Frank Zappa

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Para empezar con Zappa, yo recomendaría Over-nite Sensation u One Size Fits All. Después puedes probar con Hot Rats o Chungas Revenge.

Por cambiar un poco, pongo algo no tan manido de FZ. Se postió arriba pero vamos, de eso hace años.

A mi gusto un disco precioso, un disco bello, donde Frank Zappa saca a relucir toda su clase, toda su hombría y todo el talento que tenía con la guitarra. Y es que son 7 temas perfectamente audibles por su maestría y belleza. Pues valorar sus solos más que a vuestras madres debéis.

Un maestro del guitarreo, que me la pone dura en esta faceta y en muchas otras.

Claramente debéis escucharlo de cabo a rabo, como unidad, que os entre bien, y si no es así, probad hijosdeputa, probad.

Frank Zappa plays music of Frank Zappa.

El Sheik Yerbouti le comentaré más adelante que ahora no tengo los huevos como para hacerlo. muahaha De todas maneras es un disco fácil de FZ que puede estar bastante bien como comienzo.

Bueno pues paso a comentar el Sheik Yerbouti, que, como ya dije, es un disco fácil y bastante más audible que muchos otros de FZ. Para los que comiencen su andadura con el genio.


Este disco, fue el primero editado por Zappa Records, ya que Zappa había roto años atrás con su antigua compañía, la Warner. Por lo tanto no pudo sacar disco hasta 1979, el año de esta obra. Huelga decir que Frankie no pudo tirar de antiguos temas, así que tuvo que hacer todo el material nuevo para el Sheik Yerbouti.

FZ contrató para el elepé alguitarrista Adrian Belew, que hace en esta ocasión que la música Zappiana suene más rockera. Pero esto no quita que siga un disco con una sátira de la hostia, pues Zappa se ríe del sueño américano en Flakes y en Bobby Brown, donde también se ríe del propio Brown que da nombre a la canción. Se ríe de Dylan, el cual es imitado en Flakes por Belew -gran imitación:115-. Se mofa de los judíos y sus esteriotipos en Jewish Princess, y como no, de la música disco en Dancin' Fool.

Disfrútenlo hostias.


Frank Zappa - Sheik Yerbouti (1979)
Sheik Yerbouti rebuznó:
Se ríe de Dylan, el cual es imitado en Flakes por Belew -gran imitación:115-.

Eso es partirse la caja. Me imagino el jeto del estreñío la primera vez que la escuchase y me despollo toa.
Uncle Meat rebuznó:
Eso es partirse la caja. Me imagino el jeto del estreñío la primera vez que la escuchase y me despollo toa.

Joder es que vaya cojonazos que le echaron Zappa y Belew. Quien lo haya escuchado por primera vez sin tener un mínimo atisbo de esto, se pensaría que Dylan estuvo grabando el vinilo con Zappa. :lol:
Gracias por las recomendaciones, he decidido empezar con éste a ver que tal:
Sheik Yerbouti

Ya os diré si me pone palote
Trinaranjus rebuznó:
Gracias por las recomendaciones, he decidido empezar con éste a ver que tal:
Sheik Yerbouti

Ya os diré si me pone palote
Yo te habría recomendado otro, pero vamos, yo empecé con uno jodido y mira mi avatar.

Suerte en la escucha y aplausos a los foreros por éste hilo tan majo sobre el Rey de reyes.
Güenas. He encontrado gran parte (no digo toda, porque este hombre como Tupac sigue sacando discos y discos después de muerto) de la discografía de Frank Zappa a 320kbps. Os la pongo con sus respectivos tracklist y demás, de momento los links están operativos. Como es lógico, no voy a poner carátulas una a una, así que os jodéis.

1966 - Freak Out!

“Frank Zappa
Ray Collins (lead vocals, harmonica, tambourine, finger cymbals, bobby pin, tweezers)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Roy Estrada (bass, guitarron, boy soprano)
Elliot Ingber (lead guitar, rhythm guitar)”

1. Hungry Freaks, Daddy (3:27)
2. I Ain't Got No Heart (2:30)
3. Who Are The Brain Police? (3:22)
4. Go Cry On Somebody Else's Shoulder (3:31)
5. Motherly Love (2:45)
6. How Could I Be Such A Fool (2:12)
7. Wowie Zowie (2:45)
8. You Didn't Try To Call Me (3:17)
9. Any Way The Wind Blows (2:52)
10. I'm Not Satisfied (2:37)
11. You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here (3:37)
12. Trouble Every Day (6:16)
13. Help, I'm A Rock (8:37)
14. The Return Of The Son Of Monster Magnet (12:17)

1967 - Absolutely Free

“Frank Zappa
Ray Collins (vocals)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Billy Mundi (drums)
Roy Estrada (bass)
Don Preston (keyboards)
Bunk Gardner (woodwinds)
Motorhead Sherwood (soprano, baritone saxophone)”

1. Plastic People (3:42)
2. The Duke Of Prunes (2:13)
3. Amnesia Vivace (1:01)
4. The Duke Regains His Chops (1:50)
5. Call Any Vegetable (2:20)
6. Invocation And Ritual Dance Of The Young Pumpkin (7:00)
7. Soft-Sell Conclusion (1:40)
8. Big Leg Emma (2:32)
9. Why Don'tcha Do Me Right? (2:37)
10. America Drinks (1:53)
11. Status Back Baby (2:54)
12. Uncle Bernie's Farm (2:11)
13. Son Of Suzy Creamcheese (1:34)
14. Brown Shoes Don't Make It (7:30)
15. America Drinks & Goes Home (2:46)

1967 - Lumpy Gravy

“Frank Zappa
Ray Collins (vocals)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Billy Mundi (drums)
Roy Estrada (bass)
Don Preston (keyboards)
Bunk Gardner (woodwinds)”

1. Lumpy Gravy I (15:48)
2. Lumpy Gravy II (15:50)

1968 - We're Only In It For The Money

“Frank Zappa (guitar, piano, lead vocals)
Billy Mundi (drums, vocals, yak)
Bunk Gardner (woodwinds)
Roy Estrada (electric bass, vocals)
Don Preston (retired)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums, trumpet, vocals)
Ian Underwood (piano, woodwinds)
Motorhead Sherwood (soprano, baritone saxophone)
Suzy Creamcheese (telephone)
Dick Barber (snorks)”

1. Are You Hung Up? (1:29)
2. Who Needs The Peace Corps? (2:35)
3. Concentration Moon (2:17)
4. Mom & Dad (2:19)
5. Telephone Conversation (0:45)
6. Bow Tie Daddy (0:33)
7. Harry, You're A Beast (1:21)
8. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (1:03)
9. Absolutely Free (3:27)
10. Flower Punk (3:04)
11. Hot Poop (0:29)
12. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music (2:02)
13. Let's Make The Water Turn Black (1:45)
14. The Idiot Bastard Son (2:43)
15. Lonely Little Girl (1:45)
16. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance (1:34)
17. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (Reprise) (0:57)
18. Mother People (2:31)
19. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny (6:25)

1968 - Ahead Of Their Time

“Frank Zappa (guitar, vocals)
Ian Underwood (alto saxophone, piano)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxophone, clarinet)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritone saxophone, tambourine)
Roy Estrada (bass, vocals)
Don Preston (electric piano)
Arthur Tripp (drums, percussion)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Members of The BBC Symphony Orchestra”

1. Prologue (3:07)
2. Progress? (4:45)
3. Like It Or Not (2:21)
4. The Jimmy Carl Black Philosophy Lesson (2:02)
5. Holding The Group Back (2:00)
6. Holiday In Berlin (0:57)
7. The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage (2:55)
8. Undaunted, The Band Plays On (4:35)
9. Agency Man (3:17)
10. Epilogue (1:52)
11. King Kong (8:14)
12. Help, I'm A Rock (1:38)
13. Transylvania Boogie (3:07)
14. Pound For A Brown (6:51)
15. Sleeping In A Jar (2:24)
16. Let's Make The Water Turn Black (1:51)
17. Harry, You're A Beast (0:54)
18. The Orange County Lumber Truck (0:47)
19. Oh No (3:22)
20. The Orange County Lumber Truck (10:40)

1968 - Cruising With Ruben & The Jets

“Ray Collins (lead vocals)
Frank Zappa (lead guitar)
Roy Estrada (bass)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Arthur Tripp (drums)
Ian Underwood (piano, alto saxophone)
Don Preston (piano)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritone saxophone, tambourine)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxophone)”

1. Cheap Thrills (2:30)
2. Love Of My Life (3:17)
3. How Could I Be Such A Fool (3:33)
4. Deseri (2:04)
5. I'm Not Satisfied (3:59)
6. Jelly Roll Gum Drop (2:17)
7. Anything (3:00)
8. Later That Night (3:04)
9. You Didn't Try To Call Me (3:53)
10. Fountain Of Love (2:57)
11. "No No No" (2:27)
12. Any Way The Wind Blows (2:56)
13. Stuff Up The Cracks (4:37)

1969 - Uncle Meat

“Frank Zappa (guitar, vocals, percussion)
Ray Collins (vocals)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Roy Estrada (electric bass)
Don Preston (electric piano)
Billy Mundi (drums)
Bunk Gardner (piccolo, flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, bassoon)
Ian Underwood (electric organ, piano, harpsichord, celeste, flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, baritone saxophone)
Arthur Tripp (drums, timpani, vibes, marimba, xylophone, wood blocks, bells, small chimes)
Motorhead Sherwood (tenor saxophone, tambourine)
Ruth Komanoff (marimba, vibes)”

1. Uncle Meat; main title theme (1:54)
2. The Voice Of Cheese (0:27)
3. Nine Types Of Industrial Pollution (5:56)
4. Zolar Czakl (0:57)
5. Dog Breath, In The Year Of The Plague (5:51)
6. The Legend Of The Golden Arches (1:24)
7. Louie Louie (2:28)
8. The Dog Breath Variations (1:36)
9. Sleeping In A Jar (0:49)
10. Our Bizarre Relationship (1:05)
11. The Uncle Meat Variations (4:40)
12. Electric Aunt Jemima (1:53)
13. Prelude To King Kong (3:24)
14. God Bless America (1:22)
15. A Pound For A Brown On The Bus (1:29)
16. Ian Underwood Whips It Out (5:08)
17. Mr. Green Genes (3:10)
18. We Can Shoot You (1:48)
19. "If We'd All Been Living In California..." (1:29)
20. The Air (2:57)
21. Project X (4:47)
22. Cruising For Burgers (2:19)
23. Uncle Meat Film Excerpt, part 1 (37:34)
24. Tengo Na Minchia Tanta (3:46)
25. Uncle Meat Film Excerpt, part 2 (3:50)
26. King Kong Itself (0:53)
27. King Kong 2 (1:15)
28. King Kong 3 (1:44)
29. King Kong 4 (6:17)
30. King Kong 5 (0:29)
31. King Kong 6 (7:22)

1969 - Hot Rats

“Frank Zappa (guitar, octave bass, percussion)
Ian Underwood (piano, organus maximus, clarinet, saxophone)”

1. Peaches En Regalia (3:37)
2. Willie The Pimp (9:16)
3. Son Of Mr. Green Genes (8:29)
4. Little Umbrellas (3:03)
5. The Gumbo Variations (16:57)
6. It Must Be A Camel (5:16)

1970 - A Snail In My Nose

“Frank Zappa (Guitar, Vocals)
Mark Volman (Vocals)
Howard Kaylan (Vocals)
Ian Underwood (Winds, Keyboards, Vocals)
Aynsley Dunbar (Drums)
Jeff Simmons (Bass, Vocal)
George Duke (Keyboard, Vocal)
Don Peterson (Mini Moog)”

1 - I. Intro, II. Uncle Meat, III. Interlude, IV. Sharleena
2 - I. The Sanzini Bro. II. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning III. What Kind Of Girls Do You Think We Are IV. Bwana Dick V. Latex Solar Beef VI. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
3 - I. Little House I Used To Live In, II. Would You Like A Snack, III. Holiday In Berlin, IV. Crusing For Burgers

1970 - Burnt Weeny Sandwich

“Frank Zappa (vocals, guitar)
Lowell George (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Roy Estrada (bass, vocals)
Bunk Gardner (woodwinds)
Ian Underwood (keyboards, woodwinds)
Don Preston (keyboards)
Motorhead Sherwood (woodwinds, vocals)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums, percussion)
Arthur Tripp (drums, percussion)”

1. WPLJ (2:52)
2. Igor's Boogie, Phase One (0:37)
3. Overture To A Holiday In Berlin (1:27)
4. Theme From Burnt Weeny Sandwich (4:32)
5. Igor's Boogie, Phase Two (0:37)
6. Holiday In Berlin, Full Blown (6:23)
7. Aybe Sea (2:46)
8. Little House I Used To Live In (18:42)
9. Valarie (3:14)

1970 - Weasels Ripped My Flesh

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar)
Ian Underwood (alto saxophone)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxophone)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritone saxophone, snorks)
Buzz Gardner (trumpet, flugel horn)
Roy Estrada (bass)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Arthur Tripp (drums)
Don Preston (piano, organ, electronic effects)
Don "Sugar Cane" Harris (electric violin)
Lowell George (rhythm guitar, vocals)”

1. Didja Get Any Onya? (6:51)
2. Directly From My Heart To You (5:16)
3. Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Sexually Aroused Gas Mask (3:48)
4. Toads Of The Short Forest (4:48)
5. Get A Little (2:31)
6. The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue (6:52)
7. Dwarf Nebula Professional March & Dwarf Nebula (2:12)
8. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama (3:32)
9. Oh No (1:45)
10. The Orange County Lumber Truck (3:21)
11. Weasels Ripped My Flesh (2:08)

1970 - Chunga's Revenge

“Frank Zappa – guitar, harpsichord, percussions, drums, vocals, Condor
Max Bennett – bass
George Duke – organ, trombone, electric piano, sound effects, vocals
Aynsley Dunbar – drums, tambourine
John Guerin – drums
Don "Sugarcane" Harris – organ
Howard Kaylan – vocals
Mark Volman – vocals
Jeff Simmons – bass, vocals
Ian Underwood – organ, guitar, piano, rhythm guitar, electric piano, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, pipe organ”

1. Transylvania Boogie (5:01)
2. Road Ladies (4:10)
3. Twenty Small Cigars (2:17)
4. The Nancy & Mary Music (9:27)
5. Tell Me You Love Me (2:33)
6. Would You Go All The Way? (2:29)
7. Chunga's Revenge (6:15)
8. The Clap (1:23)
9. Rudy Wants To Buy Yez A Drink (2:44)
10. Sharleena (4:03)

1971 - Motels 200

“Frank Zappa
Mark Volman (vocals)
Howard Kaylan (vocals)
Ian Underwood (keyboards, woodwinds)
Aynsley Dunbar (drums)
George Duke (keyboards, trombone)
Martin Lickert (bass)
Ruth Underwood (orchestra drum set)
Jim Pons (vocals)”

1. Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture (1:59)
2. Mystery Roach (2:33)
3. Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers (0:48)
4. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue) (0:56)
5. Tuna Fish Promenade (2:30)
6. Dance Of The Just Plain Folks (4:39)
7. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise) (0:59)
8. The Sealed Tuna Bolero (1:40)
9. Lonesome Cowboy Burt (3:51)
10. Touring Can Make You Crazy (2:53)
11. Would You Like A Snack? (1:23)
12. Redneck Eats (3:03)
13. Centerville (2:31)
14. She Painted Up Her Face (1:42)
15. Janet's Big Dance Number (1:18)
16. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats (1:57)
17. Mysterioso (0:48)
18. Shove It Right In (2:32)
19. Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude (4:00)
20. I'm Stealing The Towels (2:14)
21. Dental Hygeine Dilemma (5:12)
22. Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You? (3:00)
23. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy (3:11)
24. Penis Dimension (4:35)
25. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning (3:27)
26. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes (1:09)
27. Magic Fingers (3:55)
28. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch (1:30)
29. Dew On The Newts We Got (1:10)
30. The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts (0:41)
31. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth (1:10)
32. The Girl's Dream (0:55)
33. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce (1:01)
34. Strictly Genteel (The Finale) (11:09)

1971 - Fillmore East, June 1971

“Frank Zappa (guitar, dialog)
Mark Volman (lead vocals, dialog)
Howard Kaylan (lead vocals, dialog)
Ian Underwood (woodwinds, keyboards, vocals)
Aynsley Dunbar (drums)
Jim Pons (bass, vocals, dialog)
Bob Harris (keyboards, vocals)
Don Preston (mini-moog)”

1. Little House I Used To Live In (4:41)
2. The Mud Shark (5:22)
3. What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are? (4:17)
4. Bwana Dik (2:21)
5. Latex Solar Beef (2:38)
6. Willie The Pimp (4:03)
7. Willie The Pimp, Part Two
8. Do You Like My New Car? (7:08)
9. Happy Together (2:57)
10. Lonesome Electric Turkey (2:32)
11. Peaches En Regalia (3:22)
12. Tears Began To Fall (3:50)

1972 - Waka -Jawaka

“Frank Zappa
Mark Volman (vocals)
Howard Kaylan (vocals)
Ian Underwood (keyboards, woodwinds)
Aynsley Dunbar (drums)
George Duke (keyboards, trombone)
Martin Lickert (bass)
Ruth Underwood (orchestra drum set)
Jim Pons (vocals)”

1. Big Swifty (17:22)
2. Your Mouth (3:12)
3. It Just Might Be A One-Shot Deal (4:17)
4. Waka/Jawaka (11:17)

1972 - Just Another Band From L.A.

“Frank Zappa
Mark Volman (lead vocals)
Howard Kaylan (lead vocals)
Ian Underwood (woodwinds, keyboards, vocals)
Aynsley Dunbar (drums)
Don Preston (keyboards, mini-moog)
Jim Pons (bass, vocals)”

1. Billy The Mountain (24:46)
2. Call Any Vegetable (7:23)
3. Eddie, Are You Kidding? (3:10)
4. Magdalena (5:55)
5. Dog Breath (4:07)

1972 - The Grand Wazoo

“Frank Zappa – guitar, percussion, vocals
Mike Altschul – woodwind
Bill Byers – trombone
Chunky (Lauren Wood)– vocals
Lee Clement – percussion
George Duke – keyboards, vocals
Earl Dumler – woodwind
Aynsley Dunbar – drums
Tony Duran – guitar, bottleneck guitar
Erroneous (Alex Dmochowski) – bass”

1. For Calvin (And His Next Two Hitch-Hikers) (6:06)
2. The Grand Wazoo (13:21)
3. Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus (2:57)
4. Eat That Question (6:43)
5. Blessed Relief (8:03)

1973 - Over-Nite Sensation

“Frank Zappa (guitar, vocals)
Ralph Humphrey (drums)
Sal Marquez (trumpet, vocals)
Tom Fowler (bass)
Bruce Fowler (trombone)
George Duke (keyboards, synthesizer)
Ruth Underwood (marimba, vibes, percussion)
Ian Underwood (flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone)
Jean-Luc Ponty (violin, baritone violin)”

1. Camarillo Brillo (3:59)
2. I'm The Slime (3:35)
3. Dirty Love (2:59)
4. Fifty-Fifty (6:11)
5. Zomby Woof (5:10)
6. Dinah-Moe-Hum (6:04)
7. Montana (6:36)
1974 - Apostrophe (')

“Jim Gordon (drums)
John Guerin (drums)
Aynsley Dunbar (drums)
Ralph Humphrey (drums)
Jack Bruce (bass)
Erroneous (bass)
Tom Fowler (bass)
Frank Zappa (bass, lead vocals, guitar)
George Duke (keyboards, background vocals)
Don "Sugar Cane" Harris (violin)
Jean-Luc Ponty (violin)
Ruth Underwood (percussion)
Ian Underwood (saxophone)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (saxophone, background vocals)
Sal Marquez (trumpet)”

1. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow (2:06)
2. Nanook Rubs It (4:38)
3. St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast (1:51)
4. Father O'Blivion (2:18)
5. Cosmik Debris (4:17)
6. Excentrifugal Forz (1:32)
7. Apostrophe(') (5:53)
8. Uncle Remus (2:45)
9. Stink Foot (6:38)

1974 - Apostrophe
(1995, Au20 Gold Limited edition)

1974 - Roxy & Elsewhere

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
George Duke (keyboards, synthesizer, vocals)
Tom Fowler (bass)
Ruth Underwood (percussion)
Jeff Simmons (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Don Preston (synthesizer)
Bruce Fowler (trombone)
Walt Fowler (trumpet)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (tenor saxophone, flute, lead vocals”)

1. Penguin In Bondage (6:48)
2. Pygmy Twylite (2:13)
3. Dummy Up (6:03)
4. Village Of The Sun (4:17)
5. Echidna's Arf (Of You) (3:53)
6. Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? (9:41)
7. Cheepnis (6:31)
8. Son Of Orange County (5:54)
9. More Trouble Every Day (6:01)
10. Be-Bop Tango (Of The Old Jazzmen's Church) (16:40)

1975 - One Size Fits All

“Frank Zappa (guitar)
George Duke (keyboards, synthesizer)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (flute, tenor saxophone)
Chester Thompson (drums)
Tom Fowler (bass)
Ruth Underwood (vibes, marimba, percussion)
Bloodshot Rollin' Red (harmonica)”

1. Inca Roads (8:45)
2. Can't Afford No Shoes (2:38)
3. Sofa #1 (2:40)
4. Po-Jama People (7:39)
5. Florentine Pogen (5:27)
6. Evelyn, A Modified Dog (1:05)
7. San Ber'dino (5:57)
8. Andy (6:03)
9. Sofa #2 (2:38)

1975 - Bongo Fury (Frank Zappa & Captain Beefheart)

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Captain Beefheart (harp, vocals)
George Duke (keyboards, vocals)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (saxophone, vocals)
Bruce Fowler (trombone)
Tom Fowler (bass)
Denny Walley (slide guitar, vocals)”

1. Debra Kadabra (3:54)
2. Carolina Hard-Core Ecstasy (5:59)
3. Sam With The Showing Scalp Flat Top (3:21)
4. Poofter's Froth Wyoming Plans Ahead (2:32)
5. 200 Years Old (4:32)
6. Cucamonga (2:24)
7. Advance Romance (11:17)
8. Man With The Woman Head (1:28)
9. Muffin Man (5:32)

1976 - Zappa In New York

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ray White (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Eddie Jobson (keyboards, violin, vocals)
Patrick O'Hearn (bass, vocals)
Terry Bozzio (drums, vocals)
Ruth Underwood (percussion, synthesizer)
Don Pardo (vocals)
David Samuels (vibes)”

1. Titties & Beer (7:36)
2. Cruisin' For Burgers (9:12)
3. I Promise Not To Come In Your Mouth (3:32)
4. Punky's Whips (10:50)
5. Honey, Don't You Want A Man Like Me? (4:12)
6. The Illinois Enema Bandit (12:41)
7. I'm The Slime (4:23)
8. Pound For A Brown (3:42)
9. Manx Needs Women (1:50)
10. The Black Page Drum Solo/Black Page #1 (3:51)
11. Big Leg Emma (2:17)
12. Sofa (2:56)
13. Black Page #2 (5:36)
14. The Torture Never Stops (12:35)
15. The Purple Lagoon/Approximate (16:40)

1976 - Zoot Allures

“Frank Zappa
Terry Bozzio (drums, background vocals)
Davey Moire (vocals)
Andre Lewis (organ, vocals)
Roy Estrada (bass, vocals)
Dave Parlato (bass)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (saxophone, vocals)”

1. Wind Up Workin' In The Gas Station (2:29)
2. Black Napkins (4:15)
3. The Torture Never Stops (9:44)
4. Ms. Pinky (3:40)
5. Find Her Finer (4:07)
6. Friendly Little Finger (4:17)
7. Wonderful Wino (3:38)
8. Zoot Allures (4:13)
9. Disco Boy (5:09)

1977 - Lather

Lather CD DISC 1:

1. Re-Gyptian Strut
2. Naval Aviation in Art?
3. Little Green Rosetta, A
4. Duck Duck Goose
5. Down in de Dew
6. For the Young Sophisticate
7. Tryin' to Grow a Chin
8. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
9. Legend of the Illinois Enema Bandit, The
10. Lemme Take You to the Beach
11. Revised Music For Guitar & Low Budget Orchestra
12. Rdnzl

Lather Songs DISC 2:

1. Honey, Don't You Want a Man Like Me?
2. Black Page #1, The
3. Big Leg Emma
4. Punky's Whips
5. Flambe
6. Purple Lagoon, The
7. Pedro's Dowry
8. Lather
9. Spider of Destiny
10. Duke of Orchestral Prunes

Lather Album DISC 3:

1. Filthy Habits
2. Titties 'N Beer
3. Ocean Is the Ultimate Solution, The
4. Adventures of Greggery Peccary, The
5. Regyptian Strut - ('93 remix)
6. Leather Goods
7. Revenge of the Knick Knack People
8. Time Is Money

1979 - Joe's Garage Acts I, Ii & Iii

“Frank Zappa – Vocals, guitar
Warren Cuccurullo – Rhythm Guitar, Vocals, Choir, Chorus, Organ, Guitar
Denny Walley – Vocals, Slide Guitar, Guitar
Craig Twister Steward – Harmonica
Jeff – Sax (Tenor)
Marginal Chagrin – Sax (Baritone)
Patrick O'Hearn – Wind, Bass
Peter Wolf – Keyboards
Stumuk – Sax (Baritone), Sax (Bass)
Tommy Mars – Keyboards
Vinnie Colaiuta – Drums, Percussion
Arthur Barrow – Vocals, Bass”

1. The Central Scrutinizer (3:28)
2. Joe's Garage (6:10)
3. Catholic Girls (4:26)
4. Crew Slut (6:31)
5. Wet T-Shirt Nite (4:45)
6. On The Bus (4:19)
7. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee? (2:36)
8. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up (5:43)
9. Scrutinizer Postlude (1:35)
10. A Token Of My Extreme (5:30)
11. Stick It Out (4:34)
12. Sy Borg (8:56)
13. Dong Work For Yuda (5:03)
14. Keep It Greasy (8:22)
15. Outside Now (5:50)
16. He Used To Cut The Grass (8:35)
17. Packard Goose (11:34)
18. Watermelon In Easter Hay (9:09)
19. A Little Green Rosetta (8:15)

1979 - Anyway The Wind Blows

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ray White (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Eddie Jobson (keyboards, violin, vocals)
Patrick O'Hearn (bass, vocals)
Terry Bozzio (drums, vocals)
Ruth Underwood (percussion, synthesizer)
Don Pardo (vocals)
David Samuels (vibes)”

Disc: 1
1. Watermelon In Easter Hay
2. Dead Girls Of London
3. I Ain't Got No Heart
4. Brown Shoes Don't Make It
5. Cosmic Debris
6. Tryin' To Grow A Chin
7. City Of Tiny Lights
8. Dancin' Fool
9. Easy Meat
Disc: 2
1. Jumbo Go Away
2. Andy
3. Inca Roads
4. Florentine Pogen
5. Honey, Don't You Want A Man Like Me?
6. Keep It Greasy
7. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
8. Another Cheap Aroma
9. Wet T-Shirt Night
10. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
11. Peaches En Regalia

1979 - Orchestral Favorites

“Frank Zappa
Dave Parlato (bass)
Terry Bozzio (drums)
Emil Richards (percussion)”

1. Strictly Genteel (7:04)
2. Pedro's Dowry (7:42)
3. Naval Aviation In Art (1:23)
4. Duke Of Prunes (4:20)
5. Bogus Pomp (13:29)

1979 - Sheik Yerbouti

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Adrian Belew (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Tommy Mars (keyboards, vocals)
Peter Wolf (keyboards)
Patrick O'Hearn (bass, vocals)”

1. I Have Been In You (3:33)
2. Flakes (6:41)
3. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes (3:42)
4. I'm So Cute (3:09)
5. Jones Crusher (2:49)
6. What Ever Happened To All The Fun In The World (0:33)
7. Rat Tomago (5:15)
8. We Gotta Get Into Something Real (0:33)
9. Bobby Brown (2:49)
10. Rubber Shirt (2:45)
11. The Sheik Yerbouti Tango (3:56)
12. Baby Snakes (1:50)
13. Tryin' To Grow A Chin (3:31)
14. City Of Tiny Lites (5:32)
15. Dancin' Fool (3:43)
16. Jewish Princess (3:16)
17. Wild Love (4:09)
18. Yo' Mama (12:36)

1979 - Sleep Dirt

“Frank Zappa
George Duke (keyboards)
Dave Parlato (bass)
Patrick O'Hearn (bass)
James "Bird Legs" Youman (bass, guitar)
Terry Bozzio (drums)
Chester Thompson (drums)
Chad Wackerman (drums)
Ruth Underwood (percussion)
Thana Harris (vocals)
Bruce Fowler (brass)”

1. Filthy Habits (7:33)
2. Flambay (4:54)
3. Spider Of Destiny (2:34)
4. Regyptian Strut (4:13)
5. Time Is Money (2:49)
6. Sleep Dirt (3:21)
7. The Ocean Is The Ultimate Solution (13:17)

1981 - Tinsel Town Rebellion

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ike Willis (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ray White (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Steve Vai (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Warren Cucurullo (rhythm guitar, vocals)”

1. Fine Girl (3:29)
2. Easy Meat (9:19)
3. For The Young Sophisticate (2:36)
4. Love Of My Life (2:15)
5. I Ain't Got No Heart (1:59)
6. Panty Rap (4:35)
7. Tell Me You Love Me (2:07)
8. Now You See It, Now You Don't (5:01)
9. Dance Contest (3:00)
10. The Blue Light (5:26)
11. Tinseltown Rebellion (4:35)
12. Pick Me, I'm Clean (5:00)
13. Bamboozled By Love (5:46)
14. Brown Shoes Don't Make It (7:14)
15. Peaches III (4:56)

1981 - You Are What You Is

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ike Willis (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ray White (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Bob Harris (boy soprano, trumpet)
Steve Vai (guitar)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Arthur Barrow (bass)
Ed Mann (percussion)
David Ocker (clarinet, bass clarinet)”

1. Teenage Wind (3:01)
2. Harder Than Your Husband (2:28)
3. Doreen (4:44)
4. Goblin Girl (4:06)
5. Theme From The 3rd Mvmt Of "Sinister Footwear" (3:31)
6. Society Pages (2:26)
7. I'm A Beautiful Guy (1:56)
8. Beauty Knows No Pain (3:01)
9. Charlie's Enormous Mouth (3:36)
10. Any Downers? (2:08)
11. Conehead (4:18)
12. You Are What You Is (4:23)
13. Mudd Club (3:11)
14. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing (3:10)
15. Dumb All Over (4:03)
16. Heavenly Bank Account (3:44)
17. Suicide Chump (2:49)
18. Jumbo Go Away (3:43)
19. If Only She Woulda (3:47)
20. Drafted Again (3:06)

1982 - Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Steve Vai (guitar)
Ray White (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Bobby Martin (keyboards, saxophone, vocals)”

1. No Not Now (5:51)
2. Valley Girl (4:50)
3. I Come From Nowhere (6:10)
4. Drowning Witch (12:03)
5. Envelopes (2:46)
6. Teen-Age Prostitute (2:40)

1982 - Baby Snakes

“Frank Zappa
Terry Bozzio (drums)
Roy Estrada (vocals, bass)
Adrian Belew (guitar)
Ed Mann (percussion)
Patrick O'Hearn (bass)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Peter Wolf (keyboards)”

1. Intro Rap (0:36)
2. Baby Snakes (1:45)
3. Titties 'N' Beer (6:14)
4. The Black Page #2 (2:51)
5. Jones Crusher (2:53)
6. Disco Boy (3:55)
7. Dinah Moe Humm (6:40)
8. Punky's Whips (11:30)

1983 - London Symphony Orchestra Vol.1 & 2

The London Symphony Orchestra
David Ocker (clarinet)
Chad Wackerman (drums)
Ed Mann (percussion)”

1. Sad Jane (9:55)
2. Pedro's Dowry (10:26)
3. Envelopes (4:11)
4. Mo 'N' Herb's Vacation Part 1 (4:50)
5. Mo 'N' Herb's Vacation Part 2 (10:05)
6. Mo 'N' Herb's Vacation Part 3 (12:56)

The London Symphony Orchestra
Chad Wackerman (drums)
Ed Mann (percussion)”

1. Bogus Pomp (24:31)
2. Bob In Dacron (0:00)
3. Strictly Genteel (0:00)

1983 - The Man From Utopia

“Frank Zappa (guitar, vocals, drum machine)
Steve Vai (guitar, acoustic guitar)
Ray White (guitar, vocals)
Roy Estrada (vocals)
Bob Harris (boy soprano)
Ike Willis (vocals)
Bobby Martin (keyboards, saxophone, vocals)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Arthur Barrow (keyboards, bass, micro bass, rhythm guitar)
Ed Mann (percussion)
Scott Thunes (bass)”

1. Cocaine Decisions (2:56)
2. The Dangerous Kitchen (2:51)
3. Tink Walks Amok (3:40)
4. The Radio Is Broken (5:52)
5. Moggio (3:05)
6. The Man From Utopia Meets Mary Lou (3:19)
7. Stick Together (3:50)
8. Sex (3:00)
9. The Jazz Discharge Party Hats (4:30)
10. We Are Not Alone (3:31)

1984 - Francesco Zappa

“Frank Zappa (synclavier)”

1. Opus I - #1: 1st movement Andante (3:28)
2. Opus I - 2nd movement Allegro con brio (1:27)
3. Opus I - #2: 1st movement Andantino (2:14)
4. Opus I - 2nd movement Minuetto grazioso (2:02)
5. Opus I - #3: 1st movement Andantino (1:52)
6. Opus I - 2nd movement Presto (1:50)
7. Opus I - #4: 1st movement Andante (2:20)
8. Opus I - 2nd movement Allegro (3:02)
9. Opus I - #5: 2nd movement Minuetto grazioso (2:26)
10. Opus I - #6: 1st movement Largo (2:05)
11. Opus I - 2nd movement Minuet (2:01)
12. Opus IV - #1: 1st movement Andantino (2:42)
13. Opus IV - 2nd movement Allegro assai (1:58)
14. Opus IV - #2: 2nd movement Allegro assai (1:17)
15. Opus IV - #3: 1st movement Andante (2:22)
16. Opus IV - 2nd movement Tempo di minuetto (1:58)
17. Opus IV - #4: 1st movement Minuetto (2:07)

1984 - Them Or Us

“Frank Zappa – guitar, keyboards, vocals, arranger, producer, main performer, assistant
Tommy Mars – keyboards, vocals, soloist
Patrick O'Hearn – wind, bass guitar
Scott Thunes – vocals, Minimoog, synthesizer, bass guitar
Johnny "Guitar" Watson – vocals, guitar
Ray White – guitar, vocals, backing vocals, choir, chorus, harmony vocals, harmony
Moon Unit Zappa – vocals
Ed Mann – percussion”

1. The Closer You Are (3:02)
2. In France (3:32)
3. Ya Hozna (6:26)
4. Sharleena (4:35)
5. Sinister Footwear II (8:39)
6. Truck Driver Divorce (9:05)
7. Stevie's Spanking (5:23)
8. Baby, Take Your Teeth Out (1:53)
9. Marqueson's Chicken (7:36)
10. Planet Of My Dreams (1:40)
11. Be In My Video (3:40)
12. Them Or Us (5:08)
13. Frogs With Dirty Little Lips (2:46)
14. Whippin' Post (7:37)

1984 - Thing-Fish

“Frank Zappa (guitar, synclavier)
Steve Vai (guitar)
Ray White (guitar, vocals)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Chuck Wild (piano)
Arthur Barrow (bass)
Scott Thunes (bass)
Jay Anderson (string bass)
Ed Mann (percussion)”

1. Prologue (2:56)
2. The Mammy Nuns (3:50)
3. Harry & Rhonda (3:36)
4. Galoot Up-Date (5:29)
5. The 'Torchum' Never Stops (10:32)
6. That Evil Prince (1:17)
7. You Are What You Is (4:31)
8. Mudd Club (3:17)
9. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing (3:14)
10. Clowns On Velvet (1:38)
11. Harry-As-A-Boy (2:51)
12. He's So Gay (2:48)
13. The Massive Improve'lence (5:07)
14. Artificial Rhonda (3:30)
15. The Crab-Grass Baby (3:48)
16. The White Boy Troubles (3:35)
17. No Not Now (5:50)
18. Briefcase Boogie (4:10)
19. Brown Moses (3:02)
20. Wistful With A Fist-Full (3:53)
21. Drop Dead (7:56)
22. Won Ton On (4:20)

1985 - We're Only In It For The Money & Lumpy Gravy

“Frank Zappa (guitar, piano, lead vocals)
Billy Mundi (drums, vocals, yak)
Bunk Gardner (woodwinds)
Roy Estrada (electric bass, vocals)
Don Preston (retired)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums, trumpet, vocals)
Ian Underwood (piano, woodwinds)
Motorhead Sherwood (soprano, baritone saxophone)”

1. Are You Hung Up? (1:29)
2. Who Needs The Peace Corps? (2:35)
3. Concentration Moon (2:17)
4. Mom & Dad (2:19)
5. Telephone Conversation (0:45)
6. Bow Tie Daddy (0:33)
7. Harry, You're A Beast (1:21)
8. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (1:03)
9. Absolutely Free (3:27)
10. Flower Punk (3:04)
11. Hot Poop (0:29)
12. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music (2:02)
13. Let's Make The Water Turn Black (1:45)
14. The Idiot Bastard Son (2:43)
15. Lonely Little Girl (1:45)
16. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance (1:34)
17. What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (Reprise) (0:57)
18. Mother People (2:31)
19. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny (6:25)

1986 - Does Humour Belong In Music

“Frank Zappa (guitar, lead vocals)
Ray White (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ike Willis (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Bobby Martin (keyboards, saxophone, vocals)
Alan Zavod (keyboards)
Scott Thunes (bass)
Chad Wackerman (drums)”

1. Zoot Allures (5:27)
2. Tinsel-Town Rebellion (4:42)
3. Trouble Every Day (5:31)
4. Penguin In Bondage (6:50)
5. Hot-Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel (6:36)
6. What's New In Baltimore? (4:47)
7. Cock-Suckers' Ball (1:05)
8. WPLJ (1:30)
9. Let's Move To Cleveland (15:44)
10. Whippin' Post (8:27)

1986 - Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention

“Frank Zappa (guitar, synclavier)
Steve Vai (guitar)
Johnny "Guitar" Watson (guitar, vocals)
Ike Willis (guitar, vocals)
Ray White (guitar, vocals)
Bobby Martin (keyboards, vocals)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Scott Thunes (bass)
Chad Wackerman (drums)
Ed Mann (percussion)”
1. Porn Wars (12:04)
2. We're Turning Again (4:55)
3. Alien Orifice (4:12)
4. Aerobics In Bondage (3:16)
5. I Don't Even Care (3:47)
6. Little Beige Sambo (3:02)
7. What's New In Baltimore? (5:20)
8. One Man, One Vote (2:35)
9. H.R. 2911 (3:35)
10. Yo Cats (3:33)

1986 - Jazz From Hell (1990 U.M.R.K. Digital Remix)

“Frank Zappa (synclavier, lead guitar)
Steve Vai (rhythm guitar)
Ray White (rhythm guitar)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Bobby Martin (keyboards)
Ed Mann (percussion)
Scott Thunes (bass)
Chad Wackerman (drums)”

1. Night School (4:48)
2. The Beltway Bandits (3:28)
3. While You Were Art II (7:16)
4. Jazz From Hell (3:00)
5. G-Spot Tornado (3:16)
6. Damp Ankles (3:45)
7. St. Etienne (6:05)
8. Massaggio Galore (2:32)

1988 - Broadway The Hard Way

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ike Willis (guitar, vocals)
Mike Keneally (guitar, synthesizer, vocals)
Bobby Martin (keyboards, vocals)
Ed Mann (percussion)”
1. Elvis Has Just Left The Building (2:24)
2. Planet Of The Baritone Women (2:48)
3. Any Kind Of Pain (5:42)
4. Dickie's Such An Asshole (5:45)
5. When The Lie's So Big (3:38)
6. Rhymin' Man (3:50)
7. Promiscuous (2:02)
8. The Untouchables (2:26)
9. Why Don't You Like Me? (2:57)
10. Bacon Fat (1:29)
11. Stolen Moments (2:58)
12. Murder By Numbers (5:37)
13. Jezebel Boy (2:27)
14. Outside Now (7:49)
15. Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel (6:40)
16. What Kind Of Girl? (3:16)
17. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk (9:15)

1991 - Make A Jazz Noise Here

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, synthesizer, vocals)
Ike Willis (rhythm guitar, synthesizer, vocals)
Mike Keneally (rhythm guitar, synthesizer, vocals)
Bobby Martin (keyboards, vocals)
Ed Mann (vibes, marimba, electronic percussion)
Walt Fowler (trumpet, flugel horn, synthesizer)”

1. Stinkfoot (7:40)
2. When Yuppies Go To Hell (14:36)
3. Fire And Chains (3:57)
4. Let's Make The Water Turn Black (1:36)
5. Harry, You're A Beast (0:48)
6. The Orange County Lumber Truck (0:42)
7. Oh No (4:43)
8. Theme From "Lumpy Gravy" (1:12)
9. Eat That Question (1:55)
10. Black Napkins (6:56)
11. Big Swifty (11:13)
12. King Kong (13:11)
13. Star Wars Won't Work (3:33)
14. The Black Page (6:45)
15. T'Mershi Duween (1:42)
16. Dupree's Paradise (8:35)
17. City Of Tiny Lights (8:01)
18. Royal March From "L'Histoire Du Soldat" (1:00)
19. Theme From The Bartok Piano Concerto #3 (0:43)
20. Sinister Footwear, 2nd Mvt. (6:39)
21. Stevie's Spanking (4:26)
22. Alien Orifice (4:15)
23. Cruisin' For Burgers (8:28)
24. Advance Romance (7:43)
25. Strictly Genteel (6:37)

1991 - Rare Beefheart - Vintage Zappa

“Frank Zappa
Captain Beefheart & Magic Band”

1. Beatle Bones & Smokin' Stones Part 1 (0:38)
2. Beatle Bones & Smokin' Stones Part 2 (2:35)
3. Trust Us (Take 9) (7:27)[1]
4. Gimme That Harp Boy (3:37)
5. Moody Liz (Take 8) (4:36)
6. How's Your Bird? by Baby Ray & The Ferns (02:13)
7. The World's Greatest Sinner by Baby Ray & The Ferns (02:29)
8. Every Time I See You by The Heartbreakers (02:35)
9. Dear Jeepers by Bob Guy (02:29)
10. Letter From Jeepers by Bob Guy (02:23)
11. Cradle Rock by The Heartbreakers (02:54)

1991 - Saarbrucken 1978 (Beat The Boots)

“Frank Zappa lead guitar, vocal
Ike Willis guitar, vocals
Denny Walley slide guitar, vocals
Tommy Mars keyboards, vocals
Peter Wolf keyboards
Ed Mann percussion
Arthur Barrow bass
Vinnie Colaiuta drums ”
1. Dancin' Fool 3:42
2. Easy Meat 5:05
3. Honey, Don't You Want A Man Like Me? 4:15
4. Keep It Greasy 3:31
5. Village Of The Sun 6:20
6. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing 3:45
7. City Of Tiny Lights 6:43
8. Pound For A Brown 6:36
9. Bobby Brown 2:56
10. Conehead 3:33
11. Flakes 5:01
12. Magic Fingers 2:30
13. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow 3:52
14. Nanook Rubs It 1:47
15. St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast 6:42
16. Bamboozled By Love 6:45

1992 - Playground Psychotics

“Frank Zappa
Mark Volman (vocals, dialog)
Howard Kaylan (vocals, dialog)
Jim Pons (bass, vocals)
Bob Harris (wurtilitzer)
Don Preston (keyboards, electronics)
Ian Underwood (keyboards, alto saxophone, dialog)
Aynsley Dunbar (drums, dialog)
Jeff Simmons (dialog)
George Duke (dialog)
Martin Lickert (dialog)”

1. Here Comes The Gear Lads
2. Living Garbage Truck
3. Typical Soundcheck
4. This Is Neat
5. Motel Lobby
6. Getting Stewed
7. Motel Room
8. Don't Take Me Down
9. Dressing Room
10. Learning Penis Dimension
11. You There With The Hard On
12. Zanti Serenade
13. Divan

1993 - The Yellow Shark

“Frank Zappa
Ensemble Modern”

1. Intro (1:43)
2. Dog Breath Variations (2:07)
3. Uncle Meat (3:24)
4. Outrage At Valdez (3:27)
5. Times Beach II (7:31)
6. III Revised (1:45)
7. The Girl In The Magnesium Dress (4:33)
8. Be-Bop Tango (3:43)
9. Ruth Is Sleeping (5:56)
10. None Of The Above (2:17)
11. Pentagon Afternoon (2:28)
12. Questi Cazzi Di Piccione (3:03)
13. Times Beach III (4:26)
14. Food Gathering In Post-Industrial America, 1992 (2:52)
15. Welcome To The United States (6:39)
16. Pound For A Brown (2:12)
17. Exercise #4 (1:37)
18. Get Whitey (7:00)
19. G-Spot Tornado (5:17)

1995 - Strictly Commercial: The Best Of Frank Zappa

“Frank Zappa – composer, producer, vocals, main performer, guitar
Tom Wilson – producer
Warren Cuccurullo – rhythm guitar
Dan Ouellette – liner notes
Tom Fowler – bass
Bruce Fowler – drums
Captain Beefheart – vocals, soprano sax
Terry Gilliam – liner notes”
1. Peaches En Regalia
2. Don't Eat the Yellow Snow
3. Dancin' Fool
4. San Ber'dino
5. Dirty Love
6. My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama
7. Cosmik Debris
8. Trouble Every Day
9. Disco Boy
10. Fine Girl
11. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
12. Let's Make the Water Turn Black
13. I'm the Slime
14. Joe's Garage
15. Tell Me You Love Me
16. Montana
17. Valley Girl
18. Be In My Video
19. Muffin Man
20. Bobby Brown Goes Down
21. Planet of the Baritone Women
1996 - Lost Episodes

“Frank Zappa – composer, producer, vocals, main performer, guitar
Tom Wilson – producer
Warren Cuccurullo – rhythm guitar
Dan Ouellette – liner notes
Tom Fowler – bass
Bruce Fowler – drums
Captain Beefheart – vocals, soprano sax
Terry Gilliam – liner notes”´

1. The Blackouts (0:22)
2. Lost In A Whirlpool (2:47)
3. Ronnie Sings? (1:05)
4. Kenny's Booger Story (0:33)
5. Ronnie's Booger Story (1:17)
6. Mount St. Mary's Concert Excerpt (2:28)
7. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance (3:51)
8. Tiger Roach (2:21)
9. Run Slow Home Theme (1:25)
10. Fountain Of Love (2:08)
11. Run Home Cues, #2 (0:28)
12. Any Way The Wind Blows (2:15)
13. Run Home Cues, #3 (0:11)
14. Charva (1:59)
15. The Dick Kunc Story (0:46)
16. Wedding Dress Song (1:15)
17. Handsome Cabin Boy (1:21)
18. Cops & Buns (2:37)
19. The Big Squeeze (0:43)
20. I'm A Band Leader (1:14)
21. Alley Cat (2:47)
22. The Grand Wazoo (2:13)
23. Wonderful Wino (2:47)
24. Kung Fu (1:06)
25. RDNZL (3:50)
26. Basement Music #1 (3:46)
27. Inca Roads (3:43)
28. Lil' Clanton Shuffle (4:48)
29. I Don't Wanna Get Drafted (3:25)
30. Sharleena (11:54)

1997 - Have I Offended Someone

“Frank Zappa (lead guitar, synthesizer, vocals)
Ike Willis (rhythm guitar, synthesizer, vocals)
Mike Keneally (rhythm guitar, synthesizer, vocals)
Bobby Martin (keyboards, vocals)
Ed Mann (vibes, marimba, electronic percussion)
Walt Fowler (trumpet, flugel horn, synthesizer)”

1. Bobby Brown Goes Down – 2:43
2. Disco Boy – 4:23
3. Goblin Girl – 4:19
4. In France – 3:30
5. He's So Gay – 2:45
6. SEX – 3:44
7. Titties 'n Beer – 4:37
8. We're Turning Again – 4:56
9. Dumb All Over – 5:43
10. Catholic Girls – 3:51
11. Dinah-Moe Humm – 7:14
12. Tinsel Town Rebellion – 4:24
13. Valley Girl – 4:50 (Frank Zappa/Moon Unit Zappa)
14. Jewish Princess – 3:15
15. Yo Cats – 3:32 (Frank Zappa/Tommy Mariano)

1997 - Strictly Genteel

1. Uncle Meat: Main Title Theme (01:55)
2. Regyptian Strut (04:13)
3. Pedro's Dowry (07:41)
4. Outrage at Valdez (03:09)
5. Little Umbrellas (03:03)
6. Run Home Slow Theme (01:25)
7. Dwarf Nebula Processional March & Dwarf Nebula (02:12)
8. Dupree's Paradise (07:53)
9. Opus 1 - #3: 2nd movement - Presto (01:50)
10. The Duke of Prunes (04:20)
11. Aybe Sea (02:47)
12. Naval Aviation in Art? (02:42)
13. G-Spot Tornado (03:17)
14. Bob In Dacron (05:36)
15. Opus 1 - #4: 2nd movement - Allegro (03:01)
16. Dog Breath Variations (02:06)
17. Uncle Meat (02:51)
18. Strictly Genteel (06:57)

1998 - Cucamonga (1963-1964 For Collectors Only)

1. Dear Jeepers - (featuring Bob Guy)
2. Memories of el Monte - (with The Penguins)
3. How's Your Bird? - (featuring Baby Ray & The Ferns)
4. World's Greatest Sinner - (featuring Baby Ray & The Ferns)
5. Every Time I See You - (featuring The Heartbreakers)
6. Cradle Rock - (featuring The Heartbreakers)
7. Slow Bird - (featuring Paul Buff)
8. Blind Man's Buff - (featuring Paul Buff)
9. Tijuana Surf - (with The Hollywood Persuaders)
10. Grunion Run - (with The Hollywood Persuaders)
11. Mr. Clean - (featuring Mr. Clean)
12. Jessie Lee - (featuring Mr. Clean)
13. Cathy My Angel - (featuring The Pauls)
14. 'Til September - (featuring The Pauls)
15. Heavies - (featuring The Rotations)
16. Cruncher, The - (featuring The Rotations)
17. Letters From Jeepers - (featuring Bob Guy)

1999 - Everything Is Healing Nicely

1. Library Card – 7:42
2. This Is a Test – 1:35
3. Jolly Good Fellow – 4:34
4. Roland's Big Event/Strat Vindaloo – 5:56
5. Master Ringo – 3:35
6. T'Mershi Duween – 2:30
7. Nap Time – 8:02
8. 9/8 Objects – 3:06
9. Naked City – 8:42
10. Whitey (Prototype) – 1:12
11. Amnerika Goes Home – 3:00
12. None of the Above (Revised & Previsited) – 8:38
13. Wonderful Tattoo! – 10:01

1999 - Son Of Cheep Thrills

1. WPLJ (Dobard/McDaniels) - 2:52 (from Burnt Weeny Sandwich)
2. Twenty Small Cigars - 2:17 (from Chunga's Revenge)
3. The Legend of the Golden Arches - 3:27 (from Uncle Meat)
4. Ya Hozna 6:26 - (from Them Or Us)
5. It Just Might be a One-Shot Deal - 4:16 (from Waka/Jawaka)
6. Love of My Life (live version) - 2:15 (from Tinsel Town Rebellion)
7. Disco Boy (live soundtrack version) - 3:51 (from Baby Snakes)
8. Night School - 4:47 (from Jazz From Hell)
9. Sinister Footwear 2nd Mvt. (live version) - 6:26 (from Make A Jazz Noise Here)
10. The Idiot Bastard Son (live version) - 2:39 (from You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 2)
11. What's New in Baltimore? - 5:20 (from Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention)

2002 - FZ OZ

“Frank Zappa – guitar, vocals
Terry Bozzio – drums, vocals
Napoleon Murphy Brock – tenor saxophone, vocals
Roy Estrada – bass guitar, vocals
Andre Lewis – keyboards, vocals
Norman Gunston – harmonica (on "The Torture Never Stops" )”

Disc One
1. Hordern Intro (Incan Art Vamp) – 3:10
2. Stink-Foot – 6:35
3. The Poodle Lecture – 3:05
4. Dirty Love – 3:13
5. Filthy Habits – 6:18
6. How Could I Be Such a Fool? – 3:27
7. I Ain't Got No Heart – 2:26
8. I'm Not Satisfied – 1:54
9. Black Napkins – 11:57
10. Advance Romance – 11:17
11. The Illinois Enema Bandit – 8:45
12. Wind Up Workin' in a Gas Station – 4:14
13. The Torture Never Stops – 7:12

Disc two
1. Canard Toujours – 3:22
2. Kaiser Rolls – 3:17
3. Find Her Finer – 3:48
4. Carolina Hard-Core Ecstasy – 6:12
5. Lonely Little Girl – 2:39
6. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance – 2:02
7. What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body? – 1:07
8. Chunga's Revenge – 15:41
9. Zoot Allures – 12:50
10. Keep It Greasy – 4:40
11. Dinah-Moe Humm – 6:54
12. Camarillo Brillo – 3:58
13. Muffin Man – 3:41
14. Kaiser Rolls (Du Jour) – 3:00

2005 - Imaginary Diseases

“Frank Zappa – Conductor, Guitar, Vocals
Malcolm McNabb – Trumpet
Gary Barone – Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Tom Malone – Tuba, Saxes, Piccolo Trumpet, Trumpet
Earl Dumler – Woodwinds
Glenn Ferris – Trombone
Bruce Fowler – Trombone
Tony Duran – Slide Guitar
Dave Parlato – Bass
Jim Gordon – Drums”

1. Oddients 1:13
2. Rollo 3:21
3. Been to Kansas City in a Minor 10:15
4. Farther o'Blivion 16:02
5. D.C. Boogie 13:27
6. Imaginary Diseases 9:45
7. Montreal 9:11

2006 - Trance-Fusion

“Frank Zappa – guitar
Dweezil Zappa – guitar
Mike Keneally – rhythm guitar and keyboards
Bobby Martin – keyboards
Ed Mann – percussion
Walt Fowler – trumpet, flugelhorn and keyboards
Bruce Fowler – trombone
Paul Carmen – alto, soprano, and baritone saxophone ”

1. Chunga's Revenge
2. Bowling on Charen
3. Good Lobna
4. Cold Dark Matter
5. Butter or Cannons
6. Ask Dr. Stupid
7. Scratch & Sniff
8. Trance-Fusion
9. Gorgo
10. Diplodocus
11. Soul Polka
12. For Giuseppe Franco
13. After Dinner Smoker
14. Light Is All That Matters
15. Finding Higgs' Boson
16. Bavarian Sunset

2007 - Buffalo

“Frank Zappa: Lead Guitar & Vocals
Steve Vai: Stunt Guitar & Background Vocals
Ray White: Vocals & Rhythm Guitar
Ike Willis: Vocals & Rhythm Guitar
Tommy Mars: Keyboards & Vocals
Bob Harris: Keyboards, Trumpet & High Vocals
Arthur Barrow: Bass & Vocals
Vinnie Colaiuta: Drums, Vocals”
Disc 1
1. Chunga’s Revenge – 8:34
2. You Are What You Is – 4:12
3. Mudd Club – 3:02
4. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing – 3:21
5. Cosmik Debris – 3:50
6. Keep It Greasy – 2:58
7. Tinsel Town Rebellion – 4:19
8. Buffalo Drowning Witch – 2:44
9. Honey, Don’t You Want a Man Like Me? – 4:36
10. Pick Me, I’m Clean – 10:15
11. Dead Girls Of London – 3:02
12. Shall We Take Ourselves Seriously? – 1:36
13. City of Tiny Lites – 9:58
Disc 2
1. Easy Meat – 9:26
2. Ain’t Got No Heart – 2:00
3. The Torture Never Stops – 23:36
4. Broken Hearts Are for Assholes – 3:39
5. I’m So Cute – 1:38
6. Andy – 8:14
7. Joe’s Garage – 2:12
8. Dancing Fool – 3:36
9. The “Real World” Thematic Extrapolations – 8:53
10. Stick It Out – 5:36
11. I Don’t Wanna Get Drafted – 2:48
12. Bobby Brown – 2:42
13. Ms Pinky – 3:48

Y ya.
Frank Zappa inventó el modelo de descargas por Internet... en 1989

Pocos seguidores de Frank Zappa dudan que era un innovador musical. Sin embargo, un extracto de su autobiografía escrita en 1989 revela el músico propuso un modelo de negocio de intercambio de archivos y descargas 20 años antes de que la revolución digital comenzase. Un artículo en la web Techdirt destaca una serie de pasajes de The Real Frank Zappa en el que el músico Freak Out! analiza el impacto que la comercialización de los casetes tendría sobre el futuro de la música.

"Debemos aprovechar los aspectos positivos de la tendencia negativa que afecta a la industria de hoy: las cintas de casete que reproducen material publicado en vinilo", escribió Zappa, antes de saber que el fenómeno de los casetes nunca sería una seria amenaza debido a la mala calidad de sonido que ofrecían.

En 1989 Zappa puso su idea negro sobre blanco: "Proponemos adquirir los derechos a duplicar digitalmente y guardar el catálogo de cada discográfica. Almacenar las canciones en una ubicación central de procesamiento y que sean accesibles al usuario por teléfono o por televisión por cable directamente en el domicilio del usuario, que tendrá los aparatos de grabación necesarios para escuchar las canciones que quiera. (Para eso se requiere la instalación de un convertidor en el teléfono, que sería lo rentable ya que el chip principal costaría 12 dólares.

El modelo de negocio que proponía Zappa es notable, ya que solucionaría los problemas que la industria musical todavía no ha sido capaz de arreglar. Zappa llega a la conclusión en 1983: "Todos los pagos de cánones por las canciones, la facturación al cliente… etc, sería automática y concentrada en el primer software para ordenar el sistema".

A eso se le llama un Emule bien organizado, es decir: ¿Fue Zappa el inventor y pionero del iTunes? ¿Leyó aquello Steve Jobs?
Frank Zappa Classic Albums (Subtítulos en español 1/5)

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Frank Zappa Classic Albums (Subtítulos en español 2/5)

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Frank Zappa Classic Albums (Subtítulos en español 3/5)

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Bajarse una discografia es una subnormalidad y mas con zappa, nunca te gustara un grupo del que te escuches 8 discos y menos con el pesado de zappa.
Lo que es de retrasados es poner una discografia en tropecientos enlaces rapidshare, un único archivo dividido en múltiples .rar que luego hay que unir, y esperar que alguien los bajará.

Un regalo para los zappianos
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