Los mp3 que me sale de los cojones postear, básicamente

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Un himno de mi lejana juventud:


Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
Un himno de mi lejana juventud:


Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
¡¡ Muy buenos esos temas !! Gracias (sobre todo (en realidad había puesto sobre todo junto porque soy un subnormal) el de Bauhaus)

Por si alguien no lo sabe, Bauhaus fue la primera escuela dedicada a enseñar conceptos de diseño.
Ayer descubrí una especie de blog en el que hay temas en MP3 de todo tipo, en todo caso muy buena.

Nada más entrar hay un "especial" de música de Nueva Orleans.

La web es :


Nada más entrar os encontrareis una versión buenísima del tema "Summertime" de "Rapsody in blue" Ira Gerswin (interpretada al clarinete en 1932) y un Rag de 1944 que os vais a cagar las patillas abajo.
Es el más reciente trabajo de esta artista que suena bien a pesar de ser algo fresa. Sus comienzos como La Furcade ahora Natalia y la Forquetina, es un rollo como el de Amaral pero más Rockeado y si me gusta. Aquí una muestrilla.



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