Saga "Persona"

Son juegazos, ya verás como cuando lo termines no te queda mas remedio que jugar al 3 (para mi el mejor) para superar el mono.
Bueno, despues de 15 horas dedicadas al "Persona 2: Innocent sin" de la psx tengo que decir que hay jrpgs mas alla de square. El sistema de juego y la manera de ir pillando mas invocaciones (personas) al principio cuesta un poco de entender, pero les acabas cogiendo el tranquillo. Hay que hacer cosas como esparcir el rumor de que se venden armas en una cafeteria para que cuando vayas alli efectivamente las vendan. Es un juego que me esta gustando mucho. Personajes con carisma, ambiente de instituto y movidas paranormales, ademas de infinidad de maneras de matar y conseguir monstruos. Muy buena la recomendacion.:115
Yo llevo más de 40 horas con el Persona 4. Vicia bastante y creo que se mea en los últimos FF sin lugar a dudas. Ojalá se planteara la posibilidad de traerlo por aquí traducido.

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Ultimamente la PSP está que lo tira.
Es el mismo pero puedes protagonizarlo con una piva y han metido muchas pijadas, como primeros planos en la conversaciones. Sí, es un epic Win en toda regla, la saga persona es buena entera pero el 3 está a años luz del resto.
Suso, refloto el hilo para preguntarte que hay que hacer para conseguir el mejor final en el persona 3, solo por curiosidad, estoy jugando al de la psp pero a efectos es el mismo que la ps2.

Por cierto
Estoy a un mes de que venga el Nyx ese y nos abra el ojete a todos, y aun me quedan social links que completar, tu crees que me dará tiempo a hacerlos todos? Me quedan como que 4 o 5 personas mas. Y eso que lo he ido haciendo a saco. El coraje, carisma y estudios los tengo a tope. De momento estoy entrenando en tartarus y sacando ultimate personas mientras
Para conseguir el gran final necesitas efectivamente todos los vículos al máximo. Es muy muy jodido, imposible de conseguir la primera vez que juegas salvo que lo hagas con guia. De todas formas te pongo todas las respuestas que más puntos dan y los dias de encontrarte con cada uno a ver si consigues subirlos, mira bien el calendario y asegurate de ocupar todos tus dias con ellos, insiste para dar pie a las secuencias en las que sube tu relacion para poder tener todos antes de que llegue Nyx a sodomizaros al planeta:

a. Fool

Quien es : Tu grupo de SEED
Donde lo ubico : Estas siempre con el jajaja.
Cuando lo ubico: Todos los días del año.
Persona : no
características: Este social link sube automáticamente a medida que avanza la
la historia del juego.

- Rank 1 : El 18 de Abril
- Rank 2 : El 20 de Abril
- Rank 3 : El 9 de Mayo
- Rank 4 : El 7 de Julio
- Rank 5 : El 23 de Julio
- Rank 6 : El 2 de Noviembre
- Rank 7 : El 4 de Noviembre
- Rank 8 : ¿?
- Rank 9 : El 28 de Diciembre
- Rank 10: El 31 de Diciembre (si decides ssalvar a un personaje importante)

b. Magician

Quien es : Compañero de clases
Donde lo ubico : En la sala de clases 2F/Cerca de la entrada de la escuela
Cuando lo ubico: Tuesday/Thrusday/Friday
Persona : Surt
características: Se obtiene automáticamente el 22 de Abril.

- Rank 1 : Automático el 22 de Abril
- Rank 2 : “That’s a secret.” / “I like oldder women.”
- Rank 3 : “What, life?” / “Go for it.”
- Rank 4 : Cualquier respuesta / “Good Luckk”
- Rank 5 : “Oh, really!?”
- Rank 6 : Cualquier respuesta / “I have 300-year goals.”
- Rank 7 : Ask what’s wrong / “Bride-To-Be Magazine” /
“That’s great. Congrats!”
- Rank 8 : “Are you in trouble?” / “You shoould talk to her.”
- Rank 9 : Confront Emiri.

c. Priestess

Quien es : Fuuka
Donde lo ubico : En el pasillo del 2º piso, cerca del club de cultura
Cuando lo ubico: Monday/Friday/Saturday
Persona : Scathatch
Mejor regalo : Glass Vase o Brand Bag
características: Debes formar primero el social link de Fortune, luego habla
con ella cuando tu nivel de Courage sea 6 o Badass.

- Rank 1 : Habla con ella con nivel 6 de Coourage
- Rank 2 : “Sure”
- Rank 3 : “I believe in you.” / Cualquier respuesta
- Rank 4 : Cualquier respuesta / “Oh, I donn’t think so.”
- Rank 5 : “You did a great job.” / Cualquiier respuesta
- Rank 6 : “Okay”
- Rank 7 : Cualquier respuesta a las dos oppciones
- Rank 8 : Cualquier respuesta / “I want too be with you too”
- Rank 9 : Cualquier respuesta a las dos oppciones

d. Empress

Quien es : Mitsuru
Donde lo ubico : Cerca de la oficina de la facultad/Cerca del noticiero
Cuando lo ubico: Tuesday/Thrusday/Saturday
Persona : Alilat
Mejor regalo : Goggle-Eye Idol o Japanese Doll
Características: Sebes hablar con ella el 21 de Noviembre con un nivel de
Academics de 6.

- Rank 1 : El 21 de Noviembre con un Academmics de nivel 6
- Rank 2 : Cualquier respuesta
- Rank 3 : Ask her to treat you / “Does thaat make you happy?” / Cualquier
respuesta / Agree to forget about it.
- Rank 4 : “Did something happen?” / “It’s the result of love.” / Cualquiera
- Rank 5 : “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” / “A motorcycle?” / “Let’s go for
a ride.”
- Rank 6 : “Can I get a book for you?” / “TThat’s news to me!” / “You have to
- Rank 7 : “Let’s do it!”
- Rank 8 : Cualquiera / Cualquiera / Say soomething to the guy. / Cualquiera
- Rank 9 : “That makes me happy.”

e. Emperor

Quien es : Student Council
Donde lo ubico : En la habitación del Student Council
Cuando lo ubico: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Persona : Odin
Características: El 27 de Abril ve a la oficina de la facultad y habla con
la profesora Toriumi, luego tendrás acceso a consejo

- Rank 1 : El 27 de Abril luego de hablar ccon la profesora Toriumi
- Rank 2 : “It’s a waste of time.”
- Rank 3 : Cualquier respuesta
- Rank 4 : Cualquier respuesta / “Good Workk.”
- Rank 5 : “They can be pretty cruel.”
- Rank 6 : Cualquier respuesta / “But I jusst got here.”
- Rank 7 : “He should suffer.”
- Rank 8 : Cualquiera / “It wasn’t me.”
- Rank 9 : “Don’t blame yourself”

f. Hierophant

Quien es : Abuelitos en la tienda de libros
Donde lo ubico : En la tienda de libros en Iwatodai Station
Cuando lo ubico: Monday/Tuesday/Wesnesday/Thrusday/Friday/Saturday
Persona : Kohryu
Características: Ve a la tienda el 25 de Abril cuando habrá sus puertas al
publico. Luego vuelve a la escuela y ve donde el Persimon
Tree, un árbol que esta a la pasada del club de deportes.
Toma la Persimon Leaf y llévala donde los abuelitos de la

- Rank 1 : El 25 de Abril luego que le llevves la Persimon Leaf.
- Rank 2 : Tell him. / “Thanks!” / Cualquieera / Cualquiera / Cualquiera
- Rank 3 : “Looking for something?” / “I’lll help you look.” / Cualquiera a
todos los demás eventos.
- Rank 4 : Cualquiera / Cualquiera / “Now yyou have me worried.”
- Rank 5 : “I’ll ‘root’ out the truth.” / CCualquier respuesta
- Rank 6 : “Please stop quarreling.” / Cuallquier respuesta
- Rank 7 : Ask why she’s crying. / “That’s great!” / Cualquier respuesta
- Rank 8 : Cualquier repuesta a todos los eeventos
- Rank 9 : Cualquier respuesta a todos los eventos

g. Lovers

Quien es : Yukari
Donde lo ubico : En la sala de clases 2º piso/En el lobby de la escuela
Cuando lo ubico: Monday/Wesnesday/Thrusday/Saturday
Mejor regalo : Perfume o Brand Purse
Persona : Cybele
Características: En Julio 24, si hablas con ella con un charm al máximo
nivel se generara este social link.

- Rank 1 : El 24 de Julio con un nivel 6 dee Charm
- Rank 2 : “Pink’s cute.” > “That’s messed up.”
- Rank 3 : cualquier respuesta.
- Rank 4 : “Are you alright?”
- Rank 5 : Cualquiera / Cualquiera / Cualquuiera / Try and cheer her up.
- Rank 6 : “Anytime.”
- Rank 7 : “Sounds good.”
- Rank 8 : “Alright.” / Cualquiera
- Rank 9 : “...”

h. Chariot

Quien es : Equipo deportivo
Donde lo ubico : En la sala de clases 2º piso/Club Room
Cuando lo ubico: Monday/Tuesday/Thrusday/Friday
Persona : Thor
Características: Debes unirte el 22 de Abril a uno de los clubes deportivos
no importa a cual, los eventos serán similares.

- Rank 1 : Únete a un club el día 22 de Abrril (natación jejeje)
- Rank 2 : “Toughen up.” / Cualquiera / Cuaalquiera
- Rank 3 : “Are you sure you’re okay?” > “WWill it heal?”
- Rank 4 : Cualquiera / “That sucks.”
- Rank 5 : “The hospital again?” / Let him use your shoulder.
- Rank 6 : “Suck it up.” / “Is that importaant?” /
“What’ll happen to your knee?”
- Rank 7 : “How’s your knee?” / “You need tto toughen up.”
- Rank 8 : Look away
- Rank 9 : “I’m fine.”

i. Justice

Quien es : Chihiro
Donde lo ubico : En el pasillo del 2º piso de la escuela/1º piso pasillo
Cuando lo ubico: Tuesday/Thrusday/Saturday
Mejor regalo : Brand Watch o Brand Bag
Persona : Melchizedek
Características: Primero debes crear el Emperor social link. Luego podrás
hablar con ella. La primera vez dile "I want talk". La
segunda vez dile "I`am Male" y la tercera vez dile "Hello" y
"Let`s walk home together". Ahí se formara este social link.

- Rank 1 : Habla con ella y dile las tres aafirmaciones que aparecen arriba.
- Rank 2 : “Don’t worry about it.” / “I reaad the classics.” / “Not really.”
- Rank 3 : “How rude.” / “I agree.”
- Rank 4 : Cualquier respuesta / Speak to hher calmly.
- Rank 5 : “So, how was it?” / “It’s just aa coincidence.” /
“Don’t be so hard on
yourself.” / Hold her hand.
- Rank 6 : “Is it good?” / “What do you meaan?”
- Rank 7 : “You’re not to blame.” / “We havve to do something...”
- Rank 8 : Cualquier respuesta / “Talk to tthe teacher.”
- Rank 9 : “Don’t worry, she’ll help us.” // Wait and see what happens. /
Cualquier respuesta / “What’s wrong?”

j. Hermit

Quien es : Maya
Donde lo ubico : En el computador del protagonista en cualquier día que no
haya escuela.
Cuando lo ubico: Cualquier día que no haya escuela
Persona : Arahabaki
Características: Se gana el 29 de abril al chequear la computadora y jugar
Inocent Sin un MMORPH, jajaja.

- Rank 1 : El 29 de Abril al conectarte a iinternet a través de tu pc
- Rank 2 : “Of course.” / “Sunshine is overrrated.”
- Rank 3 : “Oh really? o_O” / “So you don’tt like your job?”
- Rank 4 : “Why don’t we get married?”
- Rank 5 : “Don’t you mean S.O.B.?” / “Are you a teacher?”
- Rank 6 : “Which bastard?”
- Rank 7 : “Guys like younger chicks.” / Cuualquier respuesta
- Rank 8 : “Hurry up and tell me.” > “What’’s he like?”
- Rank 9 : “No way!” / Cualquier respuesta / “What are you planning?”

k. Fortune

Quien es : Culture Club (guau boy
Donde lo ubico : En el pasillo en el 2º piso
Cuando lo ubico: Tuesday/Wenesday/Thrusday
Persona : Norn
Características: Te puedes unir el 17 de Junio cuando las aplicaciones para los
tres clubes estén disponibles (fotografía jejejeje)

- Rank 1 : El 17 de Junio
- Rank 2 : Cualquier respuesta a los dos evventos
- Rank 3 : “Great Job!” / Cualquier respuessta
- Rank 4 : Cualquier respuesta / “Complainiing won’t help.”
- Rank 5 : “You should tell your dad.”
- Rank 6 : Cualquiera / “Do whatever you waant.”
- Rank 7 : “Are you going to be a doctor?”
- Rank 8 : “Yeah, I’m fine.” / Cualquier reespuesta / Cualquier respuesta
- Rank 9 : Try to stop him. / Cualquier resspuesta a todos los eventos

l. Strenght

Quien es : Yuko, la manager del equipo deportivo
Donde lo ubico : En el pasillo del 2º piso/Pasillo del 1º piso
Cuando lo ubico: Wenesday/Saturday
Mejor regalo : Brand Purse o Brand Watch
Persona : Siegfried
Características: Debes primero formar el social link Chariot. En una de las
practicas del equipo aparecerá Yuko, dile que quieres caminar
con ella, a lo cual se negara. La próxima vez aceptara y se
formara el social link.

- Rank 1 : Llega al nivel 2 del arcana Charriot y habla con ella.
- Rank 2 : “What happened?” / “I agree.” / “That’s true.”
- Rank 3 : “Not really.” / Cualquier respueesta / “Let’s go.”
- Rank 4 : Cualquiera / Cualquiera / “No woorries.” / “I’m honored.”
- Rank 5 : Cualquiera / “Do you know him?” / “It’s up to you.”
- Rank 6 : “Let’s hope for the best.”
- Rank 7 : “Are you relieved?” / “Sure.”
- Rank 8 : Cualquier respuesta / “A Boy.” OOR “A Girl.”
- Rank 9 : “Forget about what?” / “An instrructor?”

m. Hanged Man

Quien es : Maiko, una niña en la Shrine
Donde lo ubico : En la Naganaki Shrine
Cuando lo ubico: Desde el Monday hasta el Saturday (Excepto los festivos)
Persona : Attis
Características: Debes ir a la Shrine el 6 de Mayo y hablar con la niña
cerca de los juegos. Te pedirá algo de comer, ve al
Iwatodai Station y compra un Weird Takoyaki del stand de
Takoyaki del lugar. Dale el ítem a la chica. Luego te pedirá
algo helado, ve a la maquina que vende bebidas (o ten una
con anterioridad) y compra una Mad Bull, entrégasela. Luego
te pedirá que juegues con ella, acepta y se formara el social

- Rank 1 : El 6 de mayo, sigue las instruccciones que aparecen arriba.
- Rank 2 : “Sure, let’s go.” / Cualquier reespuesta a los eventos
- Rank 3 : Cualquier respuesta / “Don’t worrry, he’ll be there.”
- Rank 4 : “I’m happy for you.”
- Rank 5 : “That’s terrible.” / “That isn’tt true!”
- Rank 6 : “Calm down.” / “You don’t need tthat stuff.”
- Rank 7 : Cualquier respuesta a los eventoos
- Rank 8 : “Hamburgers.” / “Yeah, you did ggood.” / “Choose your dad.”
- Rank 9 : “We’re friends forever.”

n. Death

Quien es : El chico que aparece en tu habitación durante la Dark Hour
Donde lo ubico : En tu habitación
Cuando lo ubico: Aparece automáticamente
Persona : Thanatos
Características: Este arcana se activa automáticamente el 12 de Junio cuando
cuando el chiquillo misterioso te habla en tu habitación. Este
social link es automático así que despreocúpate de los días o
que responder.

- Rank 1 : 12 de Junio
- Rank 2 : -
- Rank 3 : 12 de Julio
- Rank 4 : -
- Rank 5 : 5 de Agosto
- Rank 6 : 12 de Septiembre
- Rank 7 : -
- Rank 8 : 6 de Octubre
- Rank 9 : -

o. Temperance

Quien es : El francés de intercambio
Donde lo ubico : Fuera de tu sala en el segundo piso/Fuera de Home Economics
Cuando lo ubico: Tuesday / Wesnesday / Friday
Persona : Byakko
Características: Para poder obtener este arcana debes tener el Hierophant en
nivel 3 y tu academics debe ser de nivel 2 como mínimo. Habla
con el la sala de Home Economics.

- Rank 1 : Cuando cumplas los requerimientoos habla con el en Home Economics
- Rank 2 : Cualquiera / “Yeah, Japan is greeat.”
- Rank 3 : Cualquiera / “Something traditioonal?”
- Rank 4 : “Are you alright?” / Cualquiera
- Rank 5 : “Sure.” / “Then stay.”
- Rank 6 : “Take a break.” / Cualquiera / SSupport him.
- Rank 7 : “That’s a good idea.”
- Rank 8 : “He’ll agree for sure.”
- Rank 9 : Ask about his country.

p. Devil

Quien es : El hombre de negocios
Donde lo ubico : En Port Island Station
Cuando lo ubico: Monday / Tuesday / Saturday / Sunday
Persona : Beelzebub
Características: Este social link solo se puede realizar después de clases o
After School. Además cada vez que lo visites en la estación
subirá de nivel, sin importar lo que le digas. Para ganar
este social link primero debes tener el arcana Hermit en
nivel 4 y poseer un Charm de nivel 4. Habla con el en la
estación y te pedirá 20.000 yens, dáselos. Vuelve otro día
y te pedirá 10.000 yens mas, dáselos. Vuelve otro día y dale
nuevamente los 10.000 yens que te pide y se formara el
social link.

- Rank 1 : Sigue las instrucciones que aparrecen arriba.
- Rank 2 : “Placebo.” / Cualquiera
- Rank 3 : “Maybe a little.”
- Rank 4 : “I sure have!”
- Rank 5 : “Who are you talking about?” / CCualquiera / “Is it always
about money?”
- Rank 6 : “Sounds fun.”
- Rank 7 : “Sort of...” / “The organic one..”
- Rank 8 : “Oh, really?”
- Rank 9 : “Are you going to donate?”

q. Tower

Quien es : El monje borracho el club
Donde lo ubico : Club Escapade en el Mall
Cuando lo ubico: Thrusday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Persona : Chi You
Características: Solo estará disponible en las tardes o Evening. Para poder
establecer este social link debes tener en un nivel 4 el
arcana Strenght. Cuando lo hagas ella te mencionara sobre un
monje en el club. Ve al club y realiza un pequeño minijuego
en el cual debes entregar la orden correcta al bartender. La
orden correcta es: Bloody Mary, Margarita, Screwdriver y
Oolong Tea. Luego de este jueguillo ve donde el monje y forma
el social link.

- Rank 1 : Sigue las instrucciones en la paarte superior.
- Rank 2 : “None of your business.” / “I’m sorry, um...”
- Rank 3 : “I don’t have any friends.”
- Rank 4 : “Yeah, that might look cool.”
- Rank 5 : “I have enough.” / “No.”
- Rank 6 : “You should go home.” / “What abbout the others?”
- Rank 7 : “I don’t think you should.”
- Rank 8 : “Dad?” / “I was with a friend.” / Cualquiera /
“Are you running away.”
- Rank 9 : Cualquier respuesta en todos loss eventos.

r. Star

Quien es : Mamoru, tu rival en deportes
Donde lo ubico : Iwatoday Station
Cuando lo ubico: Todos los días, excepto cuando esta en nivel 9 (semana)
Persona : Lucifer
Características: Se puede acceder a este arcana el 3 de Agosto, siempre y
cuando tu courage sea de nivel 4. Acepta la competencia de
comidas y se formara el social link.

- Rank 1 : El 3 de Agosto con un nivel de ccourage de 4.
- Rank 2 : “Yeah, no problem.” / “Myself, rreally.”
- Rank 3 : Cualquier respuesta a los eventoos
- Rank 4 : Cualquiera / “Sounds like a goodd plan.” /
“Yeah, I bet she would be.”
- Rank 5 : “Are you okay?” / “We should comme here again.”
- Rank 6 : Cualquiera / Cualquiera / Cualquuiera / “Hey, no problem.”
- Rank 7 : “I don’t mind.” / Cualquiera / CCualquiera / “Don’t give up!”
- Rank 8 : “You should get some more.” / Cuualquiera
- Rank 9 : “And you won?” / Do a victory ceelebration. / Cualquiera / Thank
him for his generosity.

s. Moon

Quien es : Nozomi, el rey de la comida jaja.
Donde lo ubico : Paulownia Mall
Cuando lo ubico: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Persona : Sandalphon
Características: Para poder formar este social link debes tener el arcana
Magician en un nivel 3. Habla con el y luego cuando tu Charm
sea de nivel 2 te hará algunas preguntas sobre comidas. Las
respuestas son: Pheromone Cofee, Green y Hagakure Bowl. Luego
de demostrar tus conocimientos de cocina y comida se formara
el arcana Moon.

- Rank 1 : Ve las instrucciones arriba paraa formar este social link.
- Rank 2 : “Sure, okay.”
- Rank 3 : “You are the Gourmet King!”
- Rank 4 : “Oh, are you sick?”
- Rank 5 : “Yeah, that’s right.”
- Rank 6 : “Are you feeling sick?”
- Rank 7 : “Wiped off the face of...!?” / ccualquiera
- Rank 8 : “Oh brother.”
- Rank 9 : Cualquiera.

t. Sun

Quien es : Akinari, el hombre agonizante
Donde lo ubico : Naganaki Shrine
Cuando lo ubico: Solamente los domingos
Persona : Asura
Características: Este social link subirá automáticamente sin importar la
respuesta que des. Para poder obtenerlo debes tener el arcana
Hanged Man en nivel 4. Habla con Akinari en el templo con un
Academics de 4 y te pedirá un ítem llamado Red Fountain Pen.
Este ítem esta en la casa de Koromaru en el edificio donde
duermes. Busca en su casa y luego lleva el lápiz donde Akinari
se formara así el social link. Recuerda que Koromaru se une al
grupo el 8 de Agosto.

- Rank 1 : Ve las instrucciones arriba paraa formar este social link.
- Rank 2 : “...Really?” / “That’s a good pooint.”
- Rank 3 : “I don’t know.” / “try not to taalk so much.”
- Rank 4 : “Yeah, I like reading.” / “If itt’s boring, I stop reading.”
- Rank 5 : Reprimand Akinari
- Rank 6 : “Hey, that’s cool.” / “It sound interesting.”
- Rank 7 : “It sounds really depressing.”
- Rank 8 : Stay at his side / “What are youu thinking?”
- Rank 9 : “Oh, did you finish the story?”

u. Judgment

Quien es : El quipo que elimina a Nyx
Donde lo ubico : automático
Cuando lo ubico: automático
Persona : Messiah
Características: Este social link se adquiere automáticamente si decides
salvar a un personaje el 31 de diciembre (sin spoilers).
El avance de estés social link es automático a medida que
avanzas por los pisos de la ultima sección de Tartarus.
Puede subir también por derrotar a los guardianes del

- Rank 1 : El 31 de Diciembre si decides saalvarlo
- Rank 2 : En el piso 215
- Rank 3 : Al eliminar al Noble Seeker (pisso 220)
- Rank 4 : En el piso 224
- Rank 5 : Al eliminar a las Carnal Snakes (piso 228)
- Rank 6 : Al eliminar al World Balance (piiso 236)
- Rank 7 : Al llegar al piso 240
- Rank 8 : Al eliminar a los Fierce Cyclopss (piso 244)
- Rank 9 : Al llegar al piso 254

Si juegas la versión FES del Persona 3 tendrás acceso a un nuevo social link en
la aventura principal, NO EN THE ANSWER, que es el capitulo extra de la versión
FES. Este social link se denomina Aeon.

v. Aeon

Quien es : Aegis
Donde lo ubico : En la sala en el 2º piso
Cuando lo ubico: Monday / Wesnesday / Friday / Saturday
Persona : ¿?
Características: Solo presente en la versión FES de Persona 3. Habla con
Aegis el 8 de Enero y acepta caminar junta a ella.

- Rank 1 : Habla con Aegis el 8 de Enero.
- Rank 2 : “I like it.”
- Rank 3 : Cualquiera / “That‘s not true.”
- Rank 4 : Cualquiera / “All right.”
- Rank 5 : “You may be right.”
- Rank 6 : “No, you didn’t”
- Rank 7 : Cualquier respuesta en todos loss eventos
- Rank 8 : “I’m doing it now.” / Cualquieraa
- Rank 9 : “You’re right.”

Además debes matar a la muerte, que ya sabes que aparece en Tartarus cuando llevas un rato haciendo el zángano en el mismo piso. Que posibilidades ves de conseguirlo en el tiempo que te queda?
La puta madre de dios, cuantisimas cosas me quedan, pues apenas he empezado a entablar relacion con mitsuru y me queda un mes pelao, ademas de que este ultimo mes son vacaciones y no hay clases. Y como coño se mata a death? si los toquecitos que mete te dejan el culo torcido:face:

Vamos que no creo que me lo pase con el final perfecto, por si acaso me he guardado la guia que me has puesto en spoiler que es bastante util porque yo pensaba que no habia diferencia en las conversaciones, que era cuestion de dedicarle tiempo:99 Pero muchas gracias, me lo pasare esta vez y ya lo pillare con ganas para hacerme el final perfecto.

Por cierto, que puntazo cuando (Spoiler del horror, no abrir si no te has pasado el PE3)
Riojy te pide que le mates para que te borre la memoria, y si lo haces los protas siguen con sus vidas hasta que (te dejan a entender) que Nyx extingue a la humanidad:121:121:121
Comisario negro rebuznó:
Por cierto, que puntazo cuando (Spoiler del horror, no abrir si no te has pasado el PE3)
Riojy te pide que le mates para que te borre la memoria, y si lo haces los protas siguen con sus vidas hasta que (te dejan a entender) que Nyx extingue a la humanidad:121:121:121

Es que es la ostia el juego, ese final me gustó a mi tambien pero el verdadero final es fantasterrimo. Estás jugando a la versión de la psp o a la de ps2?

Si estás jugando a la de psp y al terminar vas a hacer new game+ para lograr el gran final te dejo la guia

Male Version [Sec4]

=====<April (04)>==============================================================
~~~~~[04.06 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.07 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.08 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3 (Charm +2)
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.09 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.10 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.11 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.12 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.13 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.14 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.15 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.16 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.17 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.18 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.19 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
~~~~~[04.20 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1 (Charm +2)
Not Playable

Not Playable
Fool 1
~~~~~[04.21 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not Playable

Not Playable
Fool 2
~~~~~[04.22 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Movie (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[04.23 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Magician 1

~~~~~[04.24 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Chariot 1

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[04.25 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 1

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[04.26 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 2 (1 > 1 > ANY > ANY > ANY)

Cafe (Charm +2; 500 Yen)
~~~~~[04.27 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2 (Charm +2)
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Emperor 1

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[04.28 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice flag (talk to Chihiro in the 2F Classroom Hallway)
Strength flag (talk to Yuko in the 2F Classroom Hallway)
Chariot 2 (2 > ANY > ANY)

Hermit flag (get MMO from Junpei)
Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[04.29 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 1
~~~~~[04.30 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice flag (talk to Chihiro in the 2F Classroom Hallway)
Chariot 3 (2 > 1)
Strength 1 (walk home with Yuko)

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)

=====<May (05)>================================================================
~~~~~[05.01 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hospital Event

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.02 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice flag (talk to Chihiro in the 2F Classroom Hallway)
Strength 2 (1 > 1 > 1)

Get Pine Resin from Yukari
Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.03 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 2 (1 > 2)
~~~~~[05.04 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Print Club Game (Charm +4)

~~~~~[05.05 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Buy Mad Bull from dorm vending machine
Hierophant 3 (1 > 2 > ANY > ANY > ANY > ANY)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.06 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2 (Charm +2)
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Hanged Man flag (give Mad Bull to child at shrine)
Strength 3 (1 > 1/3 > 1)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.07 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Justice 1

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[05.08 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Magician 2 (2/3 > 1/3)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.09 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Moon
Fool 3
~~~~~[05.10 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 3 (1 > 1)
~~~~~[05.11 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Emperor 2 (2)

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[05.12 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Magician 3 (3 > 2)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.13 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Emperor 3 (ANY)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.14 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice 2 (1 > 1/2> 1)

Get Handheld Game from Junpei
Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[05.15 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Hierophant 4 (ANY > ANY > 2)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.16 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 1

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.17 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 4 (3; Devil flag)
~~~~~[05.18 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~[05.19 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 4
~~~~~[05.20 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 1
~~~~~[05.21 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 1
~~~~~[05.22 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 3
~~~~~[05.23 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strength 4 (ANY > ANY > 2 > 1)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.24 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 5 (3 > 1/3)
~~~~~[05.25 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Emperor 4 (ANY > 2)

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[05.26 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice 3 (1 > 1)

Get Triangular Sword from Mitsuru
Devil flag (Talk to Tanaka at Paulownia Mall; 20,000 Yen)
Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.27 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 1

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.28 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Magician 4 (Moon flag; ANY > 1)

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[05.29 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 2 (ANY > 1)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.30 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strength 5 (ANY > 1 > 2; Tower flag)

Devil flag (Talk to Tanaka at Paulownia Mall; 10,000 Yen)
Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[05.31 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date with Justice (3)


=====<June (06)>===============================================================
~~~~~[06.01 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Emperor 5 (1)

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.02 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Justice 4 (ANY > 2)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.03 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Temperance 3 (ANY > 3)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.04 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Justice 5 (1 > 1 > 1 > 1)

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.05 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 4 (3 > ANY)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.06 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice 6 (1 > 2)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.07 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune slip for Chariot

Cafe (Charm +2; 500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.08 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Moon
~~~~~[06.09 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Chariot 4 (ANY > 2)

Horror House Game (Courage +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.10 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Temperance 5 (1 > 2)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.11 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Visit Nurse's Office (Courage +2)
Chariot 5 (1 > 1)

Print Club Game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.12 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Get quest item from Nurse's Office (Do not drink the medicine)
Magician 5 (2)

Cafe (Charm +2; 500 Yen)
Death 1
~~~~~[06.13 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 2 (1 > ANY > ANY)

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.14 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune slip for Justice

Cafe (Charm +2; 500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.15 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Emperor 6 (ANY > 1)

Print Club game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.16 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice 7 (2 > 2)

Get quest item from Akihiko
Cafe (Charm +2; 500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.17 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Fortune 1

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.18 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune 2 (ANY > ANY)

Print Club game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.19 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Priestess 1

Cafe (Charm +2; 500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.20 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Get Glasses Wipe from Ikutsuki
Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.21 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date with Justice (1)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[06.22 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Priestess 2 (1)

Print Club game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.23 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice 8 (ANY > 2)

Devil 1 (10,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.24 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Emperor 7 (2)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.25 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Magician 6 (ANY > 1)

Print Club game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.26 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Priestess 3 (1 > ANY)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[06.27 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Priestess 4 (ANY > 2)

Get Christmas Star from Fuuka
Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.28 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune slip for Strength

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[06.29 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Chariot 6 (2 > 2 > 2)

Print Club game (Charm +4; 1,500 Yen)
~~~~~[06.30 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Magician 7 (1 > 3 > 1)

Devil 2 (1 > ANY)

=====<July (07)>===============================================================
~~~~~[07.01 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strength 6 (2)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[07.02 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chariot 7 (1 > 1)

Tower 1
~~~~~[07.03 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Priestess 5 (2 > ANY)

Tower 2 (2 > 1)
~~~~~[07.04 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Priestess 6 (1)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[07.05 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date with Justice (3; Give Perfume as a gift)

~~~~~[07.06 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chariot 8 (2)

Study (Academics +2; use Yawn-B-Gone to remove Tired status)
~~~~~[07.07 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Moon
Fool 4
~~~~~[07.08 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Feed the cat behind Iwatodai Station (Super Cat Food)
Fortune 3 (1 > ANY)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[07.09 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Feed the cat behind Iwatodai Station (Super Cat Food)
Justice 9 (1 > 2 > ANY > 1)

Tower 3 (2)
~~~~~[07.10 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Feed the cat behind Iwatodai Station (Super Cat Food)
Priestess 7 (ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[07.11 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Feed the cat behind Iwatodai Station (Super Cat Food)
Hanged Man 3 (ANY > 3; Sun flag)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[07.12 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun flag (talk to boy on bench at Naganaki Shrine)
Fortune slip for Justice

Tower 4 (1)
Death 3
~~~~~[07.13 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 1 (Quiz: 3 > 3 > 2, give Odd Morsel)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[07.14 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 2
~~~~~[07.15 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 2
~~~~~[07.16 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 2
~~~~~[07.17 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 1
~~~~~[07.18 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[07.19 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune slip for Hermit

~~~~~[07.20 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yakushima trip
~~~~~[07.21 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yakushima trip
~~~~~[07.22 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yakushima trip
Fool 5
~~~~~[07.23 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tower 5 (1 > 2)
~~~~~[07.24 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Magician 8 (2 > 1/2)

Tower 6 (2 > 2)
~~~~~[07.25 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Justice 10 (1 > ANY)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[07.26 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 6 (2)
~~~~~[07.27 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sports club training

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[07.28 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sports club training

Devil 3 (1)
~~~~~[07.29 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sports club training

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[06.30 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sports club training

~~~~~[07.31 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sports club training

Tower 7 (2)

=====<August (08)>=============================================================
~~~~~[08.01 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sports club training

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.02 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sports club meet

~~~~~[08.03 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 7 (2 > ANY)
~~~~~[08.04 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 2 (1)

~~~~~[08.05 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.06 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Moon
~~~~~[08.07 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 8 (2 > 1)

Death 5
~~~~~[08.08 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 4 (1/2)

Sun flag (get the pen from Koromaru)
Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.09 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 1

Tower 8 (1 > 1/3 > ANY > 2)
~~~~~[08.10 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Summer school (Academics +3)
~~~~~[08.11 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Summer school (Academics +3)
~~~~~[08.12 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Summer school (Academics +3)
~~~~~[08.13 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Summer school (Academics +3)
~~~~~[08.14 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Summer school (Academics +3)
~~~~~[08.15 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Summer school (Academics +3)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.16 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Summer festival with Priestess OR Strength
~~~~~[08.17 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 9 (2 > ANY > 1)
~~~~~[08.18 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Movies with Temperance

Devil 4 (1)
~~~~~[08.19 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 5 (1 > 2)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.20 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hermit 10 (2 > 2 > 2)
~~~~~[08.21 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Movie with Strength

Tower 9 (ANY > ANY > ANY)
~~~~~[08.22 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 6 (2/3 > 1)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.23 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 2 (2 > 1)

~~~~~[08.24 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 7 (ANY > ANY)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[08.25 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 5 (1 > ANY)

Devil 5 (2 > ANY > 1)
~~~~~[08.26 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 1

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.27 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 6 (2 > ANY)

Tower 10 (ANY)
~~~~~[08.28 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 2 (2 > 2)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[08.29 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man

Quiz Game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[08.30 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 3 (2 > 2)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[08.31 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 8 (1 > 1 > 1)

Study (Academics +2)

=====<September (09)>==========================================================
~~~~~[09.01 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Fortune 4 (ANY > 1)

Devil 6 (1)
~~~~~[09.02 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[09.03 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovers 1

~~~~~[09.04 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Study (Academics +2; use Yawn-B-Gone to remove Tired status)
~~~~~[09.05 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Moon
~~~~~[09.06 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 3 (ANY > ANY)

Study (Academics +2; use Yawn-B-Gone to remove Tired status)
~~~~~[09.07 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovers 2 (1 > 1)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[09.08 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune 5 (ANY)

Devil 7 (2 > 1)
~~~~~[09.09 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strength 7 (2 > 1)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[09.10 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Lovers 3 (ANY)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[09.11 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Priestess 8 (ANY > 2)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[09.12 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strength 8 (ANY > 1/2)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
Death 6
~~~~~[09.13 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune slip for Lovers

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[09.14 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Priestess 9 (ANY > ANY)

Study (Academics +2)
~~~~~[09.15 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Magician 9 (2)

Devil 8 (2)
~~~~~[09.16 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovers 4 (3)

Quiz game (Academics +4; 3,000 Yen)
~~~~~[09.17 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovers 5 (ANY > ANY > ANY > 1)

Get quest item from Shinjiro
~~~~~[09.18 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~[09.19 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~[09.20 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~[09.21 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 9 (1/3)

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[09.22 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date with Strength (3)

Devil 9 (1)
~~~~~[09.23 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hanged Man 10 (1 > 1)

~~~~~[09.24 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Magician 10 (1 > 2/3 > ANY)

~~~~~[09.25 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Emperor 8 (ANY > 1)

~~~~~[09.26 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Strength 9 (2 > 2)

Devil 10
~~~~~[09.27 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 3 (2)

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[09.28 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovers 6 (2)

~~~~~[09.29 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune 6 (ANY > 2)

~~~~~[09.30 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strength 10 (ANY > ANY > 2)


=====<October (10)>============================================================
~~~~~[10.01 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovers 7 (1)

Get quest item from Aigis
Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[10.02 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 6 (2 > ANY > 1)

~~~~~[10.03 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 4 (2)

~~~~~[10.04 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Moon
~~~~~[10.05 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[10.06 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 5 (1)

Death 8
~~~~~[10.07 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Star 4 (ANY > 1 > 2)

~~~~~[10.08 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 7 (1 > 2 > ANY)

~~~~~[10.09 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 5 (2 > 2)

~~~~~[10.10 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 6 (3)

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[10.11 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 6 (ANY > ANY > ANY > 2)

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[10.12 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 7 (3 > ANY)

~~~~~[10.13 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 1
~~~~~[10.14 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 1
~~~~~[10.15 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 2
~~~~~[10.16 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Midterms Answer: 3
~~~~~[10.17 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 8 (ANY > ANY > ANY)

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[10.18 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune slip for Priestess

~~~~~[10.19 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2

~~~~~[10.20 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune 7 (1)

~~~~~[10.21 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[10.22 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Lovers 8 (1 > ANY)

~~~~~[10.23 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2

~~~~~[10.24 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Priestess 10 (ANY > 2 > 1)

~~~~~[10.25 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune slip for Lovers

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[10.26 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3
Lovers 9 (2)

~~~~~[10.27 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 7 (2)

~~~~~[10.28 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[10.29 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lovers 10 (1)

~~~~~[10.30 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 7 (2 > ANY > ANY > 2)

~~~~~[10.31 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 8 (2)

Walk Koromaru

=====<November (11)>===========================================================
~~~~~[11.01 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 8 (1 > ANY)

Walk Koromaru
~~~~~[11.02 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fool 6
~~~~~[11.03 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Moon
~~~~~[11.04 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fool 7

Death 10
~~~~~[11.05 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[11.06 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chariot 9 (1)

Revival flag (encourage Junpei)
~~~~~[11.07 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Moon 9 (ANY)

~~~~~[11.08 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 9 (1 > 2 > ANY > 1)

~~~~~[11.09 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chariot 10 (ANY > 1)

~~~~~[11.10 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune 8 (1 > ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[11.11 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune 9 (1 > ANY > ANY > ANY > ANY)

Revival flag (encourage Junpei)
~~~~~[11.12 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Fortune 10 (1 > 1)

Get quest item from Koromaru
~~~~~[11.13 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Emperor 9 (1)

~~~~~[11.14 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Revival flag (encourage Junpei)
~~~~~[11.15 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Star 10 (2 > ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[11.16 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Emperor 10 (1 > ANY)

~~~~~[11.17 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
School trip
~~~~~[11.18 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
School trip
~~~~~[11.19 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
School trip
~~~~~[11.20 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
School trip
~~~~~[11.21 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 1

Get quest item from Ken
~~~~~[11.22 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 4 (1 > 2)

Revival flag (encourage Junpei)
~~~~~[11.23 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moon 10 (ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[11.24 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Work experience
~~~~~[11.25 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Work experience
~~~~~[11.26 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Work experience
~~~~~[11.27 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Work experience
~~~~~[11.28 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 2 (ANY)

Fool 9
~~~~~[11.29 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 5 (1)

~~~~~[11.30 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 3


=====<December (12)>===========================================================
~~~~~[12.01 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 3 (2 > 2 > ANY > 2)

~~~~~[12.02 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 8 (2)

~~~~~[12.03 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.04 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 9 (2)

~~~~~[12.05 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 9 (ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[12.06 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 6 (1 > 1)

~~~~~[12.07 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Fortune slip for Hierophant

~~~~~[12.08 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperance 10 (ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[12.09 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hierophant 10 (ANY > ANY > 1 > ANY)

~~~~~[12.10 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.11 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1

~~~~~[12.12 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.13 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 7 (2)

~~~~~[12.14 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 3
~~~~~[12.15 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 4
~~~~~[12.16 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 1
~~~~~[12.17 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 3
~~~~~[12.18 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finals Answer: 4
~~~~~[12.19 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 4 (2 > 1 > ANY)

~~~~~[12.20 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 8 (1 > 2)

~~~~~[12.21 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2

~~~~~[12.22 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 1
Empress 5 (2 > 1 > 2)

~~~~~[12.23 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.24 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Christmas Event

~~~~~[12.25 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.26 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 6 (1/2 > 2 > 1)

~~~~~[12.27 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 9 (2)

~~~~~[12.28 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.29 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.30 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[12.31 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fool 10, Judgement 1

=====<January (01)>============================================================
~~~~~[01.01 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.02 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.03 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sun 10 (ANY)

~~~~~[01.04 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date with Empress

~~~~~[01.05 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.06 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.07 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.08 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Aeon 1

~~~~~[01.09 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 7 (1)

~~~~~[01.10 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.11 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.12 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 8 (ANY > ANY > 2 > ANY)

~~~~~[01.13 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 2 (1)

~~~~~[01.14 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 9 (3)

~~~~~[01.15 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 3 (ANY > 2)

~~~~~[01.16 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 4 (1 > ANY > 1)

~~~~~[01.17 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.18 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Class Answer: 2
Aeon 5 (1)

~~~~~[01.19 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empress 10 (1)

~~~~~[01.20 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 6 (3/4)

~~~~~[01.21 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.22 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 7 (ANY > ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[01.23 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 8 (2 > ANY)

~~~~~[01.24 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.25 (M)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.26 (T)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 9 (1)

~~~~~[01.27 (W)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aeon 10 (ANY > ANY)

~~~~~[01.28 (R)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.29 (F)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.30 (Sa)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~[01.31 (Su)]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tartarus (for final battle)
Y si juegas en la PS2

I will not repeat the following message in every day's schedule. 100% follow-
ing of this flow of the day is strongly encouraged, especially in the first
two months in which we have to max out Courage.

1. Skip all the day-time restaurant, we'll use the day time for all social
events. However, you'll still be able to see those restaurant because some
social link events take place there.

2. Do not donate any money. In FES, donation takes time and hence is strongly
discouraged. We can max all links without one single donation.

3. Spend the night in the following orders:

i) At the beginning: Max Courage
Mon: Karaoke + Study
Tue: Virtual Horror at game center (3,000 yen) + Study
Wed: Karaoke + Study
Thu: Karaoke + Study
Fri: Virtual Horror at game center (3,000 yen) + Study
Sat: Coffee + Study
Sun: Karaoke + Study
If need to visit Tartarus, do it on Sat

ii) When Courage is maxed: Max Charm
Mon: Photo Sticker at game center (1,500 yen) + Study
Tue: Coffee + Study
Wed: Coffee + Study
Thu: Photo Sticker at game center (1,500 yen) + Study
Fri: Coffee + Study
Sat: Coffee + Study
Sun: Coffee + Study
If need to visit Tartarus, do it on Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, or Sun

iii) When Charm is maxed: Max Academic
Mon: Study
Tue: Study
Wed: Quiz at game center (3,000 yen) + Study
Thu: Study
Fri: Study
Sat: Quiz at game center (3,000 yen) + Study
Sun: Study
If need to visit Tartarus, do it on Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, or Sun

4. Spend after-school time in the following orders:

i) If you're tired/sick, go to see the school doctor and drink his medicine
to increase Courage until your Courage is maxed. That potion will not
heal you, but afterwards you can try visiting bathroom. There is a
certain chance that your condition will be back to normal.

ii) Proceed to carry out the Social Link, make sure you have the matching
persona with you to get the bonus. Answer all the question with highest
points (suggested answers are given in this walk through).

5. One of the key to max out Courage by 6/19 is to see two movies on 4/21 and
4/26. These would gain totally 8 pts towards Courage and that's 10% of all
you need to maximize it.

6. What about the dates of maxing Charm and Academic? Basically if you follow
the routine you should not have problem, some trickier ones are listed
here for your reference:

- Charm needs to be at level 6 by 7/25 to start the Lovers social link

- Academic needs to be at level 2 by 5/29 to start the Temperance social

- Academic needs to be at level 6 by 10/12 in order to top the third exam
~ You can also top the first exam with level 3 Academic
~ You can also top the second exam with level 5 Academic
Either way, you'll need at least one of these topped as a condition for
Empress social link

7. For Social Link initiation and Rank 10 special event, whatever you answer
does not matter.

8. When to bring a matching persona:

Rule of thumb, once your reach Rank 2, better to see them again with a
matching persona.

Here are the detailed rules and the recipe of the lowest level persona:

00. Fool
No matching persona needed, level up is automatic.

01. Magician
Needs matching persona on 4/28. Then always meet with him with a
matching persona.
[LV5 Nekomata <- Pixie + Apsara]

02. Priestess
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 3.
[LV3 Apsara, picked up in level 1 Tartarus]

03. Empress
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 3.
[LV33 Leanan Sidhe <- Nigimitama + Unicorn]

04. Emperor
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 7.
[LV7 Forneus <- Pixie + Nekomata]
* Notice that in the original P3, Emperor does not change regardless if
you have a persona or not. This is revised in FES.

05. Hierophant
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 5.
[LV7 Omoikane <- Nekomata + Orpheus]

06. Lover
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 2.
[LV2 Pixie, picked up in level 1 Tartarus]

07. Chariot
Needs matching persona for the conversation on 3/30. Afterwards, always
meet with him with a matching persona.
[LV6 Aramitama <- Pixie + Angel]

08. Justice
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 2.
[LV4 Angel, picked up in level 1 Tartarus]

09. Hermit
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 3.
[LV9 Yomotsu Shikome <- Orpheus + Omoikane]

10. Fortune
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 7.
[LV17 Fortuna <- Valkyrie + Yomotsu Shikome]

11. Strength
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 4.
[LV11 Valkyrie <- Yomotsu Shikome + Apsara]

12. Hanged man
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 2.
[LV10 Inugami <- Aramitama + Lilim]

13. Death - No matching persona needed, level up is automatic

14. Temperance
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 4.
[LV12 Nigimitama <- Nekomata + Forneus]

15. Devil
No matching persona needed, this social link levels up as long as you
talk to him.

16. Tower
Not a serious time conflict so you can decide.
[LV31 Eligor <- Narcissus + Slime + Vetala]

17. Star
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 3.
[LV39 Nandi <- Gurr + Unicorn]

18. Moon
Needs matching persona after you've reached rank 4.
[LV15 Gurr <- Arc Angel + Nigimitama]

19. Sun
No matching persona needed, this social link levels up as long as you
talk to him.

20. Judgment
No matching persona needed, level up is automatic

21. Universe
Story-related social link, no matching person and no ranking up event.

22. Aeon
Needs matching persona after you have reached rank 8.
[LV63 Uriel <- Kaiwan + Ose]

<>--SECTION 2 ONE-GLANCE CALENDAR--------------------------------------------<>

[ ]~~04.07.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.08.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.09.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.10.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.11.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.12.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.13.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.14.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.15.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.16.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.17.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.18.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.19.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.20.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Not playable

[ ]~~04.21.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Watch a movie (Courage +4)
FAQ: [FAQ001] Where is the cinema?

[ ]~~04.22.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 1
Where: Kenji is in the classroom on the 2nd floor of the school
When: Tue,Thu,Fri

[ ]~~04.23.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Chariot 1
Where: The gym is on the first floor. When you walk into the school from
outside, bend a right, walk to the end and exit the big door. Walk across the
backyard and you'll be there. After rank 1, you can also do this link by
talking to Miyamoto standing in your classroom.
When: Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri

[ ]~~04.24.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 2
Answer: No OR That's a secret > I like older women OR I like them all
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~04.25.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 1
Where: The bookstore is at the train station near your dorm, next to the Wild
Duck Burger. The tree is inside your school, you'll pass by it when you head
to the gymnasium.
When: Mon-Sat
Answer: Hierophant.initiate: Talk, then get a leaf from the school backyard,
come back to talk again

[ ]~~04.26.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Watch a movie (Courage +4)

[ ]~~04.27.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Strength Flag: Invite Yuko to walk together
Suggested link: Chariot 2
Answer: Toughen up > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,0,0 (5,0,0)
Pts for next rank: 1
FAQ: [FAQ002] What is "Flag"?

[ ]~~04.28.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Need Persona Nekomata by today
Suggested link: Magician 3
Answer: What, life? > Go for it
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 15
FAQ: [FAQ003] Why do I need some persona by a certain day?

[ ]~~04.29.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 1
Where: Maya can only be accessed online. You can meet with her using the
laptop in your dorm room.
When: Sun & other holidays

[ ]~~04.30.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Need Persona Aramitama by today
Suggested link: Chariot & Strength 03 & 01
Where: For rank 1 it happens automatically. Afterwards, Yuko can be found at
the water fountain on the 2nd floor of the school.
When: Wed,Sat
Answer: Are you sure you're okay? > Will it heal?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~05.01.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Hospital visit

[ ]~~05.02.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 2
Answer: What happened? > I agree > That's true
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22,7 (5,15,5)
Pts for next rank: 1
Night event: Quest: Rosin (Yukari)
FAQ: [FAQ004] What is the item quest from Elizabeth?

[ ]~~05.03.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 2
Answer: Of course > The outdoors are overrated
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 33,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~05.04.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 2
Answer: Tell him > Thanks > ANY > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22,0,0,0 (5,15,0,0,0)
Pts for next rank: 1
Night event: Needs to visit Tartarus
FAQ: [FAQ005] What does it mean that "I need to go to visit Tartarus?"

[ ]~~05.05.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 3
Answer: Looking for something? > I'll help you look > ANY > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22,0,0,0,0 (5,15,0,0,0,0)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~05.06.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Hagned Man Flag: Needs Takoyaki & Mad Bull
Suggested link: Emperor 1
Where: The student council room is at the opposite of your classroom.
When: Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat (After 1/25: Mon-Sat)
Night event: Phone: Chariot

[ ]~~05.07.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Justice Flag 01: Talk to Chihiro, "I want to talk?"
Suggested link: Chariot 4
Answer: ANY > That sucks
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~05.08.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 4
Answer: ANY > Good luck
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 15
FAQ: [FAQ006] What's special about the day before full moon?

[ ]~~05.09.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Full moon

[ ]~~05.10.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Chariot DT
Answer: Winning isn't everything
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)
FAQ: [FAQ011] What's "DT"?

[ ]~~05.11.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 4
Answer: ANY > ANY > Now, you have me worried
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0,7 (15,0,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~05.12.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 5
Answer: I'll root out the truth! > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~05.13.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~05.14.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 6
Answer: Please stop quarreling > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 20
Night event: Quest: Handheld game (Junpei)

[ ]~~05.15.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 7
Answer: Ask why she's crying > That's great > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7 (5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~05.16.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 8
Answer: ANY > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,0,22 (5,0,15)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~05.17.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 3
Answer: Oh really? > So you don't like your job?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~05.18.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~05.19.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~05.20.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~05.21.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~05.22.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~05.23.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Justice Flag 02: Talk to Chihiro, "I'm male"
Suggested link: Strength 3
Answer: Not really > ANY > Let's go
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7 (5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~05.24.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 4
Answer: Why don't we get married?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~05.25.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Chariot 5
Answer: The hospital again? > Let him use your shoulder
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~05.26.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Justice Flag 03: Talk to Chihiro, "Hello" & "Let's walk home together"
Suggested link: Magician 5
Answer: I agree
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15
Night event: Devil link initiated; Quest: Triangular sword (Mitusru)

[ ]~~05.27.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 4
Answer: ANY > ANY > No worries > I'm honored
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0,7,22 (0,0,5,15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~05.28.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 1
Where: Chihiro is right outside your classroom, standing next to the student
council room.
When: Tue,Thu,Sat

[ ]~~05.29.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 1
Where: The home econ room is on the first floor. When you walk into the
school from outside, bend a right, and you'll find it through the first door.
After rank 1, you can also do this link by talking to Bebe who stands right
outside the classroom door.

When: Tue,Wed,Fri

[ ]~~05.30.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 5
Answer: ANY > Do you know him? > It's up to you
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7 (5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 22
Night event: Tower link initiated

[ ]~~05.31.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 5
Answer: Don't you mean S.O.B. > You're a drunken boxing sensei OR Are you a
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~06.01.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 2
Answer: It's a waste of time
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~06.02.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 2
Answer: Don't worry about it > I read the classics OR I read manga > Not
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7,7 (15,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~06.03.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 3
Answer: ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7 (5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~06.04.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 3
Answer: How rude > I agree
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~06.05.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 2
Answer: ANY > Yeah, Japan is great
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~06.06.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~06.07.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Oracle draw (Strength + 10)
FAQ: [FAQ007] I wish to learn more about the oracle draw

[ ]~~06.08.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Full moon
Suggested link: Chariot 6
Answer: Suck it up > Is it that important? > What will happen to your knee?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7 (5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~06.09.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 4
Answer: ANY > Speak to her calmly
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~06.10.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 3
Answer: ANY > Something traditional? [persona needed]
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~06.11.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 5
Answer: So, how was it? > It's just a coincidence > Don't be so hard on
yourself > Hold her hand
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7,7,22 (15,5,5,15)
Pts for next rank: 22
FAQ: [FAQ010] What does it mean by "she may go jealous if I see other girls?"

[ ]~~06.12.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 4
Answer: Are you alright? > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0 (15,0)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~06.13.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 6
Answer: Is it good? > What do you mean?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~06.14.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 6
Answer: Which bastard?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~06.15.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Chariot 7
Answer: How's your knees? > You need to toughen up
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~06.16.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 5
Answer: Sure > Then stay
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 14
Night event: Quest: Protein (Akihiko)

[ ]~~06.17.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 1
Where: The culture room is on the first floor. When you walk into the school
from outside, bend a right and you'll be there. After rank 1, you can also do
this link by talking to Hiraga who stands outside your classroom.
Night event: Phone: Justice

[ ]~~06.18.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 7
Answer: You're not to blame > We have to do something
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~06.19.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: MAX Courage needed
Suggested link: Priestess 1
Where: Fuuka is outside the bathroom on the 2nd floor of the school
When: Mon,Fri,Sat
Answer: Max Courage

[ ]~~06.20.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Koromaru appears
Night event: Quest: Glasses wipe (Ikutsuki)

[ ]~~06.21.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice DT
Answer: There's no thief
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)
FAQ: [FAQ012] Oh~!! I go out with a girl! I go out with a girl!! Guide to

[ ]~~06.22.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 2
Answer: Sure
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~06.23.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 8
Answer: ANY > Talk to the teacher
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,7 (0,5)
Pts for next rank: 30
Night event: Phone: Justice

[ ]~~06.24.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 2
Answer: ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0 (0,0)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~06.25.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~06.26.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 3
Answer: I believe in you > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~06.27.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 9
Answer: Don't worry , she'll help us > Wait and see what happens > ANY >
What's wrong?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,0,7 (5,5,0,5)
Pts for next rank: 40
Night event: Quest: Orangutan wood (Fuuka)

[ ]~~06.28.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice DT
Answer: I'm thinking about it
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)

[ ]~~06.29.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 4
Answer: ANY > On, I don't think so
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~06.30.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Justice 10
FAQ: [FAQ013] What's special about maxing a link?

[ ]~~07.01.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 6
Answer: Take a break > Let's go > Support him
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,22 (5,5,15)
Pts for next rank: 16

[ ]~~07.02.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 6
Answer: ANY > I have 30-year goals
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 15
Night event: Phone: Strength

[ ]~~07.03.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 5
Answer: You did a great job > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~07.04.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 6
Answer: Let's hope for the best
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7 (5)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~07.05.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength DT
Answer: You'll find something
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)

[ ]~~07.06.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Chariot 8
Answer: Look away
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7 (5)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~07.07.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Full moon

[ ]~~07.08.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 9
Answer: ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,0 (5,0)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~07.09.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~07.10.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 1
Where: Maiko plays at the shrine. You can get Mad Bull from the vending
machine at your dorm; and you can buy Takoyaki at the train station close to
your dorm.
When: Mon-Sat, except holiday

[ ]~~07.11.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 2
Answer: Sure, let's go > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0,0 (15,0,0)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~07.12.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 7
Answer: Guys only go for younger chicks > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~07.13.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 3
Answer: ANY > Don't worry, he'll be there
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,7 (0,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~07.14.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~07.15.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~07.16.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~07.17.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~07.18.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~07.19.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 8
Answer: Hurry up and tell me already > What is he like?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~07.20.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Vacation week

[ ]~~07.21.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Vacation week

[ ]~~07.22.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Vacation week

[ ]~~07.23.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Vacation week

[ ]~~07.24.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 7
Answer: Ask what's wrong > Bride-To-Be Magazine > That's great. Congrats!
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7 (5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~07.25.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: MAX Charm needed
Suggested link: Lover 1
Where: Yukari is in the classroom on the 2nd floor of the school
When: Mon,Wed,Thu,Sat
Answer: Lover.initiate: Max Charm

[ ]~~07.26.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 9
Answer: No way! > ANY > What are you planning?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,0,7 (5,0,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~07.27.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sport club training

[ ]~~07.28.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sport club training

[ ]~~07.29.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sport club training

[ ]~~07.30.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sport club training

[ ]~~07.31.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sport club training

[ ]~~08.01.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sport club training

[ ]~~08.02.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sport club training

[ ]~~08.03.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~08.04.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~08.05.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 4
Answer: I'm happy for you OR Nobody could forget you
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~08.06.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Full moon

[ ]~~08.07.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 5
Answer: That's terrible > That isn't true
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~08.08.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 6
Answer: Calm down OR Sounds like a plan > You don't need that stuff
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~08.09.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Sun Flag: Get fountain pen from Koromaru
Suggested link: Star 1
Where: Mamoru sits right outside the Wild Duck Burger on the bench. He is
pretty well disguised.
When: Mon-Sun (After rank 9: only available on school days)

[ ]~~08.10.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Summer lecture

[ ]~~08.11.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Summer lecture

[ ]~~08.12.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Summer lecture

[ ]~~08.13.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Summer lecture

[ ]~~08.14.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Summer lecture

[ ]~~08.15.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Summer lecture
Night event: Walk: Aegis
FAQ: [FAQ008] About walking with Koromaru

[ ]~~08.16.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Summer festival

[ ]~~08.17.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Kenji
FAQ: [FAQ009] I wish to learn more about the movie festival

[ ]~~08.18.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Bebe

[ ]~~08.19.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Hiraga

[ ]~~08.20.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hermit 10

[ ]~~08.21.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Yuko

[ ]~~08.22.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Miyamoto
Night event: Walk: Akihiko

[ ]~~08.23.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Chiiro
Night event: Walk: Bookstore owner (Hierophant +10)

[ ]~~08.24.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Yukari

[ ]~~08.25.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Akihiko

[ ]~~08.26.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Koromaru

[ ]~~08.27.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Junpei
Night event: Walk: Junpei

[ ]~~08.28.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Aegis

[ ]~~08.29.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Fuuka
Night event: Walk: Fuuka

[ ]~~08.30.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Mitsuru
Night event: Walk: Mitsuru

[ ]~~08.31.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Ken

[ ]~~09.01.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 7
Answer: That's a good idea
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 6

[ ]~~09.02.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Shinjiro joins force

[ ]~~09.03.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 2
Answer: Pink's cute > that's messed up
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~09.04.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 6
Answer: Okay
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~09.05.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Full moon

[ ]~~09.06.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 1
Where: Akinari sits on the bench at the shrine.
When: Sun
Answer: Sun.initiate: Present him the red fountain pen

[ ]~~09.07.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 4
Answer: ANY > Good work
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~09.08.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 3
Answer: Great job! > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0 (15,0)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~09.09.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 5
Answer: They can be pretty cruel
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15
Night event: Phone: Priestess

[ ]~~09.10.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 8
Answer: Are you in trouble? > You should go with her OR You should talk to
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~09.11.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Chariot 9
Answer: I'm fine
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~09.12.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 7
Answer: ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0 (0,0)
Pts for next rank: 35

[ ]~~09.13.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess DT
Answer: Yeah, I'm not too bad
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)

[ ]~~09.14.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 8
Answer: ANY > I Want to be with you too
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 40

[ ]~~09.15.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 9
Answer: Confrount Emiri
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22
Night event: Walk: Shinjiro

[ ]~~09.16.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 6
Answer: ANY > But I just got here
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~09.17.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 4
Answer: ANY > Complaining won't help
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 15
Night event: Quest: Fruit knife (Aragaki)

[ ]~~09.18.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Typhoon

[ ]~~09.19.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Typhoon

[ ]~~09.20.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Typhoon

[ ]~~09.21.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hierophant 10
Night event: Needs to visit Tartarus

[ ]~~09.22.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 1
Where: Nozomi sits on the bench next to the fountain inside the mall.
When: Mon-Sat
Answer: Moon.initiate: Answer "Pheromone coffee", "Green", "Hagakure Bowl",
then present him an item Odd Morsel

[ ]~~09.23.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Movie: Aragaki

[ ]~~09.24.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Magician 10
Night event: Phone: Priestess

[ ]~~09.25.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 9
Answer: ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0 (0,0)
Pts for next rank: 55

[ ]~~09.26.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 3
Answer: ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0 (0)
Pts for next rank: 15
Night event: Walk: Shinjiro

[ ]~~09.27.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Needs a present for today's date
Suggested link: Priestess DT
Answer: N-No, I haven't
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)
Night event: Walk: Samada

[ ]~~09.28.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Priestess 10

[ ]~~09.29.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Chariot 10

[ ]~~09.30.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 7
Answer: He should suffer
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~10.01.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 5
Answer: You should tell your dad
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15
Night event: Quest: Oil (Aegis)

[ ]~~10.02.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 8
Answer: ANY > It wasn't me
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~10.03.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 7
Answer: Are you relieved? > Sure
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 35

[ ]~~10.04.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Full moon

[ ]~~10.05.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 2
Answer: Yeah, no problem > Myself really
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~10.06.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 3
Answer: ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~10.07.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~10.08.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 7
Answer: ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0 (0,0)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~10.09.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~10.10.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 8
Answer: Hamburgers > Yeah, you did good > Choose your dad
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22,22 (5,15,15)
Pts for next rank: 30
Night event: Walk: Ken

[ ]~~10.11.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 2
Answer: Really > That's a good point
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)

[ ]~~10.12.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 9
Answer: We're friends forever
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~10.13.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~10.14.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~10.15.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~10.16.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~10.17.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~10.18.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 3
Answer: I don't know > Try not to talk so much
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Night event: Walk: Strength

[ ]~~10.19.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 4
Answer: Are you alright?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22
Night event: Needs to visit Tartarus

[ ]~~10.20.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 6
Answer: ANY > Do whatever you want
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~10.21.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 8
Answer: ANY > A boy OR A girl
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,7 (0,5)
Pts for next rank: 40

[ ]~~10.22.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 7
Answer: Are you gonna be a doctor?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15
Night event: Phone: Strength

[ ]~~10.23.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 9
Answer: Don't blame yourself
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~10.24.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 5
Answer: ANY > ANY > ANY > Try to cheer her up
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0,0,22 (0,0,0,15)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~10.25.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength DT
Answer: Will you wipe it off?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)
Night event: Walk: Mamoru (Star +10)

[ ]~~10.26.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~10.27.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 8
Answer: Yeah, I'm fine > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0,0 (15,0,0)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~10.28.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 9
Answer: Forget about what? > An instructor?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 40

[ ]~~10.29.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 6
Answer: Anytime
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~10.30.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Emperor 10

[ ]~~10.31.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)
Night event: Walk: Ken

[ ]~~11.01.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 4
Answer: Yeah, I like reading > If it's boring, I stop reading
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Night event: Walk: Yukari

[ ]~~11.02.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~11.03.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Full moon

[ ]~~11.04.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Event

[ ]~~11.05.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Event

[ ]~~11.06.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Revival Flag 01
Suggested link: Temperance 8
Answer: He'll agree for sure
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22
FAQ: [FAQ014] What is "Revival Flag"? (Spoiler)

[ ]~~11.07.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Strength 10

[ ]~~11.08.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 5
Answer: Reprimand Akinari
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)

[ ]~~11.09.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 7
Answer: Sounds good
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 35

[ ]~~11.10.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 9
Answer: Ask about his country
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~11.11.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Revival Flag 02
Suggested link: Fortune 9
Answer: Try to stop him > ANY > ANY > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0,0,0,0 (15,0,0,0,0)
Pts for next rank: 22
Night event: Phone: Lover

[ ]~~11.12.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Fortune 10
Night event: Quest: Dog food (Koromaru)

[ ]~~11.13.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 4
Answer: ANY > Sounds like a good plan > Yeah, I bet she would be
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7 (5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~11.14.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Revival Flag 03
Suggested link: Lover 8
Answer: Alright > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0 (15,0)
Pts for next rank: 40

[ ]~~11.15.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover DT
Answer: It's a healthy appetite
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 45 (30)

[ ]~~11.16.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 9
Answer: ......
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 55

[ ]~~11.17.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: School trip

[ ]~~11.18.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: School trip

[ ]~~11.19.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: School trip

[ ]~~11.20.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: School trip
Night event: Walk: Ken

[ ]~~11.21.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: MAX Academic needed; First place in at least one exam needed
Suggested link: Empress 1
Where: Mitsuru is outside the staff room at the school
When: Tue,Thu,Sat
Answer: Empress.initiate: Max Academic, topped at least one exam
Night event: Quest: Feather man R (Ken)

[ ]~~11.22.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Revival Flag 04
Suggested link: Sun 6
Answer: Hey, that's cool > It sounds interesting
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,22 (15,15)

[ ]~~11.23.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 5
Answer: Are you okay? > We should come here again
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~11.24.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Internship

[ ]~~11.25.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Internship

[ ]~~11.26.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Internship

[ ]~~11.27.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Internship

[ ]~~11.28.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 2
Answer: ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7 (5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~11.29.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 7
Answer: It sounds really depressing
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)

[ ]~~11.30.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~12.01.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 3
Answer: Ask her to treat you > Does that make you happy? > ANY > Agree to
forget about it
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22,7,7 (5,15,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 21

[ ]~~12.02.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~12.03.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ]~~12.04.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Temperance 10

[ ]~~12.05.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 6
Answer: ANY > ANY > ANY > Hey, no problem
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0,0,22 (0,0,0,15)
Pts for next rank: 20

[ ]~~12.06.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 7
Answer: I don't mind > ANY > ANY > Don't give up!
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,0,22 (5,5,0,15)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~12.07.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 8
Answer: You should get some more > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~12.08.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~12.09.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 9
Answer: And you won? > Do a victory celebration > ANY > Thank him for his
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7,7 (5,5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~12.10.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~12.11.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Star 10

[ ]~~12.12.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~12.13.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Oracle draw (Lover + 10)

[ ]~~12.14.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~12.15.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~12.16.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~12.17.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~12.18.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Exam

[ ]~~12.19.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 4
Answer: Did something happen? > It's the result of love > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22,0 (5,15,0)
Pts for next rank: 21

[ ]~~12.20.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Oracle draw (Lover + 10)

[ ]~~12.21.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Lover 10
Night event: Walk: Mitsuru

[ ]~~12.22.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 5
Answer: I'm glad you enjoyed it > A motorcycle? > Let's go for a ride
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,22,22 (15,15,15)
Pts for next rank: 21
Night event: Walk: Fuuka

[ ]~~12.23.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Hanged Man 10
Night event: Walk: Yukari

[ ]~~12.24.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Christmas Eve

[ ]~~12.25.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 2
Answer: Sure, okay
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~12.26.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 6
Answer: Can I get a book for you? > That's news to me! > You have to
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7,22 (15,5,15)
Pts for next rank: 21
Night event: Walk: Koromaru

[ ]~~12.27.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 8
Answer: Stay at his side > What are you thinking?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7 (5,5)
Night event: Walk: Junpei

[ ]~~12.28.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 3
Answer: You are the Gourmet King
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~12.29.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 4
Answer: Oh, are you sick?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 15

[ ]~~12.30.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 5
Answer: Yeah, that's right
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~12.31.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 6
Answer: Are you feeling sick?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~01.01.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: New Year

[ ]~~01.02.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 7
Answer: Wiped off the face of ?? > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,0 (15,0)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~01.03.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 9
Answer: Oh, did you finish the story?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7 (5)

[ ]~~01.04.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 8
Answer: Oh brother
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~01.05.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 9
Answer: ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0 (0)
Pts for next rank: 5

[ ]~~01.06.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~01.07.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Moon 10
Night event: Walk: Aegis

[ ]~~01.08.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 1
Where: Aegis is in the classroom on the 2nd floor of the school.
When: Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat (After 1/25: Mon-Sat)

[ ]~~01.09.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 7
Answer: Let's do it
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 21

[ ]~~01.10.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Sun 10

[ ]~~01.11.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ]~~01.12.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 8
Answer: ANY > ANY > Say something to the guy > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0,22,22 (0,0,15,15)
Pts for next rank: 21

[ ]~~01.13.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 2
Answer: I like it
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~01.14.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 9
Answer: That makes me happy
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 21

[ ]~~01.15.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 3
Answer: ANY > That’s not true
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,7 (0,5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~01.16.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 4
Answer: ANY > All right
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,22 (0,15)
Pts for next rank: 1
Night event: Walk: Mitsuru

[ ]~~01.17.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ]~~01.18.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 5
Answer: You may be right
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~01.19.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Empress 10

[ ]~~01.20.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 6
Answer: No, you didn't OR He saw me as a boyfriend
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~01.21.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Event: Revival event

[ ]~~01.22.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 7
Answer: ANY > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 0,0,0 (0,0,0)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~01.23.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon ST
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 15 (10)

[ ]~~01.24.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ]~~01.25.MON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ]~~01.26.TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 8
Answer: I'm doing it now > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~01.27.WED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 9
Answer: You're right
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 22

[ ]~~01.28.THU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Aeon 10

[ ]~~01.29.FRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Night event: Walk: SEES team

[ ]~~01.30.SAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ]~~01.31.SUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 1
Where: Mutatsu drinks at the night club inside the mall. The club is at the
far left. You can only meet with him at night.
When: Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
Answer: Tower.initiate: Answer "Bloody Mary", "Margarita", "Screwdriver" and

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 2
Answer: None of your business > I'm sorry, um?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 1

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 3
Answer: I don't have any friends
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 25

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 4
Answer: Yeah that might look cool
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 25

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 5
Answer: I have enough > Yes
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)
Pts for next rank: 25

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 6
Answer: You should go home > What about the others?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 7
Answer: I don't think you should
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)
Pts for next rank: 30

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 8
Answer: Dad? > I was with a friend OR None of your business > ANY > Are you
running away?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7,0,7 (15,5,0,5)
Pts for next rank: 40

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 9
Answer: ANY > ANY > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,7,7 (5,5,5)
Pts for next rank: 40

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Tower 10

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 1
Where: In the mall, during night time only.
When: Tue,Sat
Answer: Devil.initiate: Give him another 10000 yen

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 2
Answer: Placebo > ANY
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22,7 (15,5)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 3
Answer: Maybe a little
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 4
Answer: I sure have
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 5
Answer: Who're you talking about? > ANY > Is it always about money?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,0,7 (5,0,5)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 6
Answer: Sounds fun
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 7
Answer: Sort of? > The organic one
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 7,22 (5,15)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 8
Answer: Oh really?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 9
Answer: Are you going to donate?
Pts w/ (w/o) matching persona: 22 (15)

[ ]~~Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Suggested link: Devil 10

Estas guias son para sacarlo la primera vez que juegas pero lo mejor es pasarlo primero como a uno le place y luego con el new game+ en el que no tienes que perder tiempo ni estudiando ni trabajando (mantienes tus niveles de inteligencia, valor, etc) ya es facil sacartelos sin guia ni nada y mola mucho mas.

El unico en que use guia fue con el 4 que no me gustaba mucho y no me apetecia jugarlo 2 veces.
Pues al de psp, tio de donde sacas estas guias del horror? me las he guardado a buen recaudo en txt. Ahora estoy en tartarus pillando los persona definitivos que puedo con los social links que he conseguido, he llegado a la conclusion de que me faltan 6 social links casi completos, vamos que ni de coña. En la nueva partida que me haga seguire estas guias porque es la unica manera de hacerlo todo. Luego aver si retimo el Suikoden II

La PSP es la maquina de los JRPGs por excelencia, tendria que vivir 3 vidas para acabarme todos los titulos que tengo en mente:lol:
Date cuenta que en la segunda partida sales con todos los atributos de esta de modo que no tendras que perder noches y noches estudiando y trabajando lo cual te deja muchisimo mas tiempo para los social links. La segunda vez que juegas es relativamente facil conseguirlos, aunque utiliza eso si la guia de conversaciones.

Es el Batconsejo de hoy
Eso esta de puta madre porque es con diferencia lo que mas cuesta de subir, anda que no habra malgastado tardes en la biblioteca para subirme inteligencia para que ahora me sobre tiempo por las noches:face:

Estoy tratando de conseguirme a Susano-o me falta ser level 76, ya tengo todos los personas necesarios:D
Arriba Pie