El Orgullo gay insulta a la Religión


7 Mar 2007
El Foro de la Familia dice que el Orgullo Gay "insulta a la religión"

El presidente del Foro Español de la Familia, Benigno Blanco, criticó hoy que el Ayuntamiento de Madrid financie con 100.000 euros el Festival del Orgullo Gay, que, en su opinión, "insulta a la religión y a todas las personas que piensan diferente".

Se han disfrazado de curas, monjas y hasta de Jesucristo"

Blanco indicó que, en anteriores ediciones, algunos de los asistentes al festival "se han disfrazado de curas, monjas y hasta de Jesucristo".

"Han ofendido gravemente y con agresividad a los que no piensan como ellos y me sorprende que el Ayuntamiento financie un evento de este estilo", indicó.

Así, el presidente del Foro pidió a los organizadores que eviten "convertir su reivindicación en un insulto continuo a la familia tradicional y a las creencias religiosas" y que se alejen del "carácter agresivo, que ha sido la tónica general en las pasadas ediciones".

El lobby gay intenta imponer a todo el mundo la ideología de género

Para Blanco, "el lobby gay intenta imponer a todo el mundo la ideología de género, que consiste básicamente en su forma específica de ver el mundo". "Sería bueno que los organizadores del Orgullo Gay defiendan la libertad de expresión y no quieren imponer a toda la gente su peculiar visión de la persona", agregó.


¿Estáis de acuerdo con Don Benigno?

Esto es muy interesante, y largo:


It is an agenda that gay rights activists set in the late 1980s, in a book called After the Ball, where they laid out a six-point plan for how they could transform the beliefs of ordinary Americans with regard to homosexual behavior — in a decade-long time frame:

"The agenda of homosexual activists is basically to change America from what they perceive as looking down on homosexual behavior, to the affirmation of and societal acceptance of homosexual behavior." [1]

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia referred to the "so-called homosexual agenda" in Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003) (dissenting opinion).

The Agenda

Focus on the Family quotes below from a leading book in the homosexual movement in outline the points of the agendas:

1. "Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible."
2. "Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers."
3. "Give homosexual protectors a just cause."
4. "Make gays look good."
5. "Make the victimizers look bad."
6. "Get funds from corporate America."

The Goals

The goals of the homosexual movement include:

1. censoring biblical condemnations of homosexuality[2]
2. establishing affirmative action for homosexuals[3]
3. expand hate crimes legislation to include sexual orientation[4]
4. ending the military's and Boy Scout's restrictions on homosexuality[5]
5. promote homosexuality in schools[6]
1. in places like Massachusetts and California — where the gay lobby is the strongest — it starts as early as pre-school. They tell seven- or eight-year-old boys — "If you only like boys, there's a chance you may be homosexual." Or — "If you only like girls, maybe you are lesbian." Well, at that age, all members of the opposite sex "have cooties."
2. You're planting a seed that can totally mess up the normal development process later, when at 12 or 14, kids enter the age of sexual confusion and discovering the opposite sex. [7]
6. promote science that legitimizes homosexuality, such as claims of a never-identified gay gene[8]
7. force businesses to accommodate their lifestyle
1. Suing an online dating website for discrimination [9]
8. getting more rights in prison
1. Gay and Lesbian Prisoners in California Allowed Conjugal Visits [10]

The state-by-state push for same-sex marriage can be viewed as a means to the above goals, or a goal in itself.[11]

1. New Hampshire law makes same-sex civil unions legal [12]

Opposing Christian Agenda

Liberals are critical of Christian groups that oppose homosexuality. These criticisms include Christian activities of:

Soliciting donations
Encouraging email activism
Producing and disseminating gay reform information
Influencing local media in what stories they produce
Lobbying local, state and federal government officials to vote in the desired way on pending legislation[13]



Q&A: The Homosexual Agenda
by Pete Winn, CitizenLink associate editor

What is the gay agenda, and what can Christians do to stop it? Craig Osten, a vice president at the Alliance Defense Fund and co-author of

With the recent Supreme Court decision in the case of Lawrence v. Texas overturning state laws that ban sodomy laws, and an expected court ruling in Massachusetts that could give homosexuals the "right" to marry, the homosexual activist juggernaut is careening across America. The gay activist movement seems to be making headlines — and inroads — into American society in a record-breaking way, remaking the American legal landscape in the process. From "Will and Grace" to the Log Cabin Republicans, there seems to be few quarters of American society that have escaped the gay onslaught.

Alan Sears, president of the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and Craig Osten, a vice president ADF, have written a scathing expose — titled "The Homosexual Agenda" — of the goals behind the gay activist movement.

CitizenLink Associate Editor Pete Winn talked with Osten about the new book and — more importantly — the gay agenda.


Q. Craig, with the recent Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas, and an expected decision from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts that could create gay "marriage" on American shores, the whole idea of same-sex marriage has come front-and-center in American life. But isn't same-sex "marriage" just one part of the homosexual agenda?

A. Yes it is. The agenda of homosexual activists is basically to change America from what they perceive as looking down on homosexual behavior, to the affirmation of and societal acceptance of homosexual behavior.

It is an agenda that they basically set in the late 1980s, in a book called "After the Ball," where they laid out a six-point plan for how they could transform the beliefs of ordinary Americans with regard to homosexual behavior — in a decade-long time frame.

Q. Now, wait a minute. We hear all the time from gay activists that "there is no such thing" as a gay agenda. They snicker at the very idea.

A. But there is an agenda. They admit it privately, but they will not say that publicly. In their private publications, homosexual activists make it very clear that there is an agenda. The six-point agenda that they laid out in 1989 was explicit:

1. "Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible." That was aimed at making people so tired of the issue they would want to give them anything they want to make them shut up.

2. "Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers." That's why they exploited things like the tragic murder of Matthew Shepard. It was a tragic murder, yet they have used that and spun that to demonize people like Dr. James Dobson and other Christian leaders who have taken a biblical stand on homosexual behavior — people who have love and compassion for those trapped in that behavior.

3. "Give homosexual protectors a just cause." That was designed to tap into and exploit the almost innate sense of fairness that Americans have; to the sympathy that we have — especially liberals have — for those who seem to be disenfranchised.

4. "Make gays look good." That's what they've done through media campaigns, through television programs, like "Will and Grace" and others, where homosexuals are portrayed as the most normal, stable people in America.

5. "Make the victimizers look bad." They portray people of faith — people who have legitimate and biblical reasons to oppose homosexual behavior — as homophobes and bigots. They also try to "muddy the moral waters" by getting liberal churches, many of which have thrown out a great deal of the Bible, to say that homosexual behavior is just fine from a theological perspective.

6. "Get funds from corporate America." In fact, they have. They have gotten corporate America to sign on to their agenda, and it is very interesting how they have done that. It's based on fudging the truth — and outright lies.

By the way, the authors of "After the Ball" admit that the use of lies is perfectly fine in their struggle. Their main thing is to get people to believe them. That is all that is important.

What's interesting is that gay activists go to corporations and say, "We are an aggrieved class; we are discriminated against." Then, on the other hand, they go to corporate America and say, "Look how much money we have. We make double what a traditional family makes. We are a market that you want to advertise to and cater to."

Corporate America signs on — whether for domestic partner benefits, or whatever — because they don't want to alienate that market.

Q. You mentioned lies. Isn't one of the lies that homosexuals really want marriage?

A. That's one of the biggest lies. Actually, what they have said at conferences — including one international conference in London in 1999 — is that they really don't want marriage, they want the destruction of marriage. Basically, once they get marriage, they want to redefine it — they call the concept "monogamy without fidelity." In other words, marriage would mean that you could be with a person but say, "I can go ahead and have sex with anybody else I want, but my spouse and I live together."

One homosexual activist said, "We can now dethrone the (traditional) family based on blood relationships, in favor of the families that we choose."

Another activist said: "We need to fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits. Once granted, (we need to) redefine the institution of marriage completely (and) debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution. The most subversive action that gay men and lesbians can undertake, is to transform the notion of family entirely."

They don't just want marriage. They want to destroy marriage — and the family — as we know it.

Q. Do you think most people understand that there is a gay agenda, that it isn't benign and that homosexual activists are actively advancing it?

A. Unfortunately, I think very few people are aware of it. That's one of the reasons why we wrote this book. Gay activists have made such tremendous gains because people have not wanted to believe there is an agenda, or if they believed there is an agenda, they didn't know how to respond to it. We wrote the book so that the person sitting in the pew could understand the agenda and how it might affect their family, their children, and their grandchildren.

With the recent decision in Lawrence v. Texas, I think some people are really becoming aware of that, and saying: "Maybe there is an agenda here."

Q. It would seem that one of the areas most receptive to the gay agenda is public education? Do you agree?

A. Yes, very much so. Homosexual activists know — and have publicly stated — that to change a culture, they have to get to the children. They've made statements, for example, (that they want) to get children to reject the beliefs of their parents. For example, homosexual activists at a Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educational Network (GLSEN) conference said: "The fear of the 'religious right' is that the schools will be the governments of tomorrow. And you know, they are right. If we do our jobs right, we are going to raise a generation of kids who don't believe the claims of the 'religious right' (with regard to homosexual behavior)."

Now, as (Christian pollster) George Barna has documented, kids are most receptive to the Gospel when they are in their childhood years. And homosexual activists know that. That is why they are trying so hard — with the help of the ACLU — to keep the Gospel out of the schools, and get homosexual indoctrination in. And in places like Massachusetts and California — where the gay lobby is the strongest — it starts as early as pre-school. They tell seven- or eight-year-old boys — "If you only like boys, there's a chance you may be homosexual." Or — "If you only like girls, maybe you are lesbian." Well, at that age, all members of the opposite sex "have cooties."

You're planting a seed that can totally mess up the normal development process later, when at 12 or 14, kids enter the age of sexual confusion and discovering the opposite sex.

Q. How do we respond to the homosexual agenda? It would seem they are in the "catbird seat" and running the show now, aren't they?

A. They are awfully close. To use an analogy, they're on the 10-yard line and are about to score the final touchdown to win the game. They have been moving the ball back and forward down the field with little or no opposition . . . .

Homosexual activists have, for lack of a better word, an "evangelical" zeal for their cause to reshape America, to affirm homosexual behavior, and to reject America's religious heritage and traditional values. The only way we as Christians can reverse it is to have the same evangelical zeal — to stand up for what we believe; to be involved and educated about this issue. We got here because our head has been in the sand for a long time.

There will be a cost. We have to remember that Jesus said the Gospel would be offensive to some. This is a time, though, if we are going to stop the homosexual juggernaut that Christians need to stand up for the truth with love and compassion.

Q. It remains to be seen if the Church is going to stand up, doesn't it?

A. We are at the tipping point. Either the Church is going to stand up and help stop the gay agenda in its tracks, or the homosexual activists will get everything that they want — including the silencing of the Church.

As (ex-gay speaker and author) Joe Dallas has said, you could give homosexual activists everything they want, and they still wouldn't be satisfied until the Church is silenced on this issue, because they cannot handle the fact that their behavior is called sin. The tragedy of this all is, though, if they are successful, the person out there who considers himself or herself homosexual — who needs to hear the Gospel, who can be healed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ — will never have an opportunity to hear it or to respond to it.

Q. Isn't one of the key features of the gay agenda to silence opponents?

A. Yes. Homosexual activists have always said that what they want is tolerance of homosexuality. Well, the pretense of "tolerance" is over. What they really want is to make sure that there is no verbal dissent.

They don't want anyone to be able to say that homosexuality — like adultery, or lying, or whatever — is a sin. As long as that word is out there, it makes them "stigmatized" — or so they believe.

As we're seeing in Canada, we now have situations where Christians who share biblical verses on homosexual behavior are now facing criminal penalties. In Sweden, you can receive up to two years in prison (for saying) anything negative against homosexual behavior. That's where we'll be headed in America if the gay agenda advances.

Christians will be forced to violate their conscience. There has been a bill in the California Legislature that would affect Christian businesses, for example, and fine them up to $250,000 if they don't hire transgendered persons. So, we're fast approaching a situation where, as a Christian man, you cannot make a moral decision without facing the wrath of the state.

Q. So, the mere suggestion, the mere mention of homosexuality is getting people into trouble?

A. Yes. In Saskatchewan, a man put up some billboards and printed some flyers that basically had the Bible verses on homosexual behavior. Nothing else was on them.

He was brought before the human rights commission, was fined a substantial amount of money and faces further criminal penalties.

Already, Focus on the Family has to change its broadcasts for Canada when those programs deal with the issue of homosexuality, or it faces heavy fines from the CRTC — the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.

It's very frightening that in the space of ten years, we've seen a 180-degree turn in society — where Christians have been stigmatized, intimidated and silenced for publicly opposing homosexuality.

Q. "Standing up," then, may mean the possible loss of a job, finances, physical safety, jail — or worse. That could be a heavy cost.

A. There will be a tremendous cost. But when people have stood up, God has shown Himself faithful. In Minnesota, three prison guards who were forced to attend diversity training or lose their jobs, (attended the training) but they sat in the back of the room and read their Bibles. Other people in the room were reading things and not really paying attention, but these guys were singled out, after the training, by their supervisor for "creating a hostile work environment" for people who engage in homosexual behavior. They were denied promotions, had their jobs threatened, and more.

But when they came to the Alliance Defense Fund, we went to court and defended them, the court ruled in favor of the prison guards, and, in addition, made them a substantial financial award.

We believe that God will ultimately honor anyone who stands up for His Truth. This is the time to do so.

"The Homosexual Agenda," published by Broadman & Holman, is available in Christian bookstores nationwide. To find out more about the book, see the Alliance Defense Fund Web site.
a mi la religión no me respeta, cortan las calles donde vivo para que pasen los pasos de semana santa

que falta de respeto a mi ateicidad
Los maricones dando por culo...

¿Por qué será que no me extraña?
Habéis visto el cartel de aniversario del FAGC?
Me parece perfecto que insulten a la religion.

La iglesia tampoco les respeta a ellos, por lo cual si ellos no tienen tolerancia con los gays, ellos tampoco han de tratar con tolerancia a la iglesia.

Incluso me parecen muy hipocritas los curas, despues de los miles de gayolos y pederastas que hay en sus filas.
A mi esta gente ya me tiene hasta los cojones, de parecerme unas víctimas han pasado a parecerme unos brasas de mierda. Y encima pidiendo respeto cuando ellos no respetan ni a los difuntos, anda que no me jodan.

Que se vayan a tomar por el culo, que además les encantará.
Andrés Calamaro rebuznó:
a mi la religión no me respeta, cortan las calles donde vivo para que pasen los pasos de semana santa

que falta de respeto a mi ateicidad
Los ateos a la hoguera.

Habria que hacer un dia del orgullo heterosexual, para compensar.
Salvo que sean los musulmanes los que digan que se sienten ofendidos por los gaylos no van a hacer nada. Y ni aún así, porque él lobby zerolo está en el poder y hablarán de la alianza de civilizaciones musul-gaylas y con construirles unas mezquitas los callarían.

Son unos pesaos los gays, ya lo dice el dicho "no hay peor amo que el que ha sido esclavo" y es lo que están haciendo: dicen que tenemos que verlos como gente normal cuando acaban desfilando como locazas; piden respeto cuando ellos no respetan ni a los de otras ideas ni de otros gustos sexuales; pretenden que en la escuela se muestre lo gay como la única visión posible del mundo. Así no van a conseguier que la gente se acerque a ellos y los apoye en lo de la adopción. De hecho estoy empezando a dudar de que puedan ser buenos padres, y eso que antes no tenía reparos (siempre que sigan los mismo trámites que los heteros: exámenes psicológicos, estabilidad familiar y laboral etc).
tuhalp rebuznó:
Andrés Calamaro rebuznó:
a mi la religión no me respeta, cortan las calles donde vivo para que pasen los pasos de semana santa

que falta de respeto a mi ateicidad
Los ateos a la hoguera.

Habria que hacer un dia del orgullo heterosexual, para compensar.

Y a los integristas que se os hace? Se os descuartiza? no lolees, hamijo
Paul Elstak rebuznó:
Me parece perfecto que insulten a la religion.

La iglesia tampoco les respeta a ellos, por lo cual si ellos no tienen tolerancia con los gays, ellos tampoco han de tratar con tolerancia a la iglesia.

Incluso me parecen muy hipocritas los curas, despues de los miles de gayolos y pederastas que hay en sus filas.

La iglesia no les respetaba y ahora los tolera, pero no se disfrazan de gaylos ni los ridiculiza, no es lo mismo.
Me parecen dos bandos igual de detestables, que se maten entre ellos.
Además, los homosexuales y la iglesia sólo difieren en una cosa:
a los homosexuales les gustan los varones adultos
Frikatxu rebuznó:
Paul Elstak rebuznó:
Me parece perfecto que insulten a la religion.

La iglesia tampoco les respeta a ellos, por lo cual si ellos no tienen tolerancia con los gays, ellos tampoco han de tratar con tolerancia a la iglesia.

Incluso me parecen muy hipocritas los curas, despues de los miles de gayolos y pederastas que hay en sus filas.

La iglesia no les respetaba y ahora los tolera, pero no se disfrazan de gaylos ni los ridiculiza, no es lo mismo.

La iglesia a sido un lastre y prolongo la ignoracia y el oscurantismo en europa, han hostigado, cazado, torturado y asesinado durante siglos a todos los que pensaban diferente o tenian ideas que se opinian a algun dogma de fe.

Eso sin contar Que han sido un colectivo con mucho poder, siempre vinculados al poder de turno, y que desde tiempos del diezmo han utilizado el invento de pedro en la mayor caja registradora de la historia.

Los maricones dan demasiado la nota, pero vamos, a mi tres cojones me importa, cada cual hace lo que quiere, ¿que se rien de la iglesia?, bastante se ha reido la iglesia de todos, ademas no montan ellos manifestaciones contra los maricas, pues nada nada, joderse tocan.
Costra el Payaso rebuznó:
La iglesia a sido un lastre y prolongo la ignoracia y el oscurantismo en europa, han hostigado, cazado, torturado y asesinado durante siglos a todos los que pensaban diferente o tenian ideas que se opinian a algun dogma de fe.

Ese topicazo es una generalización tan repugnante que da risa. Hay sectores de la iglesia que han sido muy conservadores, igual que ha habido gobiernos que han hecho lo mismo y en la misma época, y es complicado distinguir quién dictaba a quién el curso de acción.

También se puede argumentar que la Iglesia conservó, copió y tradujo buena cantidad de obras que, en otro caso, se hubieran perdido irremisible. Adicionalmente, fue responsable de siglos de desarrollo filosófico.

Que parece que para algunos la única filosofía es la que enuncian señores con peluca o una sábana enrollada.

Respecto al tema original, no es sorprendente. El clero español está hoy día a la gresca por motivos de los que ya les tocará presentar cuentas, y los gays les dan excusa disfrazándose de curas o monjas para hacer burla. Seguro que si las monjitas hicieran "obras de teatro" ridiculizando a los gays y haciendo chistes tópicos estaría el COGAM liándola en todos los medios de comunicación que se prestaran.

La libertad de expresión implica que los gays pueden disfrazarse de lo que quieran en las carrozas, pero también los curas tienen derecho a expresarse en contra. Quizás haya que hacer el mismo poco caso a ambos. Es, al fín y al cabo, un gesto dirigido a las galerías respectivas.
Cosas veredes Sancho.
Cuando lo de las caricaturas de Mahoma, todo era decir que había libertad de expresión etc etc y moros no.
Ahora que se ridiculiza a la iglesia el discurso muta a una forma diametralmente opuesta.

Gente con criterio y opinión, qué duda cabe.
¿Son exteriotipos?

La historia de la Iglesia: Ya la gente tiene más cultura y ha visto que su historia está hecha de mixtificaciones, componendas, búsqueda del provecho de clan.

Falta de conexión entre la realidad que predican y la que viven, entre la realidad tal como ellos la interpretan y como es en la calle.

Oscurantismo: filosófico, sociológico, popular.

Autosegregación: muchas veces se vanaglorian de ser distintos al resto de los hombres, algo que "molesta" al personal

Postura de ostra y erizo: ante la agresión se encierran en sí mismos, no se defienden, echan la culpa a lo otros...

Valores vacíos o sin fundamento: Hoy su mensaje o está en contra de los valores sociales o los valores que preconizan no dicen nada a la sociedad.

Endogamia: viven en un mundo de reglas, vivencias y postulados sui géneris sin mezcla social. Comienzan a formar ghetos sociales.
Están pagando el precio. El pueblo está pasando factura hoy de la utilización del poder político y social en el pasado

Hiato entre praxis y creencia: la vida por un lado, el credo por otro

Incomunicación: No transmiten lo que dicen vivir, se encierran en las fórmulas de siempre, hablan para ellos mismos...

Atemporalidad: Mostrarse “cristiano” convencido no está hoy de moda. Además el pueblo ni escucha ni valora sus propuestas vitales, saben a rancias,

Han instrumentalizado desde siempre la cultura, el saber, aprobechandose del vulgo, no dejando acceder a la cultura excepto a un reducido grupo social, que como en todas las culturas, aprobechaban su pusicion y su cultura para vivir a costa de los demas.

¿Que protegieron libros?, como los de la bilblioteca del vaticano bajo las 7 llaves, jajaja, el Guttemberg si que hizo por los libros, y en cuanto a filosofia solo hay que ver las mil y una cabriolas de que han tenido que hacer a lo largo de la historia para meter en dios en todo, incluso en las teorias mecanistas, si bueno, Mecanistas, pero dios es el que lo diseño.
Insisto, te fijas en periodos puramente anecdóticos, confundes el todo con la parte, e inexplicablemente extrapolas su postura actual a siglos en el pasado.

Respecto a su papel en la cultura... Lo preocupante es que esa identificación de "curas=inquisidores=quemalibros" te creerás que es sensata y todo.

No digo que hayan sido los paladines de la cultura, la ilustración y la ciencia, ni muchísimo menos, pero desde luego no son el coco ni son todos como "el malo ese de la peli del Nombre de la Rosa".

Además, ¿no estábamos hablando de maricas?
DENWO rebuznó:
Cosas veredes Sancho.
Cuando lo de las caricaturas de Mahoma, todo era decir que había libertad de expresión etc etc y moros no.
Ahora que se ridiculiza a la iglesia el discurso muta a una forma diametralmente opuesta.

Gente con criterio y opinión, qué duda cabe.

Cuando dije esto estaba pensando en gente de este foro.
DENWO rebuznó:
Cosas veredes Sancho.
Cuando lo de las caricaturas de Mahoma, todo era decir que había libertad de expresión etc etc y moros no.
Ahora que se ridiculiza a la iglesia el discurso muta a una forma diametralmente opuesta.

Cuando el Vaticano predique la cruzada contra los maricones que se visten de curas, vienes y me vuelvas a poner el ejemplo.
Error. Si un caricaturista danés puede mofarse de Mahoma amparado en la libertad de expresión, entonces los maricas pueden mofarse de Cristo y la iglesia, amparados en la libertad de expresión.
Ah, pero entonces la Iglesia podría mofarse y ridiculizar a las mariconas, y promover la chufla y ridiculización de sus personas. Y hasta el momento no he visto nada de eso, simplemente dicen que no les parece bien. Creo que no es lo mismo.
Otra vez que se confunde a la jerarquía católica con Jesús y la Virgen María.

Si los geins quieren disfrazarse de Rouco,pues muy bien,tu me jodes yo te jodo,pero disfrazarse de Virgen María Drag Queen demuestra que no tienen por los demás ese respeto que tanto piden.
Efectivamente, una cosa es tener derecho a hacerlo, y otra es que hacerlo sea respetuoso.
Disfrazarse de Cristo es irrespetuoso y no encaja con la cultura de tolerancia que dicen buscar.
Aunque derecho tienen todo el del mundo.
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