Omegle: Habla con un b/tard, con un alemán bicéfalo, o con tu puta madre.

  • Iniciador del tema Iniciador del tema NSBM
  • Fecha de inicio Fecha de inicio
Hija de LOL rebuznó:
Oh dios mio!!! Como me he reido!!!

Eres un hijo de puta xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD quiero más!

¿Esta zorra es aquella que era fan del cabezas?
Si joder, la puta esquizofrénica esa que tenía un video hablandole a una gallina.

Que alguien amplíe la información para paja del odio. :D
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: hi

You: hello ^^

Stranger: m f?

You: how r u doin'

You: ?

You: f :)

Stranger: typing

Stranger: im male

Stranger: from?

You: of course youre typing

You: xD

Stranger: hahah

You: are you into scat?

You: its really fun

You: i want to shit on your chest

You: =D

Stranger: haha

Stranger: where are u from?

You: i'm from russia

You: its below 0 degrees here

Stranger: im from brazil

You: wow

You: gitano

You: thats amusing

Stranger: y

You: do yo know gitano ronaldo?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: i do

Stranger: he is a mother fucker

You: yeah

You: i agree

Stranger: age?

You: 19

Stranger: im 16

You: oh

Stranger: do u have a msn?

You: youre a little young

You: if i shit on your chest i probably get my butt on jail

You: =S

Stranger: no

Stranger: I like thiss

Stranger: hahah

You: ok

You: i'll give ya my msn

You: but first you must send me a photo of yours

Stranger: thanks girl

You: unless you do that

You: i wont believe you arent gitano ronaldo

Stranger: i m only have pic on my msn...

You: but

You: there are many people out there who deceive others in the net

You: if i give ya my msn i must trust you first

You: :)

Stranger: but i m truth

Stranger: i like u

You: why did you like me?

You: you event dont know my name

Stranger: u are funy

Stranger: whats ur name?

Stranger: haha

You: Aredhel Lenin

You: ya?

Stranger: nice name

You: it isnt nice

You: it bears the surname of Lenin

You: didnt you know who was lenin?

Stranger: i dont know sory

Stranger: =(

You: damned gipsy

You: you dont have basics knowledge

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: do u cabral?

You: oh no

You: here we have only lazaña

You: for pherseos and GORDOS

You: wait

Stranger: you dont have basics knowledge

You: do you know "goyan" "degoyan" y "descoyuntá"?

Stranger: no

Stranger: give me your msn?

Stranger: please

You: if i wrote slow

You: it's because it's difficult to write with only a hand....

You: give ya some help to cum and finish

Stranger: i have a web cam

You: uuu

You: but youre underage

You: a shame

You have disconnected.
Hediondo es una figura internacional.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: hola?

You: flower power?

Stranger: Can i give youa sponge bath

You: only if you are hediodo

You: hediondo

Stranger: I am

You: mentira

You: hediondo es un sevillano gordo calvo y viejo

You: y por supuesto subnormal

You: pk?

You: pl?

You: duck?

Stranger: yo

Stranger: como

Stranger: el queso

Stranger: muy bueno

You: nayaye





You: amo emo lol cheseeeeeeee

Stranger: Fuckin africans

You: niggers

You: all gays

Stranger: I hate niggers

You: i hate you

You: only using omegle to find hediondo

You: and tell him in her face



You: really?

You: then





Stranger: CENAGAL


You: me? :(


Stranger: BEND OVER

You: kisses hedi :)

You: hedi?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: ji
You: hi
You: where are u from
Stranger: spain
You: nice
You: im from texas
You: how old are u
Stranger: 18
Stranger: you?
You: 20
You: you are f or m?
Stranger: m
Stranger: you?
You: f
Stranger: really?
Stranger: fake xD
You: why fake?
Stranger: in this web 99% are male
Stranger: 1% female
Stranger: xD
Stranger: and today i havent good luck xD
You: hahahah
You: mm you have luck now haha
Stranger: are you blonde?
You: no
You: im nigga
Stranger: hi?
Stranger: really?
Stranger: you know pl?
You: what is pl?
Stranger: music band
Stranger: but still talking about you
You: joder yo creia que era un foro
You: ala ahora puedes ir y pegarlo alli
Stranger: lol
Stranger: amo emo lol cheese
You: jijijijj
Stranger: hijo de puta hablame
You: y que te digo
Stranger: cuantos dedos tengo?
You: uno metido en el culo el resto no se
Stranger: ais
Stranger: casi te owndeo
Stranger: owneo
You: casi colega casi
You: heil hitler
You: me estas aburriendo no tienes fotos de tu hermana?
Stranger: ke va tio
Stranger: las tiene tu madre en su usb
You: que hija de puta y no me las a enseñado
You: soy andaluz
You: te lo digio por si quieres odiarme un rato
Stranger: jo soc catalá
You: y tu vas de putas o eres virgen?
Stranger: no se que es peor
Stranger: yo follo gratis
You: anda como en las peliculas
Stranger: digame su alter ego o pseudónimo en el foro para mandarle un afectuoso mp
You: no me acuerdo
Stranger: tome rabos de pasas
Stranger: le vendrá bien
You: eso dicen pero a mi eso de comer rabos
You: soy main man
You: si me mandas un mp llamame hijo de puta que me gusta
Stranger: anda
Stranger: que casualidad
Stranger: yo también le iba a decir que me llamo main man
Stranger: no es una bonita casualidad?
Stranger: hamijo no trate de engañarme
You: si y de horijinalidaz
Stranger: no pienso dejar morir a mi user
You: tanto aprecio le tiene?
You: es usted de la elite o algo asi
Stranger: puede ser
You: vaya me siento orglloso de hablar con un superforero
You: gñe
You: hoyga y que se siente?
Stranger: superioridad
Stranger: orgullo
Stranger: honor sobre todo (en realidad había puesto sobre todo junto porque soy un subnormal)
Stranger: honor de servir a lol
You: comprendo cuando crezca y sea fuerte espero ser como usted señor
You: que me den mis corazones purpura e ir a luchar por lol alla donde me envien
Stranger: sabe usted que las comas tambén tienen derecho a vivir?
You: lo comprendo pero me pudo la emocion
You: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hay tiene de sobra luego las puede ir colocando
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Hay gente que tiene las cosas claras.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: under 17 and gay?

You: yes

Stranger: age, where you from?

You: I'm from your father's house; I use to make anal perforations to him

You: do you want a anal perforation too?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or save this log or send us feedback.

EDITO: Esta inversidad realmente ha sido sorprendente:

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: 22/f

Stranger: you?

You: 20/f

Stranger: meh

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: I'm f/22/u?
You: m, 14
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Que gente mas sosa.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: ...……………………………/””~,
……………../……………….,-“ ( . . o)_º)IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!!
……………./………………./ . . .“-~“ . . ¯¯¯¯¯””~-,
……………|………………..| . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,-~“~,
……………|…………….....| . . . . . . . . . . . . . /:::::::\
……………|…………….....| . . . . . . . . . . . . . |:::::::
……………|………………..\ . . . ._ . . . . . . . . “-,„„„-”
…………....|………………..”-, . .(..”~,------------~”
………….,~” . ¯”~,……………….¯”~~-”,-\………….,-“-,”~, . .”-,
……….,-“….,~”,-~”\…..-‘.,„„„………………”-,……….| . . “-, ”-, . |
………..\,,-“,~”……/…..,-“ . .”-,…………..’-,.”-,……..) . . . .”-,,-“
………….’-,……..(,--,.,-“ . . . . |…………….”-,”-,,(“-~”-,””~~~”
…………….¯”””¯,-“, .), . . . . ,-“……………….”-,\,.”..,-“
………………….’-, .”.,“-,_„„~”……………………”.”-,”
………………………….¯”~/ . . . . . .)……………,”-~’,
………………………./ . . . . . . |--„„„„„„--,~””¯ . . .)_
………………………….,-“ . . . . . .,-“………/ . . . . . . , .)
…………………………( . . . . . ,. . , “)……”-, . . . . .) ,’-“
…………………………..”~-,„_ . .)_,|-“……….¯””””””¯””

Stranger: hi

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or save this log or send us feedback.
A veces se consigue algún win en omegle

No todo son payasadas en Omegle, hamijos.

Tras un par de días probandolo en plan coña, uno se puede encontrar mujeres desesperadas que quieren enseñartelo todo por cam (y sin cobrar hoyga!) y te pasan sus fotos cerdas mientras te ponen brutote por cam.

Eso es lo que me pasó ayer noche con una hija de New Jersey, a veces el haber estudiao Inglés en serio es de utilidad.

Como evidentemente no pienso poner el vidrio, todos me llamaréis hijoputa y demas lindezas...pero al menos os dejo las fotos. Y su facebook no porque sino me pilla y no me repite el show.





Hale, ahí teneis una auténtica camwhore que me hizo correrme mientras hacía y me mostraba guarreridas de las más cerdas por cam. Si es que si caes bien y tienes suerte, del Omegle pasas al Msn y de ahí a lo que sea.

Para que digan que no sirve de nada :lol:

¡Omegle is for paja!
FelgarPL rebuznó:
Le preguntaste si tenia rabo, ahora que parece que vas orientado a otros gustos?

Pero esto explícalo que sino, queda poco claro. El Darty este, se ha follao a un tío con tetas a sabiendas de que lo era. Todo bien explicado aquí:

Una perlita:

Total, que empieza la acción y de repente me doy cuenta de que hay algo que no debería estar ahí. Quizas en el club no lo había notado, o todo estaba bien escondido con sucias artimañas. Si señores, ella TENÍA POLLA.
Pero ya da igual, ya he tomado una decisión. Me bebo la lata de medio litro en un par de tragos (por Ejpaña!) y paso a la acción. Ella no se sorprende y me siento raro, pero bah.

You: hi
Stranger: I only talk to people who can triforce.

You: I can
Stranger: Do it then
You: I dont want to do it now
Stranger: Newfag
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: japanese or chinese?
You: hi
You: chinese
Stranger: 嗨
You: but very hygienic
Stranger: ?
You: hygienic, clean....not dirty as most of chinese
Stranger: so
You: I wash my hands after using the toilet
You: most of chinese never do so
Stranger: male?
You: that is the beginig of chinese food
You: I dont have a gender, man, I am chinese
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

....y otra

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: JOESUS?
You: yeah
You: Jesus loves you
Stranger: YAYYYY
You: ein?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
FelgarPL rebuznó:
Le preguntaste si tenia rabo, ahora que parece que vas orientado a otros gustos?

Pues no había nada que preguntar, si digo que me hizo un show de esos que el forero medio paga a 1,21 € el minuto. No tenía rabo.

Spawner rebuznó:
Pero esto explícalo que sino, queda poco claro. El Darty este, se ha follao a un tío con tetas a sabiendas de que lo era. Todo bien explicado aquí:

Es que no venía al hilo. Pero sí, me folle una shemale Thailandesa y lo digo en el general. Y gracias por la publi, sufro de narcisismo así que me gusta eso de que me ayudes a subir las visitas al hilo.

P.S: Tinypic ha borrado las fotos "jugosas" de la yankee en cuestión. ¿Alguien sabe de algún servicio de uploading que permita guarreridas?
A la primera hora ya cansa, por cada cachonda de New jersey debe haber un millón de coreanos pedófilos o niños en busca de trolleo. Nisiqiuiera haciendome pasar por un extremista islámico consigo arrancar ningún lol, y los yankis me cierran el chat sin pararse a insultar.
a mi me a mandado foto una bastante guapa, pero se me fue la puta conexion.
Ahi ando a ver si la encuentro entre 3000 pajeros, una busqueda rapida y di con su email, score!


A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!


You: sieg heil

Stranger: Are you, by chance, of Jewish ethninticity?

You: no

You: no

You: NO



Stranger: nigger?

Stranger: NIGGER?


Stranger: Draw your weapon



Stranger: However I must warn you that my weapon is teh internetz

Stranger: You stand no chance

You: tell me moar please, im getting scared

Stranger: jewmonger

You: fast fingers

You: come on

Stranger: Wild Abra used teleport

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: this is slumdog millionaire
You: are you ready?
Stranger: what do u mean?
You: this is a quiz
You: first question
You: where you from? for the audience
Stranger: lol Toronto origionally from India:)
You: correct
You: second question
You: in wich continent is located New Zeland?
Stranger: part of Oceania?:s
You: the answer is......
You: correct
Stranger: yay!
You: well, well... are you nervous?
Stranger: actually... yes but this is cool:)
You: correct
You: fourth question
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ...
You: who was Napoleon?
Stranger: war commander for the French:S
You: mmm.....
You: that answer.....
You: is....
You: correct
You: applause, please
Stranger: :D
You: *clap clap clap*
You: do you wanna say hello to somebody?
Stranger: ur really cool
Stranger: uh....
Stranger: o
Stranger: I'd like to say hello to the stranger I'm talking to he/sge is very entertaining and I'd like to know asl...:) if possible
You: ok, ok... correct
You: you're a good player
Stranger: ty:)
You: (20 male spain xD)
Stranger: wow...
You: sixth question is right behind the corner
You: what is the name of Mario's Brother?
Stranger: luigi
Stranger: (15 f Toronto)
You: well, i was refering to my cousin Mario, but..... his brother is also called Luigi
You: so, that's correct!!!
Stranger: lmao
You: ok,
You: seventh question
Stranger: k
You: who is the "posh" Spice?
Stranger: victoria beckham
You: oh my god, the first player who reach the eight question
You: correct!!
Stranger: cool:)
Stranger: how many questions?
You: this is the last one, the definetly question,
You: and the most difficult of them all, by far
Stranger: ok
You: who was knew as La Pucelle d'Orléans?
Stranger: :O
can I get a 50/50?
You: ok, here are the two choices
You: Joan of Arc or Carla Bruni?
Stranger: carla
You: oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh
You: what a pity!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: :(

Sin risas.
Morzhilla rebuznó:
Stranger: Wild Abra used teleport

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

He de decirle que este tipo que se acaba usted de encontrar es HAMO.
You: hi
You: im cooking
You: are u hungry?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: yes very
You: i have 8 inches of a hard cock for you to eat
You: hahahaha
Stranger: super gay fag homo piss pants FUCK U
You: hahahahaha
You: you loose
Stranger: Loose my black cheery you rapist
You: i will rape u ass
Stranger: gay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: RAWR

You: size of dick plz?






You: i am calling bear cavallry

You: i shoop da woop and kill you

Stranger: dammit now im dead

Stranger: but i came back to life as a real person now

You: i fuck your corpse

Stranger: wow my dick isnt a big as a human

You: damn, i dont like zombies

Stranger: im not a zombie

You: zombie lion

Stranger: im a human that grew out of the dead lion

Stranger: yeah

You: oh i see what you did there

Stranger: zombie lion is better


You: then i still fuck the corpse of the lion and ignore you

You: wanna join?
Dios, lo que me he podido reír con esta puta brasileña que, al igual que hacen nuestros panchitos, mancillaba la gloriosa lengua de Luís de Camões. Espero que podáis entenderlo (nojento es asqueroso, por ejemplo):

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: where are you from?
Stranger: brasil!!♥
You: eu de espanha!
Stranger: que legal
Stranger: perai!Oo
Stranger: carola? eh vc?
You: jorge
Stranger: ata
Stranger: sabe fala portugues?
You: sim, e melhor que você
Stranger: pq?
Stranger: vc eh du brasil?
Stranger: eu to abreviandu eh o q c faz por aki ta ligadu manu!!!!!!!
You: nao sabia que os macacos poderam escrever na Internec
Stranger: afff
Stranger: naum so um macaco pelo menus eu tomo banho
Stranger: ouviu mané?!!!!!!
You: mané, o palhasso dos trilocos?
Stranger: e c escrev internet com t nu final
Stranger: affff
You: nao, isso é PL style
Stranger: vc eh mt retardu
Stranger: eu em coisa de viado
Stranger: babaquisse
Stranger: ah! vai da o cú seu viadu de merda!!
Stranger: num sabe digita rápidu naum viadu?
Stranger: em?
Stranger: 1
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 3
You: você é um shemale?
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 5
Stranger: 6
Stranger: 7
You: tenho entendido que todas as brasileiras sao en realidade shemales
Stranger: num so puta naum
Stranger: vc q eh viadu e gosta d dah ocú
Stranger: TRAVECÃO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: se você realmente for um shemale gostaria de cagar no teu peito
You: ;)
Stranger: AFF
Stranger: q nojooooooooooooooooo
Stranger: kra a unik puta q vai ti querer eh o ricardaum!!!!!!!!
You: nao se faça a dura, eu já vi Scat in Brazil
You: é coisa normal alí
Stranger: foda-se
Stranger: claro q naum
You: gostoooosso, abra a bocaaaa... mmm... dilisiooosooo
Stranger: garotu se enchergaaaaaaa!
Stranger: gay
Stranger: gay
Stranger: gay
Stranger: gay
Stranger: gay
Stranger: gay
You: ou talvez gosta mais de VOMIT IN BRAZIL?
Stranger: gay
Stranger: gay
Stranger: gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: foda-se
You: tem que escolher: praticar scat comigo ou nao sujar nunca mais a língua de pessoa
Stranger: aff
Stranger: animal aprende a digita dps vem fla comigo ok?
Stranger: gay
Stranger: nojentoooooooooooo
Stranger: rbaum mal lavadu!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Stranger: kra d cú mal lavaduuuuu!!!!!!!!
Stranger: afff
Stranger: q ridiculo
Stranger: vc=2cm
Stranger: ->
Stranger: meu namo==========================================>
Stranger: seu->
You: quero sentí-lo no meu cú
You: cheio de caca
Stranger: meu namorado===================================================================>
Stranger: gayyy
Stranger: gay
Stranger: imundooooooooooooooow
Stranger: n
Stranger: o
Stranger: j
Stranger: e
Stranger: n
Stranger: t
Stranger: o
Stranger: ronaldo brilha muito no corintias!!!!!!!!!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi

Stranger: I am from Turkey I am 17 and male u ?

You: I'm from Aegis 7, I'm 236 and I'm an Alien

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Desde luego, gente sosa le sobra al mundo.
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: hediondo subnormal

You: culo a tope de hediondo

You: benito masunero

Stranger: theacher!

You: mundele en silla de ruedas

Stranger: 何言ってるのか分かりません

You: rotor de caca a presion

You: lluvia de caca

Stranger: マジすっか

Stranger: すごいですね

Stranger: cacaって果物ですか?

You: hediondo esquimal

You: hediondo via anal

You: hediondo y amaral

Stranger: anal

You: es un invento de rajoy

Stranger: anal

You: quien maneja mi baca

Stranger: アナルwwwwwwwwwwwwww

You: son heroes nacionales

You: free canis

Stranger: シカトか

You: algo haria

Stranger: バーーーーカwwwwwwwwwww

You: timo niggeriano phersheo

You: tuneos de la nigga a la de ya

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Apasionante conversación, sí. Pero porque se desconecta justamente cuando le digo lo de tunear a la nigga..? :lol:
hay gente que no aguanta una broma, corto la conversacion antes de que le dijera que los US MARSHALL iban a chuparme la polla.

You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: whats up
You: im cooking
Stranger: cool
You: are u hungry?
Stranger: yeah, but im fasting
You: i have 8 inches of a hard dick for you to eat right now
You: hahahahaha
Stranger: fuckin loser
Stranger: bitch
You: you loose
Stranger: ill kick ur ass fuckin
Stranger: bitch ass ho
You: i will rape you ass
Stranger: im calling the u.s marshalls
You: hahahaha
Stranger: i.p address is being tracked
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Arriba Pie