El gran hilo del fallecido clásico: famoso o muerte LOL, y si no, BAN

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Todavía estoy esperando el porque hay que poner a este macaco ochentero a la misma altura que otro congenere homínido coomo puede ser Phil Lynott
Todavía estoy esperando el porque hay que poner a este macaco ochentero a la misma altura que otro congenere homínido coomo puede ser Phil Lynott

artistas de calidad hay muchos, pero Prince ademas de calidad, se adelanto a su tiempo. Es el Stanley Kubrick de la musica.

Merece la pena una escucha entera si a uno le agrada una buena batería, progresando desde lo más simple hasta unos redobles de lo más enrevesados. Morris Day a sus lomos.

El siguiente tema está en el Black Album, un disco del 87 cuya comercialización fue paralizada una semana antes de lanzarse. Tras las críticas del público negro por su orientación al pop accesible a blancos, decidió crear un puñado de temas puramente negros; el Black Album, nombre por el que se acabó conociendo el EP, solo vio la luz a través de contadas ediciones de promoción antes de que se paralizara por completo (años más tarde se acabó por sacar al mercado). Pero en origen, las primeras ediciones no tenían portada, tracklist ni créditos de cualquier tipo. Todo el envase era negro.

Prince acabó por asegurar que El Mal le había llevado a grabar esos temas, y acto seguido editó el Lovesexy, que es la contrapartida blanca, positiva y muy religiosa al Black Album. Incluso en el videoclip de Alphabet Street aparecía durante unos segundos un mensaje que rezaba 'don't buy the Black Album'.

El Black Album es una joya. Funky oscuro, festivo... y un tema llamado Bob George. En él nadie canta, al principio es un diálogo sordo entre lo que parece un pimp, un chulo de esos con abrigo de piel y cadenacas de oro con una de sus chicas, a la que acaba matando por que se está viendo con un tal Bob George. Todo muy lol.


Let me see ya dance

New coat, huh?
That's nice
Did u buy it?
Yeah, right
U seeing that rich motherfucker again
U know who I'm talking about
That slicked back paddy with all the gold in his mouth
Don't try to play me 4 yesterday's fool
Cuz I'll slap your ass into the middle of next week
I'm sorry baby, that's the rules

I pay the rent in this raggedy motherfucker
And all u do is suck up food and heat
Say what? Oh yeah?
4 someone who can't stand them T.V. dinners
U sure eat enought of them motherfuckers
Who bought u that diamond ring?
Yeah, right.
Since when did u have a job?
U seeing that rich motherfucker again
What's his name? Bob?
Bob, ain't that a bitch?
What's he do for a living?
Manage rock stars?
Ain't that a bitch?
That skinny motherfucker with the high voice?
Please, who do I look like baby?
Yesterday's fool?
Don't u know I will kill u now?
U're fuckin' right.
I gotta gun
U think I don't?
Then what's this?
Oh, u quiet now
uh uh!
Little? Yeah, right. It might be little but it's loud

Yeah, right.
Uh uh!

Now put that suitcase down
And go in there
And put on that wig I bought U
No, No
No, No
The reddish-brown one
Bob, ain't that a bitch?
Got ya

Hey Bob, if u're out there, let me see u dance
U said u was funky
C'mon, c'mon

Ain't that a bitch?

(Come out with your hands up)
I'll kick your ass (This is your last warning)
Think I won't? (Oh no! The nigger's got a laser)
(Let's get the hell out of here)

Is Mr. George home?
Hello, Mr. George? [Note: The high pitched voice]
This is your conscience, motherfucker [that responds to his call, when]
Why don't u leave motherfuckers alone? [slowed down to about 2 rpm,says]
What's wrong with u? ["Operator, what city please?"]
Well, why can't we just dance?
Why can't we just dance?
No, fuck that, fuck that
I don't talk about u, I don't talk about u
Wit' yo' little almond-shaped head ass
Who the fuck do u think this is?
I'll kick your ass... twice

Bob, if u're out there
Let me see u dance
U said u were funky, c'mon

B-O-B, spell the shit backwards, what'd it say
Same motherfuckin' shit

Turn it out

Bob, ain't that a bitch?
Última edición:
artistas de calidad hay muchos, pero Prince ademas de calidad, se adelanto a su tiempo. Es el Stanley Kubrick de la musica.

Otro mierda, el amigo Stanley.

Amen de JODER el libro de "de la naranja mecanica" hizo otros bodrios aburrecabras como "2001, odisea en el espacio"(superodisea te vas en una nave por ahi y se le cuelga el windows al trasto), la de "Doctor strangelove" se salva por peter sellers, "el resplandor" es otro coñazo de pasarte el rato pensando "pero aqui cuando coño palma la gente" que podria parecer que es por el doblaje, pero en version original es igual de mierda, y la chaqueta metalica, que es la unica que dices "bueno, no esta mal" la salvan Vincent D'Onofrio y el sargento de instruccion que sale en "atrapame esos fantasmas".

Hasta Adam Sandler hizo "Little Nicky" y es mejor que todo lo que hizo ese puto gordo, por fortuna muerto.
Y así amigos es como haces que se levanten de sus tumbas toda la chusma fina del foro cine.
Prynce o Yulio ¿quién es el número uno?

Como he dicho, jordan o maradona?

Benito, me has decepcionado, te imaginaba el tipico niño de los 80 en tu habitacion lleno de posters del pronto , jugando con el tente con tu sudadera de los lakers del cola cao y oyendo a prince en la radio del vecino como quien ve como se abre una portal espaciotemporal que te lleva a una dimension.
Están empezando a colgar en Youtube toda la obra del Príncipe. Este bolo no tiene desperdicio:

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Dentro de unas semanas, el mundo de la música recordará a Prince tan bien como le recuerda el mundo del baloncesto.

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Sí, ahora les ha dado por eso.

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El Coque Malla también le ha rendido un sentido homenaje, que lo he oído en la radio, ¿no lo vais a poner?.
Blao... música rara de cuando vendió los derechos a la discográfica :jew:

Demasiado postureo, como bien nos enseñaron en el principe de Bel Air, uno no es un negro molón si no acudía a "The Soul Train"
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Dentro de unas semanas, el mundo de la música recordará a Prince tan bien como le recuerda el mundo del baloncesto.


Pues se le recuerda como que era un genio con la pelota y que, si no fuera por su ridícula estatura, podría haber sido un gran jugador. Y eso que solía jugar con tacones :lol:

When Charlie Murphy talked about the time he got destroyed by Prince during an impromptu basketball game at Prince's house on Chappelle's Show, you probably wrote it off as a hilarious piece of sketch comedy. We are thunderously happy to report that at least part of that story is completely verifiable -- in his youth, Prince was a sick-ass basketball player with an equally solid Afro game.

Though, somehow, not the most impressive Afro on the team.

According to teachers at Minneapolis Central High, where Prince went to school back when he was still regular old Prince Rogers Nelson, Prince was a good kid who was shy and a bit nerdy. Rather than getting pushed around by the jocks -- like Prince would later have us believe in his biographical ballad Purple Rain -- he was more likely to be found hanging out with them. Which makes us wonder how factual an account Purple Rain really is.

"You thought Minnesota was a real place? Heh, it's just one of my nonsense words."

Prince was also a great basketball player who was super quick and had great ball-handling skills, but due to his funkadelic Hobbit stature, he could never make the starting lineup. He was always going to be spending a large portion of the game on the bench. But music journalist Toure (the writer of I Would Die 4 U: Why Prince Became An Icon) played ball with Prince, and this is what he had to say:

He picked up my ball and made a face that was understood in international shit-talking parlance to mean I'ma kick yo' ass, and started knifing around the court, moving quick, dribbling fast, sliding under my arm to snatch rebounds I thought for sure I had. He was showing off, being competitive, and, yes, engaging me in the same way I'd interacted with so many men I had played basketball with before. He moved like a player and played like one of those darting little guys you have to keep your eye on every second. Blink and he's somewhere you wouldn't expect. Lose control of your dribble for a heartbeat and he's relieved you of the ball. He jitterbugged around the court like a sleek little lightning bug, so fast he'd leave a defender stranded and looking stupid if he weren't careful.

Also, he was guaranteed to go skins every single game.

So, not only can Prince dominate at basketball -- he can apparently also teleport. The only way that story could be more awesome is if Prince was playing while wearing platform heels (which, according to Wendy Melvoin, one of Prince's ex-guitarists, is totally something he used to do).
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