New Orleans. "Dream on/ shout it out to me," Gallagher pleads in the final chorus as drums and brass build, only to be overtaken by electric guitars that conclude the song with a rocking flourish. Expect major sing-along action.

3. If I Had A Gun

Ever since leaked soundcheck demos of this song appeared on the internet, much interest has attended its studio rendering, and the results don't disappoint. After a bare bones, acoustic-and-vocal, quasi-Wonderwall opening, If I had A Gun blossoms into just what might become a modern-day rock standard. Gallagher's vocals are emotional but never mawkish. The bridge and solo sections are stirring, with acoustic guitars and strings piling up. But it's Noel's double or triple-tracked harmonies, haunting and vulnerable, that really hit the target. Hands-down winner on this one.

4. The Death Of You And Me

Being that it's the first single from High Flying Birds, the capoed acoustic intro that ushers in Noel's gentle falsetto is already familiar to millions. The overall mood is laid-back, '70s-era Kinks, with a melancholy Gallagher singing, "High time, summer in the city/ kids are looking pretty/ but isn't it a pity in the sunshine." And, of course, he draws out the last word, making it almost a sneer - "sunshiiiiine." While the track bears an unmistakable resemblance to The Importance Of Being Idle, it gradually takes on its own form, looming larger, with another taste of New Orleans-style brass creeping in.

5. (I Wanna Live In A Dream In My) Record Machine

An endearing, wondrous cut. Over an acoustic guitar and a Phil Spectorish jingle stick, Noel begins singing what might be his own teenage symphony to God. Bass and electrics climb aboard, with Noel's double-tracked voice becoming mega. Strings emerge, big and bold, in a chorus that's an absolute grabber - we're talking fists in the air. Whether it's an homage to the Wall Of Sound or not, it caresses the senses in much the same way. The sonics increase, and before long Noel is at the top of his lungs, open-hearted and open-throated - it's a delirious feeling. After a brief, gentle break, the song breaks away into a grand gallop. Here's one pony that can't be tamed.

6. AKA... What A Life!

A pounding four-on-the-floor beat drives this incessant rocker. Noel, cynical and evil, sings with a world-weariness, and as he hammers home the chorus, he again draws out the last word, making it "liiiiiiife." Piercing guitars link the verse and chorus sections, and right when you least expect it, an honest-to-goodness six-string solo breaks out - and it's a spine-tingler, too. An elongated verse ends the song on an ominous note, but it's one that leaves the listener breathlessly waiting for more.
Se sigue sin filtrar el disco?

¿Qué día sale a la venta exactamente?
No, y ya queda menos de un mes, sale el 17 de Octubre. El último de Oasis y el de Beady Eye salieron como a tres semanas de su lanzamiento, así que tiene que estar al caer.
A este paso me lo pillaré antes en Fnac...

Por cierto, el Sábado volví a un garito del cedro que estuve hace un mes o así, y me sorprendió porque entre otras canciones de todo tipo, U2, Beatles, etc, sonó una de Suede. Pues este Sábado sonó la de Noel, "The death of you and me". Lo digo porque sé que somos varios valencianos de mierda los que pululamos por aquí y a alguno le puede interesar.
Me imagino que la Velvet, ese templo de la buena música en Valencia, donde igual me ponen OCS, Joy division, Habitación Roja o Sam Cooke. Si no es ese, pues el Tornillo. ¿Yerro?
No, es que no es tipo disco pub ni nada, es más bien para tomarse algún cóctel o copa charlando, con la música de fondo. Se llama Oporto. Es más bien pequeño, los que tú dices son más grandes y tipo disco pub creo
No lo conozco, hoyga, habrá que pasarse a ver qué tal. Thanks for the info shurmano.
"AKA What a Life" --que gana muchísimo en acústico
(hace unos días tocó este par de temas en WDR EinsLive Radio)

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If I Had A Gun
(que comienza como Wonderwall, D'You Know What I Mean, etc etc :lol:)
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No pillé entradas para Köln. Rezando a los dioses del LOL me hallo para que el buen Noel se acerque luego a Berlin :cry:
....y ahora el vídeo oficial de Wonderwall-2:

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¿Eso que se oye al final es una mezcla de los Androgynous?

Por lo demás, cursilería a tope de caca :lol:
Lo del videoclip es incomprensible. Eso sí, musicalmente no hace otra cosa que corroborar que es un genio.
Primera versión acústica de "The death of you and me"

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Uncle Meat rebuznó:
¿Es así todo el disco? Porque eso tiene poco de Oasis.

Esta ni siquiera va a formar parte del disco. El disco va a ser más así:

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Será en este disco donde lo reconozcas como el puto genio que es.
Escuchado del tiron, así, a priori, diría que el mayor temón es if i had a gun.
Esperando a ver si alguien se decidía a venir conmigo al concierto de Madrid al final se agotaron las entradas; sí, lo sé, tengo una mierda de amigos hijos de puta que no merecen la pena vivir. La cosa es que hablando con otro conocido que es también fanboy total de Noel me ha pasado este link:

Noel Gallagher Tickets - Buy Noel Gallagher 2011 Tickets - Noel Gallagher Tour Tickets

Están a casi 70 libras la entrada y por lo que me ha dicho el tío este se trata de web que es una especie de reventa legal, ¿la conocéis alguno o sabéis si no es más que una estafa para sacar los cuartos a la gente?
Pues le he dado ya un par de escuchas seguidas y me ha parecido bastante sólido. Por ahora el tema mas acertado me parece Everybody´s on the run, esos arreglos de cuerdas a lo Loog Oldham me la ponen muy pero que muy dura. Veremos como crece pasadas unas semanas.
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