Omegle: Habla con un b/tard, con un alemán bicéfalo, o con tu puta madre.

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Pues si insistes la verdad es que esta mierda acaba funcionando; ya tengo a varias yankis, nordicas, y una australiana en el messenya y cualquier dia de estos me montan un camwhore show. Mientras, me pajeo con sus fotologs y facebooks.

Luego te encuentras alguna que otra perla.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle is not a dating site. Please try to have interesting conversations here!
You: hEy
Stranger: [Omegle is required by law to inform that you are now chatting with a registered sex offender. This message cannot be viewed by Stranger.]
Stranger: Hey hun
You: WhErE aRe Yu FrOm
Stranger: California - you?
You: hahaha
You: sex ofender?
Stranger: I'm just trying to make things work. why can't you people just let me live my life
You: what u did man?
Stranger: people make mistakes
Stranger: fuck
You: well
You: that kids are very tempting sometimes
Stranger: I don't even know how omegle would get that information? I didn't register on the website or anything...
You: i understand you
Stranger: listen, you would be surprised how many people are "registered sex offenders" okay, sex laws are fucking stupid
Stranger: all I did was have consentual sex with someone who happened to be below the legal age of consen
You: youre funny
You: nah, american society all too self-righteous
Stranger: Too right.
Stranger: also, the game.
You: if i wanna lay with a goat, who fuckin cares
You: or with a lil kid
You: thye are pure untouched
Stranger: I think you're thinking of the wrong kid here buddy.
You: what u mean?
Stranger: Kid = Child = Human = Violated = Consentual!
You: ahh
You: funny
Stranger: ?
You: so whats yiour name?
Stranger: She wasn't laughing dude.
You: I would
Stranger: My name? What are you? FBI? CIA? NSS? PSA?
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
You: Im from UK btw
Stranger: MI-5?
You: noo man
You: just trying to be kind
Stranger: Nah man... *too* kind, if you catch my drift. You come to my house, I'll blow you from here to fucking Kingdom Come.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Haciendome pasar por una tia, me agregó un finlades que me puso la cam y me sacó la polla en un momento y se puso a pajearse y antes de irse le pongo mi cam y me rei de él, basicamente.

También conseguí algunas fotos de otros tios




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