Omegle: Habla con un b/tard, con un alemán bicéfalo, o con tu puta madre.

  • Iniciador del tema Iniciador del tema NSBM
  • Fecha de inicio Fecha de inicio
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: are u going to disconnect? because i am not a GIRL!

You: Sure not

You: I'm in the same situation

You: gehehe

You: all retards disconnect

You: when not a girl

You: so, hello there

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Los hay absolutamente sucnors :lol::lol:
You: Hello

Stranger: hi

You: Im from spain, you

Stranger: georgia

Stranger: i'm from

You: georgia usa or georgia europe?

Stranger: europe

Stranger: and what are you doing in

You: 8=======D

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: listen Guns N' Roses?

Stranger: hi there

Stranger: yes sweet child o mine

Stranger: november rain

Stranger: the jungle

Stranger: haha

You: paradise city is the best

Stranger: that one too

Stranger: but i like akon

Stranger: huahuahua

You: listen manolo escobar

You: this man is la caña de españa

You: spain know

Stranger: ok i'll search it now

Stranger: hohoho

You: you are woman or man?

Stranger: male

You: motherfucker

You: suck your own dick

You: fucker

Menudo lol
Mi tristec aportación:

Stranger: where r you from
You: alpedrete
You: and you
Stranger: alpedrete?
You: capital of Mombachu, sout east Clanchuki
Stranger: turkey
You: i hate turkey
Stranger: ooo
Stranger: why
You: i dont like kebab
Stranger: r you camıng turkey
You: inturkey only there are cows and faggots
You: i have lived there 12 years
Stranger: can you speak
You: i hate muslims
Stranger: ooo why
You: they killed my father
Stranger: :(
Stranger: but everyvan dont kıl your father
You: almost everyone
Stranger: for example ı dont kıl your father
You: i am a shemale
Stranger: soo what m ı crime
You: my name is Iñigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die
You: i am gonna infect your computer with Linux through your Messenger, I have your IP
Stranger: sory but ı dont knov engılsh very vell
Stranger: soo ı dont understand everythıng
You: What muslims think about shemales?
Stranger: ı dont know what the muslım thınk
Stranger: how old are you
You: 16, are you interested in young shemales?
Stranger: ı dont knov shemales
You: google it, and tell me what you think
Stranger: ooofff
Stranger: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi
You: ahooy there!!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: sailor
You: Where from?
Stranger: small island in asia
You: I was a sailor when I was younger
You: I served in spanish navy for 3 years, darling
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Este también era bujarra pero se ha cagado.
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: looking for a girl to send me nudes

You: Cool, then you have been lucky

You: I'm a girl

You: and I make nudes:)

Stranger: seriously

You: I'm seriously

Stranger: cool

Stranger: send them to me???????????

You: But I want a little pay back

Stranger: ok

You: a photo of your face, just it and I send you a semi-nude photo

You: next step

You: you send me a photo of your penis

You: and I send you

You: a complete nude video

You: It's ok?

You: better cam, I think

Stranger: ok

You: so send me the photo of your face to ********

You: and I send you mine to the mail you say

You: tell me your mail

Stranger: ill send the pic then u just reply to the email with ur pic

You: Ok

You: I think Its the best

You: by the way, my name is Laura, I'm from Spain

You: I want to be in porn

You: is it bad?:)

Stranger: porn??

You: yes

You: porn films

You: but I'm not at the moment

You: just 20 years

You: but I'm thinking about it

Stranger: thats not bad

You: but I'm a little shy

You: so I need to do this things

You: to not be as shy anymore

You: do you understand me? :)

Stranger: yeah

You: so, where is my pic?

Stranger: im sending it my computer is being gay

You: ahah

You: ok, don't worry, I cant wait

You: can*

You: :)

Stranger: ok

You: Do you like panties? :D

You: black panties* sorry

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i sent the pic

Stranger: of me

You: let me check

Stranger: k

You: lol fucking piece os asshole you think I'm a retard?

You: You wont have my photos

You: lier

Stranger: ok ill send u a real onr

You: Take the photo NOW

You: and put Hello Laura PL on it

You: or I wont believe you

Stranger: the picture

You: what one, honey

Stranger: ok i dont like hotmail so ill use a different email

Stranger: but its almost thesame name of email

You: ok

You: remember to take a leaf and write hi Laura PL in order of believe you, sweetie

Stranger: a leaf

Stranger: ??

You: yes

You: a paper

You: you understand me?

Stranger: i think

You: thanks sweetie:)

You: sorry but I must be sure

You: :^P

Stranger: ok

Stranger: i sent

Stranger: did u get

You: Guy, sorry but was your last chance

You: you took the same photo and wrote on it

Stranger: u told me too

You: I'm a girl, but not stupid

You: NO





You: last chance

You: or I disconnect now

You: you decision guy

Stranger: and if u ganna be in porn there r ganna be people u dont know watch u have sex

You: Yep, but know the difference?

You: I will be on porn

You: I'm NOT right now

Stranger: will

You: so, I want a photo of my spectator

You: this is the threat

You: we made it, man

Stranger: it will build confidenve

You: what?

Stranger: cmon please

Stranger: just send

You: Ok, I propose you something, I discard the las steps

You: just send me your pic

You: and

You: I nude in cam

You: is my last offer

You: I have to go showel

You: shower*

You: so be fast in your decision

Stranger: send u a pic of wat

You: Must I repeat?

You: I want a photo of you, with a paper in your hand that sais "Hi Laura PL!

You: I don't care about if you are ugly or cute, just want your pic

You: and I cam you

You: understand??

You: It's not so difficult

Stranger: i dont have a camera my friend has it i just had that one in my folders

You: Man you are NOT that guy

Stranger: yes i am

You: That guy is the first I get if I write "cute guy" on google

You: try if you want

You: sorry, It doesn't work so I'm going to shower

You: sorry, baby

You: maybe you have luck with other girl

You: ;*

You: You have my mail

You: If you change your opinion

You: contact me

You: but first I want the photo

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or save this log or send us feedback.
Intento de Owned fallido :lol::lol:
¿Alguien da más?
Las conversaciones por Omegle son lo más retra que he visto jamás, sobre todo (en realidad había puesto sobre todo junto porque soy un subnormal) cuando el otro tiene un nivel de lol de -15 centollos.

You: Hi, where are you from?

Stranger: do you hate americans?

You: no

Stranger: thats cool

Stranger: gettin alot of america hate

You: do you hate black, homosxuals, iraquis

You: ?

Stranger: on this damn thing

You: you hate?

You: uh?

Stranger: errr, no

You: me yes

You: fucking niggers

Stranger: thats cool

Stranger: whatever works for you

You: I'm an easy girl

Stranger: i kind of hate the french

You: me too

You: I'm 12 and what is this?

Stranger: NOW im scared

Stranger: ha

You: now I'm a roboc

You: 12no more

Stranger: and now?

You: as smart as an internet roboc

You: gñé

You: hi?

Stranger: yea

Stranger: im not sure how to respond

Stranger: to your inane chatter

Stranger: but

Stranger: its good fodder

You: I come from the future to save us from the nigga

Stranger: how come black folks.....

Stranger: always be crossin the street mad slow

Stranger: as soon as the light turns green

You: And from wha part of USA you are?

You: okay, this is boring

You: do you want to fuck?
Yo le he sacao la imagen del T-Rex y he empezado con las chorradas:

You: ask anything to a T-Rex like me

Stranger: ok

Stranger: how does a t rex kiss another t rex

You: we don't kiss, that's for pussys

You: we rube our tails

You: rub

You: next

Stranger: lol

Stranger: ok

Stranger: umm

Stranger: how big is ur ehem

You: ehem? WTF? call thing its name!

Stranger: ok fine

Stranger: how big is ur bladder

You: oh yeah

You: its bigger than a Stonhenge menhir

You: and thicker, of course

You: and bigger than Shaq O'Neal

You: next q

Stranger: ok

Stranger: so are u aroused by other t rexs

Stranger: or by a 16 year oldredhead?

You: muahahahahahaha

You: do you have your pubic hair oxidated?

Stranger: i wax

You: you know, T-Rexs don't have pubic hair, so we don't need razors

Stranger: i have very little hair down there anyways

You: of course, you're underage

Stranger: in 16

Stranger: my boobs are like c cups

You: except if you're gipsy

Stranger: and i shave my underarms

You: C cups?? yeah, of course

Stranger: they arnt too big but they get the job done

You: pics or I will guess you're a fat hairy guy fapping to a T-Rex due to a strange dinophilia or whatever

Stranger: haha

Stranger: i have facebook

Stranger: dude

You: are you wearing a Star Wars T-shirt?

Stranger: no

Stranger: i have a star wars keyring

You: uhm, so you're a fat guy with a SW keyring fapping to a dinosaur

You: that's cool :D

Stranger: im just looking for a guy to cyber with

Stranger: chao

Ahora es cuando creo que la he cagao :lol:
Stranger: hello
You: ey
You: how you doing
Stranger: good thanks, you?
You: good too
Stranger: good
You: because im masturbating right now
Stranger: thanks for that, you complete freak
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

No pongais ladrillos que si no da pereza.
Stranger: hey

You: hey

Stranger: how are you?

You: very good

Stranger: where are you from/

You: wait a minute

You: i just can write with one hand

Stranger: haha

Stranger: where are you from?

You: 10 seconds

You: say something

Stranger: i'm a south brazilian

You: wow.. thanks.. that has help me a lot to finnish

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

El tema pajas aportado por suso me ha dado para un mini lol, el maricon estaba feliz de ayudarme y todo...
Mis conversaciones han sido cortas.....

You: hi, were are you from?
Stranger: Swedem
Stranger: sweden*
You: male or female?
You: you have a cock?
Stranger: ....
Stranger: male
You: so... you have or not?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey
You: ey
You: where are you from?
Stranger: norway
You: esquimal?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...

You: do you know mundele ?
Stranger: not personally
You: ohh, incredible
You: it's a retarded moderator
You: a big eye
Stranger: weird
You: he smells like teen spirit
Stranger: interesting
You: only spirit
You: really, he's older than carracuca
You: do u write in phoros ?
Stranger: no i dont
You: ohh, you must masunear , it's amazing
You: are u from boston ?
You: or Kansas ?¿
Stranger: new york
You: ah, ya kansas tio
You: in kansas, vacas and truchos
You: i know new york
You: from Die Hard 3
Stranger: yes
You: but the tube is so dangerous
You: with the bombs
Stranger: not so many bombs
You: ah, then ok
You: well, i go bed
You: it was a short pleasure
Stranger: good night
You: kisses

No me soltaba el tío.
Connecting to server...

Stranger: m / f ?
You: 0-5-10-15-20 ... what's the next ?
Stranger: 25
You: por el culo te la hinco ¡¡
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Podría estar días seguidos haciendo el mongui.
Connecting to server...
Stranger: hi
You: jo
Stranger: whats up
You: msj, yslomh hppf
Stranger: jsgjsdlfk;sfks
You: That's have no sense
Stranger: ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: eoo
Stranger: hey
Stranger: nice
Stranger: you broke first
You: and?
Stranger: i feel a minor sense of accomplishment in that
Stranger: you know small victory
You: well, i accept my defeat and congratulations
You: Do you follow Lost?
You: I'm in a huge discussion with some guys
Stranger: The tv show? nope
Stranger: sounds intersting
You: They say that the nuclear bomb explote and kill all the losties that travelled in time, but i am sure that they just go back with the god who takes Locke's body, what do you think?
Stranger: I think you are right
Stranger: I'll give you the edge
You: thanks, I was sure
Stranger: ok glad i could help
Stranger: anything else?
You: Yeah,
You: Do you want me to spoil any other tv show for you?
Stranger: yeah sure
Stranger: house?
You: I don't like that shit, but i know he's gonna die
Stranger: oh
Stranger: nice
Stranger: ok this is the part where i tell you i don't have cable
Stranger: :(
You: And when i tell you i don't know what the fuck is cable
You: Are you a cromagnon, don't you know to watch movies and tv in teh internet?
Stranger: cro magnons are extincet my deat
Stranger: and i don't watch tv on the internet
You: ok, sorry, I thought you will understund irony, but i catcha that you are from USA
Stranger: No, I am not from the USA and I did understand your irony.
Stranger: It just wasn't funny.
You: So, where're you from?
Stranger: Yo soy de El Salvador
You: no jodas, ¿y qué hacemos hablando en Inglés?
Stranger: jajaja
Stranger: I am trying to better my English.
You: better no, improve
You: improve= mejorar
Stranger: Ahhh well thank you.
Stranger: See? It is working already!
Stranger: And where are you from?
You: ¿Sabes esos que fueron allí y se cargaron a todos los indios que habitaban tu país, se follaron a las indias y os engendraron, robaron el oro y os dejaron un montón de curas con mala hostia de regalo? Pues de su mismo Gran País. But if you like in english...
Stranger: jaja
Stranger: Spain!
Stranger: La madre Patria
You: Yeah, baby
You: Si, señor
Stranger: i have Spanish blood in me.
Stranger: Mostly, some French
Stranger: We have the same lineage!
Stranger: I guess
Stranger: that this would be the time that I tell you that I am American
You: No, I hate that bunch of queers, i don´t have nothing to do with french
Stranger: You hate the French?
Stranger: Why?
Stranger: Por que?
Stranger: Como?
You: Like any good Spaniard Knight
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: Yeah well I am a Mexican living in the USA
Stranger: not El Salvador
You: era más creíble lo otro
Stranger: from El Salvador?
Stranger: haha why?
You: pero vamos, que me da igual, tambien nos follamos a las mejicanas en su momento
Stranger: haha true Saenz Cano is my famiy name
Stranger: Mexican Spanish
Stranger: and I live in the USA
Stranger: I don't fit in!
Stranger: Estoy perdida
Stranger: tu tienes tu nacion
You: No jodas, ¿encima eres una tía?
Stranger: una tia?
Stranger: my spanish is shit
You: yeah, sure. A chick, a hole with legs, a cumbag
Stranger: awww thanks how sweet
Stranger: are all spaniards so nice
Stranger: or just you?
You: no, there are more polites. We call them maricones
Stranger: jaja
You: scan your tits, please
Stranger: yeah ok sure wait just a second
Stranger: Self Pic.jpg
Stranger: someone sent me that once
Stranger: i was like uhhhhh
You: it's a virus, like linux by messenyá?
Stranger: yes
You: well, very cute
Stranger: no problem
Stranger: para eso estoy aqui
Stranger: damn i wish i could make the accent marks
Stranger: does your comp do that automatically?
You: no, las pongo yo, es que en España vamos al colegio de niños y eso

Esta ha estado bien, al final hemos intercambiado messenyá y todo...
¿Alguien se ha cruzado con algún español? Yo esperaba que esto fuera algo que entraban 100 así y cruzarme con algún forero pero va ser que hay mucho chino enganchado.
You: hijo de puta

Stranger: bukake

You: hijo de puta

Stranger: chinga tu madre

You: putalocura

Stranger: aye guey

Stranger: chupa mi verga

You: torbe?

Lol sin de brasileña owneada pasen y vean señores y retards del inframundo de mordor.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: Hello, Do you like Mcfly?

You: hello

You: wtf

You: who is mcfly

Stranger: well, let me guess, you are from US?

You: im spaniard i only like rape and conquest!!

You: are you from south america?

Stranger: yes

You: ok i can pay you a one dolar to work in my coffe plant

You: ok?

Stranger: hauhauhaua

Stranger: you are funny..

You: si?

You: lo se

You: yeah im spaniard

Stranger: i'm from brazil

You: oh

You: portuguese

Stranger: yes

You: bad bad

You: are you man or girl

Stranger: girl

You: uhh

You: you have ummm how i can say bigote in english?


Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi

You: i love propofol

Stranger: what?

You: i mean

You: i love propofol

Stranger: good for you

Stranger: where are u from?

You: Im from the country where propofol is taked like fruit

You: I wanna sell you propofol

You: Give me your adress, please

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
inch haggendaz okto subensrugenbagën, heil hankdunftt :lol:

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: hi

Stranger: are u white

You: yes

Stranger: american?

You: and you?

Stranger: im white/aryan also

You: i´m european

You: germany

You: from berlin

Stranger: der ewige jude

Stranger: berlins metro goes 24 hours on weends

Stranger: weekends*

Stranger: good stuffz

You: ich will oktoberfest waferhaggen inh?

Stranger: hah, i dont speak german

You: oh

Stranger: im american.

You: sorry

You: ok

Stranger: ich bin ein berliner

You: hahaha

You: like jfk

Stranger: i wish we could chat but im dead tire

Edito: Tengo el fb de un nigga!! :oops:

You: hallo

You: okburt fsch?

Stranger: halo jga

Stranger: paan

You: hannou u?

Stranger: paan sih lo

Stranger: male or female

You: inh vanderrvarr plyn ouswert!!!

You: hahahah!!!

Stranger: hehehe

Stranger: english please

You: its romanistaiger kuntelaarr

Stranger: you huntelaar

Stranger: in ac milan kan

You: milan?

Stranger: yesss

You: italian?

Stranger: yoi

You: invanistauger juden italian!!!

You: hahahha

Stranger: hahaha

You: amigos

You: amicci

Stranger: yes

You: i´m german

Stranger: you from

Stranger: oo german

You: little poblo

Stranger: iam from england

You: oh

You: england

You: lovly

Stranger: die Namen

You: my granddfather go with a airplane to england whe he was young

You: in a especial mission

Stranger: Sie den Mann oder die Frau

You: in the war

Stranger: war whats

You: IIww

Stranger: your facebook

You: with a plane

Stranger: please

You: and bombs london

Stranger: ohhh

You: more people dies

You: hahaha

Stranger: yaa

Stranger: i now

You: it´s cool

You: hahaha

Stranger: hehehe

Stranger: Was Sie

You: was sie?

You: oh no no

You: no problem

You: i understand you

You: don´t worry

Stranger: Was Job

You: are u a boy o a girl?

Stranger: i girl

You: liar

You: hehehe

You: years?

Stranger: 20

You: 20!

You: oh

You: wonderfull

Stranger: I don't lie

Stranger: and you

You: 25

Stranger: i like it

You: u like bukkake?

You: i leki bukkake

You: like bukkake

You: u know?

Stranger: i like

You: oh yes

You: u have penis?

You: y like shemales

You: it´s cool

Stranger: i woman

You: german are crazy people

You: hahahah

You: it´s a joke

wie Sie zum Beispiel

You: eh eh

Stranger: Haben Sie schon verheiratet?

do not insult me please

You: we are friends

You: schon it´s a very hard insult in germany

You: i don´t like this

I'm going to masturbate and I drink some juice, will you?

Stranger: just kidding

Stranger: i like masturbate

You: man juice

You: like?

Stranger: what juice

You: men juice

You: u know?

You: u take my banana ande take juice

You: hehehe

Stranger: hahaha

You: sorry for my english

You: i thin talk english it´s for retadrs

Stranger: fuck me

Stranger: please

You: oh yes

You: don´t fuck you

Stranger: iam in bedroom

You: you fuck me!

Stranger: imagine so

You: all rigth what do you doing with me

Stranger: you like woman or man

You: woman

Stranger: your FB addrees

Stranger: facebook

Stranger: pleasse

You: take me your fb adress and i agreed you

Stranger: i like sex in internet

Stranger: hohoho

Stranger: please

You: it´s better in real live but its no bad

Stranger: cepet donk

Stranger: cepet donk

Stranger: hei

Stranger: your fb

You: no no your fb

You: you are the interest

Stranger: pleaseeee

You: nah

You: maybe you are a man

You: i´m not sure

Stranger: [email protected]

Stranger: my FB

Stranger: and you

You: this is your fb?

Stranger: yess

You: i agreed you

You: one moment

Stranger: pleasee your fb

You: Roki Jannuar

You: you are a nigga?

Stranger: what nigga

You: are you a nigga?

Stranger: this is my brother

Stranger: and you

Stranger: your fb

You: i dont beleve you

You: you are this man

You: oh!

You: ....

Stranger: ok

Stranger: where your fb

You: i dont´s take my fb t a man

Stranger: liar

You: i´m a man

Stranger: i woman

You: but in the photo appears a man

Stranger: kontol

Stranger: my brother

You: i don want your brother´s fb

You: i want your fb

You: you liar me

You: i´m sad

Stranger: ok i dont account FB

You: you do´n have fb

Stranger: y

You: and want my fb

You: ....

You: I need proof that you are a woman

then I believe

Stranger: i use fb my brother

this is a joke

Stranger: hei

You: are you kidding me

You: ??

Stranger: imagine so

Stranger: sory

Stranger: I do not lie

Sure is a joke to laugh with friends at a forum

Stranger: no

or something like that

Stranger: noo

Stranger: i dont lie

You: have no way to prove you're a woman?

Stranger: c mon

Stranger: i have a vagina

You: any direction to see where your picture or something and i believe you

You: oh yes, you says have vagina

You: but maybe its lie

You: i don´t know

Stranger: pleaseee

You: maybe trying to fool a poor German

Stranger: Ich glaube, alle, die dumm Deutsch

Stranger: hehehe

I am very important in Germany to deceive me, I have a lot of money and I am always in danger of abduction by so wary, savvy?

You: yep

You: and i beleve you are a stupid man

You: ich will svaandistaigeer fûll anderwrast haûiding

Stranger: auu

Stranger: ngentot luu

Stranger: peler

You: ok

You: i go out

Stranger: muka lu kaya tai

el nigga en cuestión :lol:

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: hi

Stranger: YOU LIKE AKON?

You: wtf akon?

Stranger: a singer

You: nop i dont know akon, smell gay

Stranger: !!nope

You: yes, i find akon in google and is very gay

Stranger: his voices so unique

You: yap and his anus maybe unique too. who is his boyfrined?

Stranger: u so rude

Stranger: peace

Your conversational partner has disconnected
¿Alguien se ha cruzado con algún español? Yo esperaba que esto fuera algo que entraban 100 así y cruzarme con algún forero pero va ser que hay mucho chino enganchado.

Entiendo que nadie se lee las mierdas que vamos vomitado en este hilo los otros sucnors, pero si lees mas arriba, yo he topado con un indígena que además conocía PL... "está lleno de genios"

Aunque el premio se lo llevará el que tope con otro forero. Eso sí que es difícil habiendo miles de oligofrénicos chateando a la vez en esa mierda.
Si quereis hecharos unas risas, queridos aprendices de 4chan, probad a pegar una de estas frases como primera frase en el Omegle:

AUTOMATIC MESSAGE: Warning! Omegle has the legal obligation to inform you that you are chatting with a convicted sex offender. Please do not give him any personal information.

AUTOMATIC MESSAGE: Warning! Omegle has the legal obligation to inform you that you are chatting with an user convicted for race crimes. Please do not give him any personal information.

AUTOMATIC MESSAGE: Warning! Omegle has the legal obligation to inform you that you are chatting with a convicted hacker. Please do not give him any personal information, click your mouse or press any keys.

Ala, a buscar los loles.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hhiiiiiiiiiii
Stranger: Hi
You: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Stranger: how are you
You: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Stranger: ??????????????/
You have disconnected.

Arriba Pie