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Upload some photos of you getting drunk and pierced by your (she)male friends Weiz, love.

The policy of the comunist China that invided Tibet under the excuse of the Tibet been part of o chinese empire many centuries ago makes me laugh: they "freed" their people of the yoke of the emperors to do the same with the Tibet. No matter it was a teocratic system, people did not seem to complain, and above all, buddists did not put into practice any way against human rights. Whether it is fair or not that monks do not work and live out of charity, they did not do any harm to their people.

But of course comunists are cool and capitalism is evil. Expansionism, colonisation and the exertion of power against traditional ways and languages is for the common wealth, isn't it? Hypocrites.

By the way, buddist countries, despite the high ranks of poverty, show the lowest ranks in crime on the world. I do not mean buddism is the best way, but having a look at oriental philosophy won't do any harm.
at least, i ate 2 piece of meat -dont remember the word-, and then wet to mcdonals to buy 9 nuggets, and i was still hungry :lol:
You make me feel as sick as a plane to Lourdes, but for Weiz I'd crawl a million miles across broken glass to kiss the exhaust of the van that took her dirty knickers to the laundry.
This is the best gif i have ever seen


At your feet, sir.
Mayayo you can't halt the evolution and industrialization of an entire country beucause you don't want to break the "natural energies". Everyone is free to believe and practice whatever they want, but feng shui won't get rid of poverty and disease for chrissake. Let's not be ridiculous...

I don't agree with the chinese way of administering Tibet, but letting the monks live on donations is like letting the christian church do the same. It is permitted, but it shouldn't be. Regardless of what you may believe, all that monk stuff is religion, as i said everyone should be entitled to believe in what he wishes, but please let's start to do it as a personal choice like playing golf or collecting cars, beucause it's no more than that.

EDIT: Re-reading the post I realise that you were talking about Beijing and not Tibet, but I'm too lazy to edit my post :lol:

Oh and I'm drunk at half past four in the afternoon.
Labordeta rebuznó:
This is the best gif i have ever seen


At your feet, sir.

Thanks very much, sir. You can find loads of them in

BTW, WTF is this China shite ye talking about?
You make me feel as sick as a plane to Lourdes, but for Weiz I'd crawl a million miles across broken glass to kiss the exhaust of the van that took her dirty knickers to the laundry.

I don't know if you are peeing on my mother or you are telling me that i'm a molon person :lol:

I have been sleeping like 3 hours per day this week, and im back with a litrone (or whatever:lol:) and well, i should do something to dinner before i couldnt get my ass out of bed.
This thread is turning really surrealistic!

Weiz you speak like Anfetatto :lol:
Don't know what or who it's this, but eat my shorts, by if a-case :lol:
Weiz rebuznó:
Don't know what or who it's this, but eat my shorts, by if a-case :lol:

He is a mate of the crispation subforum, although there is time since he does not show up.

Don't make sexual proposals here, this is not rapiñas :lol:
If we call it "forochat" in the spanish ones. Here, in the english thread, should we call it "forumcharla"?

stop forumcharla anyways:lol:

Weiz now I am getting obsessed with you, nowadays it's me :shock:
Mayayo rebuznó:
Btw, having lots of material possessions is not conducive to happiness.

What leads to happiness is being able to accept one's desires even though they are morally challenged by everyone on the whole planet. If you are a materialist person, yes, material posessions will be your path to happiness, but if you only try to fight it and deny what is inherent in your personality, your life will be a fucking misery.

I am not materialist at all, but if I were, I'd be out there trying to grab as much cash as I could, because sitting at home trying to bend these desires would be practically impossible, it would be lying to myself, and finally, what would be the point of doing it? Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? A great reward after you live a life of supposed putiry based on some ancient (and arguably consistent) beliefs?

If you like cars, buy cars, if you like diamonds, buy diamonds, but don't try to NOT like them because of the karma or whatever. If material posessions make you happy, please go forth and start shitting gold, but don't deny yourself for a religion or someone else's ideology.
hi, little fuckers :oops:jimmy, i dont love you, but you make me feel horny.
What's wrong with women? Is sex the only way they have to get some attention?
I asked because the only girls that post on this forum are always talking about sex. There's no "lols" or "hijoputismo" or being a bastard. It's just sex all the time :/

Do you truly believe in reincarnation? What proof have you got?
Jellous? :lol: Im trying jimmy to camel out, and you guys should help me or dye.
Hi, wankers! How are you doing behind your screens night and day? Is your arse growing some huge hemorroids because of sitting all day long?
First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I'm a man, so don't blame me for being a clone, please. I'm not claiming to be a woman, so sod off.
I've noticed that some of you really seem to have seriously studied English and some of you have have learnt it by watching TV shows, porno and movies.
How dare I? How could I guess? Simple, nescient people speak or write American English, that sort of gasping in which you can read or listen to words like "liberationated". On the other hand, real English students, people who have red some books (yes, letters in a foreign language, and they can have meaning when put together, as an avatar stated in this forum, so beware), communicate the British way. I cannot tell how glad I was when I saw that somebody (sorry for you, bloke, I cannot remember you name) spelled correctly the word "arse". Yes! ARSE, not ass. Ass is some kind of donkey, you american shit.
Well, I'm getting bored of writing in English, so I should better piss off.
Regards and kisses!
Mate, you're right, but arse is fucking slang anyway so, who cares?

Apart "ass" is not only "some kind of donkey" but also "a foolish or stupid person"

po_jonh rebuznó:
Mate, you're right, but arse is fucking slang anyway so, who cares?

Apart "ass" is not only "some kind of donkey" but also "a foolish or stupid person"


All right. Aye. I see you've seeked it in the dictionary, but let me tell you something. "Ass" is actually a kind of donkey or mule or whatever, and by analogy, it means a stupid or foolish person. Just the same way as in Spanish you say "asno" (behold the sound's similarity, both are based on latin's "asinus").
The other thing I find odd it's the lack of genitives in a latin-language speaker's speech when using English. We are prone to latinize every sentence instead of using the genitive, which makes it a little bit clumsy
almost every sentece stated by a latin-language user. We all latins have to make an effort in correcting this.
By the way, fuck Latino America! They never spoke Latin, therefore they are not Latino-Americans...
Trimegisto rebuznó:
BTW, Arse ---> UK and Ass---> USA

As simple as that.

That's because American people cannot handle two different consecutive consonants. Their brain could implode. Ahhh, the American Dream... Go on sleeping America! But forever!
Arriba Pie